Chapter 5(Marriage Contract 4)

The dinning hall had become silent as all left and only Su Li was left behind,she helped the maids in tidying up.

She pushed the door to the study room and found Elder master Jin standing close to the widow as he watched the moon which had since to show as the hour had gone by.

The old man had since heard the noise behind him but did not turn to acknowledge the person.

"Grandfather we will be going on ahead now, take care of your health and don't stress to much and take the supplements which I had brought for you,ok"Su Li said as she watched the back of the old man who had refuse to turn she sighed and was about turning back when the old man held her hands she turned to look at him.

"Xiao Li don't mind what your mother said okay she is an insane woman who had mistakenly entered the Jin family and also don't take that child's behavior to he's he is still immature and that's why I know you are the right choice for him since you are more mature ,I was the one who had sabotaged your blind date and asked Jin Feng to marry you even though I know you are five years older than him I think there was no better choice than you and I also know about the contract the both of you had signed".

As the old man confessed Su Li turned confused,she had thought that her grandfather her meeting on a blind date with Jin Feng was a coincidence she had never thought that this old man had sabotaged it,their dates were both swapped and she had married Jin Feng cause her grandfather had promised her her mother's inheritance and she was sure this old man had promised Jin Feng something so they had both come to an agreement on a contract marriage without their families knowing about the main course of their relationship.

Indeed this old man was really sly…

"Xiao Li please don't be angry at this old man,I had promised your grandfather that I would take care of you and I know that you and Jin Feng are just faking your relationship but I hope that you both work hard and help your marriage,you two are meant for each other,this is your old man's wish"Elder master Jin said as he patted her hair and gave her a bright smile.

" ok grandfather I have heard you,I will be on my way now Jin Feng must be waiting " Su Li said as she returned the smile to the elder it was rear to see a smile on her face and this smile was only reserved for the old man and her late mother.

"Go,go that rascal must have gotten impatient by now" the old man pushed Su Li out lovingly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The car drove silently on the road,the two people in the back seat were busy with their own work neither of them speaking,the chauffeur felt the air in the car stiffen and he was unable to breath well so he turned on some music to ease the tension.

Su Li looked up from the document which her assistant had passed to her when she left the company,she looked at him as he had already dropped his laptop and had rested his head.

"Was he asleep,she was the one who had taken all the insults from his mother and he didn't even bother to speak up for her when his mother had indirectly insulted her,pfft, how cold she whoffed and turned her head to look outside the window.

The pair of eyes which was closed a minute ago slightly opened as he washed the beautiful side profile as her long hair was sweeping through the winds coming from the windows he seemed to have always been seeing this side profile in his mind for many years.When he felt her turn to look at him he pretended back to his position and only looked on when she looked away .

"We have reached master "just when he was still engrossed by the beauty the chauffeur voice rang out.