chapter 6:the trust

Chapter(6):the trust

Emma woke up the next morning in her house, staring at the white ceiling of her room.

The sun was beginning to rise, its rays filtering through the half-closed curtains to cast light shadows on the wooden floor.

She felt heavy in her head and tired in her body, as if she had been fighting a battle all night.

As she lay on her bed, memories of yesterday's events came flooding back to her. I remembered the bus, the anxious driver, and the forest full of trees with scary faces. She remembered how she made her way in the dark using the flashlight, and how she met him

She remembered her meeting with Smiley, and despite her inner fear, she decided to confront him. She remembered the moment when she gave up the weapon and declared to him that she wanted to be his girlfriend.

Emma smiled involuntarily when she remembered Smiley's laughing and cheerful reaction to her request. "My new life has begun," she thought to herself as she slowly got out of bed.

She quickly dressed and went downstairs, where her mother was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Her mother looked at her with worried eyes but didn't say anything at first.

"Good morning, Mom," Emma said in a calm voice.

"Good morning, Emma. Did you sleep well?" Her mother asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, sort of," Emma replied as she sat down at the table and ate a piece of bread.

Her mother sat across from her and began to speak after a moment of silence. "Emma, ​​have you met him?"

When Emma heard this, she remembered what she said yesterday

...."I'm meet a friend"...

"Yes, mom, I met him"

"Is he a good person?"

"Yes, Mom, he is a very good person...and special. We will spend time together again later today," she replied casually, but with a touch of excitement.

"Do you love him, Emma?"

"Love him?...that" When Emma heard that phrase, she remembered some unpleasant things

She remembered how her friends left and left her alone, and she remembered how the first person Emma decided to love was actually a coward

I also remembered that fateful day...

"That is something I don't know, mother, but what I am sure of is that I will have an special day when I am with him," Emma answered with some mystery.

Her mother seemed not to understand her answer.

"You are a smart girl, Emma. You always knew how to solve problems by yourself, but please take care of yourself. I do not want my little girl to get hurt, and the forest is a dangerous place. You have to be very careful when you go out."

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm not a kid anymore, and I can take care of myself," Emma replied in a firm tone.


"I know what you are going to say, Mom, but please trust me. Everything will be fine," Emma said to reassure her mother, and then stood up and left the kitchen.

When she left the kitchen, she got dressed, put on her school bag, and prepared to leave

"I'm going to school now, mom. Bye."

*Goodbye my dear


Her mother stayed for a few minutes looking at the door and thinking about who she had met yesterday and felt anxious, but then she decided to go back to work.

"Okay, we'll see what happens next," she muttered to herself.

"Ahh…..what time is it?" Andrew spoke, wearing his pajamas and scratching his head with messy hair

Oh! Andrew?I thought you already went to school!?

"Wha...t, www...hy, what time is saw the clock) Oh damn! I have to get dressed. I'm late for my friends at school. They'll think I'm a lazy man if I don't come for the basketball game."

Meanwhile, Emma was in her algebra class and was thinking about yesterday about what happened next. She remembered that she had become friends with Smiley and he told her that he lived randomly in the woods.

And the most important thing is that he told her that he lives where birds hang

"Where birds hang out? What does that mean? Does he mean like a place under demolition? Where birds hang out in dangerous places because of their safety from predators. Does he mean that he lives in a dangerous place?"...Emma thought absent-mindedly.

Suddenly a voice brought her out of her thoughts

"Emma, ​​do you want to answer this question?"

"What question?" Emma asked casually

"This is the question, Emma! (He points to the blackboard) Weren't you paying attention to the lesson?" The missus answered coldly.

(Other students laugh and whisper among themselves)

While the students were laughing at her, Andrew was looking at his sister with curiosity. This was the first time he had seen her so distracted

"No, I wasn't paying attention, teacher. I was focusing on other important things."

"If you are focusing on important things, solving this issue is not difficult, is it"

"Okay?" Emma looks towards the board and sees the mathematical equation and understands it immediately

The answer is 20 small and 10 large," Emma answered

" this!... correct?"

The students looked on with some slight shock at how she had solved a question she only glanced at

Andrew gave an expectant look. He knew how smart she was, but he still remembered how absent-minded she was. His intuition told him that he was related to her new boyfriend, but the question was, who might it be?

He asked his friends when he came to school if Emma had met or talked to anyone but they told him that they had never seen her talking to anyone except herself and he felt his curiosity growing towards him.

Who he or she is and what they do?

When school ended, Emma decided to go to the forest to meet Smiley, but when she was going, she saw her brother standing in front of her in one of the school corridors and blocking her way.

"Step aside," Emma said

Where are you going? Andrew asked

"Somewhere else, it's none of your business."

"Wait!" Andrew spoke and grabbed Emma's arm

"Leave me alone!" Emma replied fiercely

All the students looked towards Emma and Andrew and watched with interest what was happening between them

"You're going to that forest to meet your mysterious friend, right?"

Emma stopped and looked at him with a cold expression

"Who is he?" Andrew asked

"Don't interfere in my da*n life."

