The Floating Bridge

When Su Mo was meditating, suddenly there seemed to be a very strange sound in his ear.

There was something dark and mysterious about the voice...

"Brother... There you are..."

"I wait for you in the depths..."

Su Mo a leng, looked up into the depths, without any feeling.

Carrying the pace to go inside, the space on this side of the river is wider, but the road is still only one, winding to the deep.

Walking along, I met those who had already crossed the river.

This is a cliff, on this side of the cliff there is an ancient stone plaque, on the plaque engraved 'floating bridge' three words.

But there isn't any bridge after the plaque...

Su Mo approached in silence, looked at the elder Leizong just now, and said nothing.

It was as if Elder Rayzon's calculations were nothing more than a matter of indifference to him.

The elder Lei Zong saw Su Mo also came, his eyes flashed, and he became more cautious about the white-haired man.

The man in gold clothes beside Elder Leizong, seeing Su Mo coming, was immediately surprised, but his expression was only a slight flash, and then it was covered up.

And those who saw Su Mo on the duckweed before being put together by the elders of Lei Zong saw Su Mo with different expressions.

When Su Mo came here, he just walked quietly to the side, without any movement, nor did he speak.

He didn't know what they were waiting for, and he wasn't interested in it.

Then quietly waited up...

When the elder saw that Sumo did not speak and did not bother him, a trace of suspicion flashed through his eyes.

Soon, in the depth of the cliff floated up several boulders, boulders across the stone plaque, connecting the two sides of the cliff, like a bridge.

When the elder of Leizong saw the emergence of the boulder, he immediately opened his mouth to a Sanshu pointing at the boulder:

"You, go up...."

As Elder Leizong pointed out, Nasanxiu's face suddenly turned white, as if the boulder would kill him.

Sanxiu looked at all the people beside the cliff, and all the people turned a blind eye to their eyes.

Su Mo looked at the Sanxiu, her eyes flashed, and she did not speak...

In silence, the Sanxiu gave a sad laugh, slowly walked under the stone plaque, and jumped on a pumice stone.

The pumice is only slightly sinking, but there is no danger.

Then he gritted his teeth and jumped onto another pumice stone, again safe...

Further on, several pumice stones against each other, he has many options.

At this time, a voice in Su Mo spirit sea into Su Mo ears, Su Mo smell speech nodded.

Nasanshu closed his eyes and was about to leap towards one of the pumice stones when he heard a voice behind him:

"Wait a minute..."

Sanxiu turned his head and saw that it was the white-haired elder who spoke.

Su Mo looked at the behavior of the crowd, and already understood that this pumice stone is a regular occurrence to let people cross the river.

However, seeing the actions of Elder Rayzong and Nasanshu, he knew that many pumice stones must be dangerous...

Su Mo slowly walked to the side of the cliff, jumped on the pumice stone, walked to the side of the Sanxiu...

Seems to understand the idea of the white seniors, this scattered repair looked at Su ink, eyes revealed a deep gratitude.


Su Mo took one look at the sanshu and asked, "What danger is this pumice stone?"

This Sanxiu immediately opened his mouth: "Some pumice stones will give birth to strange fire after people go up, transforming God below, touching it will turn to ashes in an instant.... Even if... Can get hurt..."

As he said "even if", he turned to look at the elder Leizong behind him.

Su Mo immediately understood, he said is: even ask the environment will be injured.

So, there have been strong people who crossed the pontoon bridge before and were seriously injured...

"A lot of people have already been burned into nothingness..." This Sanxiu looked at Su Mo and continued.

Su Mo's eyes flashed and turned to look at Elder Leizong.

It seems to have been understood that forcing unrelated people to find their way is indeed the best way...

"Is there really no danger to me?" Su Mo asked in the sea of spirit.

Although, he can't feel fear. But I don't want to die stupid.

"This pumice stone comes from my underworld, and I know it by heart. Pumice stones can seal the art, and this strange fire is sealed in it."

"I wrap you in my spirit and I will not trigger the fire of the pumice stone..." Big murderer in the spirit of the sea to Su ink sound way.

"It's tricky here. You have to cross the bridge as soon as possible..."

After getting a positive answer, Su Mo nodded.

Just because he can't trigger it doesn't mean other people can't trigger... Su Mo's eyes flashed and he turned to look aside at the elder Leizong.

"Go back..." Su Mo to the side of the Sanxiu in the dark.

This Sanxiu a leng, and then respectfully to Su Mo made a big gift, and then jumped off the pontoon bridge back to the edge of the cliff.

The elder of Leizong flashed his eyes, but it did not occur.

But he did not understand why Su Mo wanted to go on the bridge himself, so that this SAN repair... It's a dangerous thing to force someone who has nothing to do with it.

... How did the man in white, who risked his life so much, survive to this practice.

But he doubted it for a moment and didn't think much of it.

Su Mo took a look at the elder of Leizong, without sadness or joy, and turned his head and jumped on the pumice stone that the Sanxiu wanted to jump on just now.

Under the guidance of the great evil in the dark, there was no technique to trigger the seal inside the pumice stone.

And this pumice stone does seal the magic of the strange fire, if not for Su Mo, Nasan Xiu would be dead at this moment.

Su Mo can be very simple to walk the pumice stone over the cliff, but I don't know why, he deliberately made a look around carefully.

A pumice stone a pumice stone carefully selected, and then jumped on.

Just as he could tell which pumice stone was dangerous...

Elder Leizong stared at Su Mo's actions and frowned. He could not understand how Su Mo could tell.

Su Mo, who was walking on the pumice stone, suddenly stopped, looked back at the elder of Leizong and asked the great evil voice in the Spirit Sea:

"Sister Evil, can you leave a spiritual force on the pumice stone that I pass, which is sealed with mysterious fire, so that a person can pass safely like me?"

"Let only the one who follows safely pass..."

Su Mo Ling sea in the big evil one leng, instantly understand what Su Mo is thinking, slowly opened his mouth: "When did you also learn bad?"

Su Mo does not care to open her mouth in response:

"What goes around comes around..."