chapter 8:the first adventure part 2

Chapter (8):the first adventure part 2

On the sports field, Andrew and Ethan were running relentlessly with the rest of the people on the reserve football team in order for one of them to become a member of the main team.

But their coach Max Evans not happy

"Hurry up worms! Move!" Max shouted out. "Who's going to get a position on the team and play with the big boys. Yeah? Make your life matter! Is that all you got!"

The track and the soccer players looked so tired and couldn't stand anymore. But Coach Evans would not stop.

"That's a nice pace! Look at you two. Go!"

The boys are in the middle of the pack and both aren't struggling as much as the others.

"This coach is a devil! How the hell can we keep running after we have done more than 10 laps around the field!" Jack shouted angrily and tiredly.

"Be patient, there's only a little left until we're done!" Andrew spoke very tiredly

"What! Are you tired?!little rats! If you are, get the hell out of the field! You are the worst backup players I have ever had in my entire career!

"No sir! I am not tired!"

"You better not be! Because I will have you run to your dorm rooms if you are!"

The rest of the team looks at them and smiles. They look like they were having fun watching them suffer.

"You two! Are you tired?! Huh?" Max asked the two of them again

"No sir!" The two shouted loudly and kept running as fast as they can.

"Good! Keep going! I want you all to go faster than this!"

"Yes, sir!" The whole team shouts tiredly.

After he continued to run like hell, many of the reserve players were sending out and their movements slowed down, and after five minutes Max decided to finally blow the whistle after they had reached their limits.


A ten-minute break before you start dribbling exercises. Is this understandable, worms?

Yes sir! They answered and finally stopped running

"Very well!"

When the coach turned around, the players collapsed and fell to the ground, panting

All the reserve players were sitting on the grass, their clothes wet and full of sweat

"Damn! I feel like I made the worst decisions of my life. Why is this coach so cruel?" Jack asked

"It's because of last year," Nathan replied, his body lying completely on the ground.

"What? What happened last year?" Jack asked

Last year, our team faced the Predators. It was a crushing defeat, 0-5. Since then, the coach has been giving the school team hellish training to win.

"Really! Is this why we have to kill ourselves!" Jack complained angrily

"Hey how do you know that? We're from the same year?" Andrew asked

"I heard it from my older brother. He said it was a humiliating defeat at the time," Nathan replied

"Oh right, I forgot you have an older brother," Jack replied

"By the way, how is your sister doing, Andrew? Are you still there?" Nathan asked

"Actually we...."

Andrew still remembers what his sister said at that time

"Wasn't pretending to be the hero and I was the villain enough for you? Or do you want to build another game where you are oppressed for the sake of your popularity?!"

"Emma, ​​stop saying that! or__."

"Or what?! Are you going to hit me? Yes, that's what you do! That's what you're good at! You'll always be the little kid who hits me when things don't go your way. Come on, go ahead! What are you waiting for!"

"That's what I expected..."

"We still.."

"What? Fighting? Just ignore the annoying ones."

"Jack! She's his sister. You can't talk about her like that as if she's a dependent!"

"What? It's not like he cares about her, let alone what she did and expelled Jessica and Sarah from school, I can tell she was the one who started this."

"You can't talk about her like that though, well not in front of him," Nathan replied with some embarrassment

"It's not like he minds that, right, Andrew?"Jack asked with a smile



"Ouch! What the hell did you do that!?" Andrew asked angrily

Andrew turned and saw the main team of players coming, and there were three from the front. Andrew, his two friends, and the rest of the reserve players got up

"Sorry, it was my friend's fault that he didn't hit it hard," the boy standing in the middle said with a fierce smile

"Who the hell are you?" Andrew asked

"Your leader, loser!," he replied smugly


in the same time in another place

"That boring!"

Smiley was talking as he cleared branches in his path

We did not encounter this deer no matter how much we searched! Did he escape or what?!

"Well, we've just started scanning the forest, and it's only been half an hour since we've been searching", Emma replied while drawing a map on her notebook.

"True, but, I thought our first adventure would be really cool or a little exciting, but this!... so boring."

Smiley... We won't be able to find this deer in just one day... You have to be lucky if we come across it."

"Maybe You're right...that we'll probably never meet!" replied Smiley

But when Emma was drawing the map she did not notice Smiley's mischievous smile on his face

"So...Emma, ​​why are you trying to look for the annoying deer?"

Firstly, we did not agree on the name. I do not mean to be insulting, but the name is kind of...ridiculous. I mean, why would you call it that?

"Because he's annoying?" Smiley replied, his shoulders raised

"There are more than a thousand better names than this."

"Like what?"

I don't know...maybe a Wendigo or a weredeer or maybe a lycan-deer

"They are cheap names and are used in a lot of movies, Emma. You need something new, something that sticks in your head."

"That's right, the name of this deer is so special that it's still stuck in my head," Emma answered sarcastically

"Try to name a new creature the first time you see it in your life."

"Ugh...and secondly, in order to know whether a wild animal moves according to its instincts or whether it is an animal that has self-awareness and thinks."

"Why do you think he has consciousness?"

