Chaos, chaos, chaos.

Several woodcutters looked at Su Mo and Hui Kong Master talked about Zen for a long time, looked at each other, and their faces were confused.

"Little brother, this rainy day is cold, want to drink some?" The woodcutter who brought wine weakly asked Su Mo, and as for Master Hui Kong, he did not ask... After all, a monk can't drink.

Su Mo smiled, turned to look at the little girl, the little girl suddenly understood, from the side of the bag took out a pot of wine to Su Mo.

Su Mo took the wine pot, smiled to the woodcutter and said: "Walking around the river, how can you not bring wine?"

The woodcutter was stunned, and then several woodcutters laughed: "Ha ha, the little brother is also a fellow man."

"Come, come, go one."

Su Mo immediately and several woodcutters into one, one side of the master Hui Kong looked at Su Mo and those woodcutters wine, said with a bitter smile: "The red dust is the sea.... Why get stuck in that sea of misery?"

Su Mo bumped into the wine pot with the woodcutter, slowly drank and shook his head: "Master, you said if the wind blows... Is the wind moving or the flags moving?"

Hui Kong smiled, slowly said: "Not the wind, not the flags move, is the benevolence of the heart."

"The heart of the merciful... Not seeing each other, not moving." Su Mo nodded his head and began by talking about Buddhism: "But the Buddha also said: all the Fa are empty phases, neither birth nor extinction, neither dirt nor purification, neither increase nor decrease."

"The original face of the Dhamma is emptiness, the reality of the Dhamma is emptiness, and the Dhamma has never left the emptiness, so the clouds are emptiness of the Dhamma... The reality of all Dhamma is emptiness, and that is why all Dhamma, from its very beginning, is neither born nor extinguished, neither unclean nor pure, neither increased nor diminished."

"Since all the Fa are empty, then the sea of red dust in your eyes... Is it 'wind movement' or 'flag movement'?"

Hui Kong a leng, then a bitter smile, "little friend this Zen theory is a little far-fetched..."

Su Mo shook his head and smiled, and no longer tangled in this, but raised the wine pot in his hand and said: "Do you want to drink some master?"

Huizhong master shook his head, Su Mo thought about it and nodded: "It is the younger generation that is abrupt, Buddha's door abstain from wine."

But did not think that Hui Kong still shook his head: "The poor monk does not drink because the Buddhist door to block the precept, the Buddhist door to block the precept to avoid alcohol because drinking is easy to commit sex precept." (ps: This sexual precept refers to killing, stealing, prostitution, lying, etc.)

"But the poor monk is confident that he will not break the sex abstinence because of drinking. The poor monks do not drink alcohol because wine is the essence of food, and it is a little wasted on the poor monks."

Su Mo looked at Hui Kong's frank look and sighed: "Master Buddhism is deep, the younger generation admire."

Several woodcutters on the side saw that these two people started again, and then they shook their heads helplessly and said with wine: "If you ask me, this grain is also for people to eat, and the wine is also for people to drink, where is there any waste of words."

"What's more, the world is going to be in chaos, and I don't know if I can live tomorrow.... Where there is wine, drink, and where there is pleasure, enjoy."

The woodcutter's words seemed to have gone to Su Mo's heart, and he touched it with the wine pot and then drank a big mouthful.

Master Hui Kong shook his head when he saw Su Mo drinking so much, but the little girl on the side was worried and said, "Young master drink slowly..."

Su Mo nodded down the wine pot and asked the woodcutter, "What do you mean when you say that the world is going to be in chaos?"

"Don't you know?" The woodcutter was stunned and asked in surprise.

"Know what?"

"The world of swordsmithing is all out of order!" The woodcutter said mysteriously, "My wife has a distant relative's child working as a handyman in Xiuxian Zong gate."

"According to him, many fairies from the outside world have come to our world. There was a wave of immortals from outside who fought the Taoist sect and fought with the head of the Taoist Sect for three days and three nights, and the Taoist Sect even sounded the sacred protector!"

"And a wave of immortals from outside went up to the Holy Pope, saying that some little patriarch of the Cloud Religion was going to marry the Holy daughter of the Holy Pope!"

