Empty talk.

The monk's manual staff suddenly vibrated wildly, and the madness of the gold ring 'tinkling' struck each other with a rapid sound.

The monk's face changed wildly.

The bronze sword in the monk's hand began to buzz and tremble.

'No! Something terrible!" For a moment, Shepherd's face became very frightened.

And the side of Su Mo like no feeling, standing there, motionless.

The strange words in Su Mo ear gently laugh, the voice is delicate, but also the demon charm. It's like coming from the dark, it makes people shudder.

Su Mo has never seen such a strange scene. He was stiff and cold at the back of his head.

The voice continued to open, the cold wind blew across the back of Su Mo's neck, like an invisible thing lying on Su Mo's shoulder, close to Su Mo's ear to speak.

"Aren't you angry?"

"Look at these poor people..."

"They have old people, young children, pregnant women... They die without knowing why these people have to kill them."

"All they could do was howl in pain... They can only smile miserably... They just wait for the butcher's knife to fall on them."

"They just want to live... I can't get my wish..."

"The cries of despair yo..."

Su Mo's eyes reddened and her hands trembled...

Zhixuan monk saw Su Mo still looking at the pool of red blood in a daze, could not help but want to pat his shoulder: "Su donor, we should go." Something is very wrong here."

'Stop it! The priest shouted, stopping the monk from patting Su Mo on the shoulder and looking at Su Mo's back: "There is something wrong with Su Shi Shi."

'What? Monk Zhixuan withdrew his hand.

Mude stared in astonishment at Su Mu's hair, a blood-red mark on the back of the neck.

The blood-red mark, with a dark red light, looked like a ghost charm parasitic on Su Mo's body.

Mude solemnly lifted the "buzzing" copper sword, and mobilized the spirit power to control the copper sword.

Copper sword off hand flying, slowly towards Su Mo close.

When the copper sword came into contact with Su Mo, the bronze bronze sword was stained with the faint red blood color!

Originally quiet underground, suddenly scarlet fog like the wind blew up.

"Move, move! Great evil..." Shepherd de see face change, shouted pull up Zhixuan monk when the tunnel to withdraw.

"SUSIE is still inside..." "Shouted Monk Zhixuan.

The priest gritted his teeth: "Do not care so much, this level of evil, not we can touch." Sushil... He'll have to make his fortune."

Monk Zhixuan was dragged out by the priest and saw Su Mo being sucked into a red mist of blood.

Shepherd and wisdom Xuan galloped all the way out of the secret way, one breath ran out of the house, into the yard.

Just into the yard, see the scene in the yard, the two faces are a change, become pale.

In the yard, three people in black robes were staring at two people with gloomy faces.

A slight induction, it is actually three building the foundation of the later...

The first is the three murderous foundation of the later stage, and the second is the bloodthirsty 'big murderer'.

The heart of Mu De and Zhi Xuan continues to sink.

The three black robed people in the later period of building the foundation looked at the surging blood behind the priest and monk Zhixuan, which had an extremely strange breath lingering.

Looking at the changed room, the three faces were dark and terrible, and one of them suddenly said, "What have you done in there?"

Mude raised his bronze sword and went for it, "Isn't it ridiculous for you to ask us?" You have raised evil things in it, and you think you can control such evil things after you have built the foundation?"

"What evil thing?" Black robe building base asked.

Zhixuan's face changed again: "You don't know?"

"Know what? We make blood Dan only for the young master to enter the... What are you talking about?"

Oh no!

Monk Zhixuan and monk Mude looked at each other and saw a bit of shock in each other's eyes.

The other party must have discovered this extremely dark place, so it is used to refine blood Dan. And they have no idea that there is a great evil in this very dark place.

And this great evil...

That's what makes this place so dark.

A cold sweat ran down their foreheads...

I'm afraid this monster is a monstrous being.

Three black robe building base looked at each other, "First no matter what big evil thing, can not let the news of blood Dan exposed!"

'Kill these two!


In the huge underground space, Su Mo could see nothing in a red world.

The vast expanse, no surging wind, no pool of blood, no body, no blood...

Be quiet...

Extremely quiet...

In the vast red, it was as if the whole world had quieted down.

Su Mo looked around in a daze, except for the endless red mist, everything was gone.

"Cluck... What fun it is!"

That strange voice sounded next to Su Mo ear again, this time Su Mo could actually see a graceful figure in the red fog in front of him.

The figure was looming in the red mist...

Although there is only a rough outline, you can see the ultimate enchanting figure.

"You don't seem afraid of me?" The voice said, "Otherwise, why didn't you run away?"

Su Mo wants to curse... He can't move!

"Oh... But I forgot, you can't move!" The voice came closer.

Su Mo took a deep breath and slowly said, "Who are you?"

Su Mo finished, the voice paused for a moment, and then laughed.

"Cluck... Cluck... Meaning people? What people... I haven't been a human for a long time!"

It's been a long time...

Su Mo brain running quickly, has returned to normal thoughts: "Then you are?"

'Of course I'm a ghost! The voice sounded like some kind of sadistic opening.

Su Mo took another deep breath... Do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, speak science, do not superstition!

This scene has gone beyond the scope of Su Mo's cognition.

He doesn't know how to face it, some of the ways of dealing with problems in the past seem to be unable to use, after all... Can't move.

Su Mo couldn't figure out what the other side meant, and said tentatively: "OK... The ghost sister. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go home! My family is waiting for me to eat."

"Cluck... Cluck..." The voice laughed again. "Going away? Don't you want to avenge the ghosts of this land?"

Su Mo fell silent!

"What an interesting person... It seemed very angry a moment ago, and now it's naughty! ' The voice came, and the figure in the red mist seemed to move closer.

Su Mo said in a low voice, "I am just a mortal, how can I help them redress their grievances?"

"I smell something different on you. It seems to be the breath of the avenue." The figure floated in front of Su Mo, "as if it had something to do with sentient beings."

Su Mo can not see the figure, only feel that there is a strange thing around the figure.

That weird feeling, getting closer and closer.

Su Mo was silent.

The voice continued, "Well? Will you ask me? Beg me.... I will help you avenge these wrongs."

"Why do you ask so you can help me?" Su Mo asked.

"Cluck... Because it's fun!"

"How do you know I want to avenge them? What do they have to do with me?" Su Mo dead do not admit.

One of the strange things he noticed was that the voice kept asking him to promise her something.

And Su Mo had a hunch that if she promised, things would become uncontrollable. It's out of my control now, but... As if the voice could not force itself.

"Cluck... Cluck... What a watchful creature! But you don't seem to know me, and if I want to do something, you can't say yes or no. I just think if you obey me... It's more fun." The voice smiled again and continued to speak.

"How about... Shall we play it differently?" The other side seems to think of something, quite interested in saying.

Su Mo asked, "What kind of play?"

"Would you like to meet these ghosts?"