"He has a human-like structure. He is more like a human with the skin of a deer."

"There are monkeys, you know." Smiley replied

"You mean those who walk in the streets?"Emma asked

"The streets?...Oh you mean the people!.....Hahaha now I understand that joke when you mention it like that."smiley replied

"Thirdly, in order to know whether a creature has evolved or is the result of an unnatural mutation caused by something."Emma answered

"You think he became like this because some crazy science was done on him?" Smiley asked

"I mean, yeah, a creature like it that's never been seen before or recorded was either an amazing discovery or made by some crazy scientist"

"Haha, do you think we're in a fairy tale or something?"

"Really, Smiley? I forgot what you did the other day."

"What, oh, I got that," replied Smiley

So let's get back to the real question," Smiley asked

"Why?"smiley asked

"Why for what exactly?" Emma replied

Why aren't you afraid of him? Why aren't you afraid of that deer?smiley asked

"Why should I be afraid?" Emma replied calmly

"What did you forget about what happened when you met one of them ?"

"Yes, I know and I do this for two reasons."

"For two reasons? (He narrowed his eyes and their smile grew a little) And what are these two reasons?"

"The first reason is that you've already finished one, and you forgot that you stabbed his body."Emma answered

"Oh right! Hehehe I almost forgot about that!" Smiley replied somewhat embarrassed and put his hand behind his head comically.

"If it can be killed by piercing its body, it means they are killable, not invincible"Emma answered

"That's right," Smiley replied

"Right, by the way, where is he?" Emma asked

"What is it?"smiley replied

"I mean his corpse. What did you do to his corpse?" Emma answered

"Oh about that I have a funny joke you want to hear?" Smiley replied

"Which is," Emma replied with some concern"

"Well, when I killed him, I threw him somewhere near my house and went to clean my clothes, and when I came back, I did not find his body."

"What! Are you saying that now!" Emma looked at Smiley and shouted angrily at him

"Wow, why are you so angry?"smiley asked suspiciously

"Let me tell you why"

"Because it's bad and worse for us," Emma replied fearfully

"The bad thing is if he somehow escapes or is found by one of his kind, he will know where we are."

"And the worst?"

"The worst is that"


Smiley and Emma both heard this voice and turned in its direction

Emma was touching her right pocket, where the gun was located, and helping to use it if the situation worsened. While Emma was distracted, Smiley was staring at her without her knowing and smiling an evil smile secretly.

But what appeared was the opposite of his expectations


"Huh?" Both Smiley and Emma replied with some unexpected shock

A brown squirrel with red eyes appeared in the grass

"Meeeeen! It's just a little squirrel in the woods. I thought it was a deer."

"You're right, it's just a squirrel in the woods....Wait a minute..." Emma stared at the squirrel before answering, "Smiley...why are the squirrel's hands covered in blood?"

"Hmm? Maybe because he ate some tomatoes?"

Suddenly, other squirrels appeared behind him, covered in blood, and he spoke to them. One of them was carrying a large piece of meat in its mouth and began chewing it vigorously.

"Smiley, does it look like he ate some tomatoes now?" Emma asked as she stared at them in some shock

"Haha…no, and he seems tired of being a vegetarian," Smiley replied

XThat's a bad joke, Smiley, really bad" Emma replied indifferently

*I'm training to be a comedian, it's not easy!" Smiley replied with some annoyance

"What happened to the person who said he should get used to his friends' behavior?" Emma asked

"What are you using my words against me? Smart move."

"Yes, and if you look at the positive side, you can have the exciting adventure you were hoping for."

"I guess it's better than nothing..." Smiley replied, turning towards them

Hello, predatory squirrels, who among you more__

Where the squirrels were standing, something descended very quickly, cracked the ground, and a huge amount of smoke cleared.

"Whoooo! what was that?!" asked Smiley with some surprise

Emma and Smiley both looked and saw the scene and were completely shocked

They saw a scorpion with a terrifyingly strange, black human shape

It was in the form of a human being and had the shape of a scorpion's shell and its shape was similar to armor. It did not have hands, but rather sharp claws and a huge scorpion's tail. Its head was protected and armored, and its red eyes could be seen glowing menacingly from afar.

That thing was eating ravenous squirrels and going after them all at once with its claws, more than three on each claw

Smiley and Emma both looked in surprise before Emma spoke


"Yes Emma?..."

Do you remember about what I said about what I said about the bad and the worst... Emma replied

"Yes..." Smiley replied, his smile growing bigger

"The worst thing is...that a stronger predator comes and devours you without you discovering it or noticing it," Emma responded with some concern.

"I this party crasher is the one who took the body...that means he's probably stronger than that deer, that's really..."

"Smiley?" Emma asked somewhat strangely. "What are you doing, Smiley?"

"Excellent," Smiley replied with a big smile

"Dude it's great you showed up I thought for a moment that today was going to be boring but apparently it really is..."

Guaaaaah! The scorpion man monster shouted with a powerful roaring sound

Aaaaaaaah! Emma shrieked at the sound and put her hands to her ears


Guaaaaah!Scorpion shouted as he lunged at Smiley