Su Mo narrowed her eyes, seemed to think of something and sighed.

For the woman who has a lifetime marriage with himself in the fantasy, Su Mo has very complex emotions for her. Originally disgusted, but later found out that she also has her own body forced.

But still like not up, maybe the first impact is too bad.

But... When I heard that she might get married with that cloud clan of the upper realm, I still had some unexplained discomfort in my heart.

"What do things among the faeries have to do with us mortals?" Su Mo shook his head, raised the wine pot and took a sip.

"It doesn't matter..." The woodcutter sighed and seemed to hesitate, but after thinking about it, he began to say, "I heard from the man who was doing chores at the gate of the Xiuxian Zong that he had heard that there were still several scattered waves of immortals who went to the countries of various mortals and seemed to want to control our earthly countries." I don't know what to do with all that trouble. What's the point of controlling our mortal realm? " The HTTP rho s: / / / ((

Su Mo suddenly thought of the emperor sitting high in the city that scheming deep... The power of national luck! They want to control the nation's fortunes.

"Even so, it doesn't have much to do with us...."

The woodcutter shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Originally there was nothing to do with it, but I heard that those foreign monks were cruel and violent, and did not treat us as human beings at all. If they control our national power, I do not know what they will do to us!"

"I also heard the man say that the fairies from outside had themselves said that this was only the first wave of them to come down, and that there would be countless more to come."

"Let's say that the wave of foreign immortals from the upper Taoism Sect, in order to attack the Taoist Sect, killed all the subordinate sect doors under the Taoist sect and the surrounding mortals, and then the head of the Taoist Sect fought against them in anger."

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, and then thought of the road birch, also do not know how the road birch at this time, "What is the result of the war?"

"I have not heard of any result, but the outsiders remained under the Daoist sect and did not attack it again. And there is no more response from Daozong!"

"Have you heard of the Demon King?" Su Mo asked.

The woodcutter shook his head and said, "The demon religion is in our Dahua, but for the time being, we have not heard that the demon religion has foreign fairies!"

With a deep sigh, the woodcutter raised his flask and took a sip.

"Now the world is in danger, and every religion and nation is in chaos..."

"If there are other outsiders coming in large numbers..." The woodcutter said no more, and for a moment was deeply troubled.

But the other woodcutters seemed to have heard these words long ago, and did not speak again.

Su Mo turned his head and looked at the Master Hui Kong, "Master, do you think there is one more suffering in this sea of suffering?"

"It's different... The poor monk seems to see that the cause of your suffering is the world, but the world's suffering is you..." A Zen feeling that seemed to Pierce the void flashed through the eyes of the wisp.

Su Mo shook her head and smiled bitterly, but did not believe it: "How can the world suffer because of me?" What did the master see?" Pen Court 789

"Buddha said, do not say. The poor monk can only cross the world out of the sea of suffering by crossing Su Xiaoyou." The Wiskong Master began.

When the rain stops, the sun rises.

Several woodcutters said goodbye to Su Mo and left the temple.

Su Mo looked at the bright sun outside the broken temple and asked Master Hui Kong, "What is the master doing now?"

"The poor monk is just a common man and has not practiced." The Wiskong Master replied.

Su Mo skimmed her mouth...

"Then Master, come with me to Taozong... To see the bitter consequences of Bodhi and the Mirror."

"Yes." Master Hui Kong nodded in agreement.

Su Mo turned to look at the little girl, but saw the little girl in a daze, so asked: "What is the girl thinking?"

The little girl pointed to the shoe that was baking on the fire, and said with some helplessness: "Master will roast my shoes!"

Su Mo turned to look, I saw that the original wet shoes, at this moment has been black contracted into a ball.

Su Mo mouth cant help pumping... I can't believe I forgot.

On this day, Su Mo carried the little girl and the master Hui Kong towards the place where the Taoist school was.

Of course... Su ink first with a little girl on a trip to the top of the thousand, in the little girl satisfied behind to leave.

Today, in Hibolier's view, the optimal choice judgment they made at the beginning was that they missed an opportunity to make the country of Usas break and transform itself, and lost an opportunity to make the social formation of the whole country leap toward a more excellent system of society.