"I'm your brother!"

"Oh please stop! Don't pretend like you're my brother, if you were we wouldn't be standing here at this moment!"

"You still think that you are innocent since that incident!" Andrew responded angrily

"At least he's sane, unlike someone who thinks like a comic book hero and thinks he'll save the day. Little Andrew," Emma replied sarcastically.

How many times have I told you not to call me that! (He holds her hand tightly)

"I told you to stay away from me!" Emma replied

"Why do you always ignore me! Even when we were young I was always the one who pretended to be smart and cool"

Is that Because you think you are better than everyone? Because you are smarter than everyone, so you look down on them? Well guess what! I don't care about anything!

"But do you know what hurts? Knowing that my sister has a heart of stone!"

"Stop it," Emma replied calmly

"Even after the accident, you are still the same person who doesn't care about anyone. He's dead because what you done! Even after the cafeteria disaster, and even after your friends dispersed and you became alone, you still believe that you are right and that everyone else is wrong!"

"STop it," Emma replied angrily

"What hurts me the most is that you spent more time with a stranger than with our family!" Andrew replied

"You don't even know what his name is! How can you trust a stranger when you don't trust your own brother!" Andrew shouted.

"STOP IT!" Emma responded forcefully

Emma pushed Andrew away

"Don't act like you care about me! Don't act like I mean anything to you!"

"Wasn't having a place where everyone could care about you and you could be the center of attention enough for you, wasn't being away from you enough or did you not want me to have a fu*king moment of peace either?"

"Emma, ​​I don't mean that," Andrew responded angrily

"Wasn't pretending to be the hero and I was the villain enough for you? Or do you want to build another play where you are the oppressed for the sake of your popularity?!"

"Emma, ​​stop saying that! or__."

"Or what?! Are you going to hit me? Yes, that's what you do! That's what you're good at! You'll always be the little kid who hits me when things don't go your way. Come on, go ahead! What are you waiting for!"

Everyone looked at Andrew and Emma and some filmed with their phones and recorded

Andrew looked around, worried that everyone was watching and recording this, and Emma saw his expression and felt a little disgusted with him

"That's what I expected...Emma spoke and walked forward"

Emma was walking forward and some of the students were whispering to each other and talking. Andrew saw this and felt a little angry. He knew he shouldn't have started doing this, but he remained silent for another reason.

He had to remain silent because he had been selected as a member of the school's soccer team hard-fought, and if any problems arose, he might be immediately excluded from the team after all the effort he had done.

"Hohhhhh.... be patient, Andrew, forget this, you will be on Team Thunder Claw, you soon will be..."

in another place....

Emma was on her way to the forest and remembered the quarrel that had happened with her and her brother. She decided to ignore it and focus on her bag and see what she had.

Emma secretly put many things in her bag, and most importantly, she put the gun with disassembled pieces in hidden pockets so that no one would notice the gun was in her bag.

She reassembled the pistol parts and it was ready to fire. She put it in her pocket and left

When Emma went to the forest of faces, she could only think about Smiley's puzzle and did not understand how to solve it

When she continued searching in the forest, she took a lot of time and found a bird house hanging on a tree

"This is the birdhouse, but where is it?" Emma asked

"Looking for something?" Someone asked behind her

"Smiley!" Emma answered and turned back

When Emma turned around, she did not find him behind her, but when she looked up, she saw Smiley smiling as he sat on a tree branch and landed quietly.

"Hello! Little emma," Smiley replied

"Hello, Smiley," Emma replied

"So this is where you meant?" Emma asked

"What? Ha-ha-ha... Of course not... This is not where I live, which means it's too small for me to enter!" Smiley replied with a smile.

"So where do you live? Do you live in a tree house?" Emma asked

"A little closer," Smiley replied with a smile

"So it's not a tree house, what could it be then?" Emma asked strangely

"Let me show you, but the question is, do you trust me?" replied Smiley, and looked at her

Do I trust you? In fact, I don't really know if I trust you. We have literally only met a few times

"That's good! Then we'll start with the confidence lessons!" Smiley replied, smiling broadly and extending his hands towards Emma

"Smiley what are you doing?" Emma replied hesitantly

Suddenly, without warning, Smiley threw her up into the air


Emma was completely terrified, not even knowing what to do with this situation. She saw herself flying forward more than ten meters into the air and had no ability to do anything except scream to no avail.

When she saw that she was approaching the ground, she closed her eyes

Suddenly, before she fell from the ground, Smiley caught her while swinging in the trees

"Have fun?" Smiley asked with a smile

"Smiley what are you doing!" I asked in horror

"Don't worry, didn't I tell you we were going to start confidence lessons! And what better way to do this than confidence throws!? Ha-ha-ha!" Smiley laughed as he threw it up again

"I trust you! I trust you! Please don't throw me again! That was terrible!" Emma replied in a tearful voice

"No, no...Emma, ​​the confidence throw does not start with one throw, but rather several times!" Smiley replied with a smile as he threw it again


"Hahaha let's enjoy!"

And that was the beginning of a long evening with Emma