
It's already been two whole weeks since Raze's start of the second floor. 

The human settlement was very similar to the goblins, the only difference being the inclusion of mud along with wood in their architecture, as well as the multiple statues of the women Raze saw in the goblin settlement. 

Looking at it, one could see that it was quite peaceful, and the people seemed to be enjoying their lives and going about their business. 

Little kids ran around the whole place playing various games, not needing to worry about anything. 

Unaware of the fate of their fellow brothers and sisters

The women of the tribe just watched their precious children enjoy themselves as they prepared to cook food in a bit. 

The men had no job they needed to do, but most of them still preferred to train and help guard the settlement. 

Some out of a sense of duty, others out of boredom, and a few single ones with hopes of attracting a potential mate. 

Overall, the mood in the settlement was high, as everyone enjoyed themselves and did not need to worry about anything. 

Today was a special day for both humans and goblins. 

After all, it was the day for the weekly exchange between humans and goblins. 

Just like last time, the priestess left the settlement along with five elite guards pushing a wooden cart filled with weapons and 12 innocent kids, unaware of the terrible fate awaiting them. 

The route between the human and goblin settlements was relatively safe, as no other monster wanted to infringe on the territory of the goblins, who numbered in the thousands. 

It had now been about 40 minutes since the group had left their home, and as expected, they experienced no turbulence or threat on their way. 

The kids with them seemed to be in high spirits, judging from their bright smiles, though they made sure not to make too much noise. 

The formation of their group featured two guards in the front and three in the back, carrying the large crate. 

Priestess walked in the middle, surrounded by kids on both sides, which ensured she was 'protected' on all sides. 

It was a simple but effective formation meant to ensure no harm could befall the priestess from any side in case of a surprise attack. 

However, what no one expected was for the attack to come from below. 

One of the men walking in front stepped on an innocent and lone-looking twig on the ground, breaking it in the process, but he didn't pay mind to it until it was too late. 


The whole ground underneath the group's feet broke down as they all fell down,to a deep and hollow pitfall. 

It was too fast and sudden for anyone to react, but thanks to the fall being deep, it gave them a few seconds before their deaths. 

Too bad there was nothing they could do except look and see the whole ground a few metres under them filled with affixed spears, ready to impale them in mere moments. 

The men and children could do nothing but resign in horror to their inevitable doom. 

However, this wasn't the case for the priestess, who reminded the guards of their duty. 

"SAVE ME!!" 

Gone was the smooth and composed tone from before, now only containing pure desperation and desire to survive. 

But apparently, that was enough for the guards. 

Two of the closest to her hugged her from behind, serving as meat shields for her. 





At last, the moment everyone had been dreading arrived, as everyone in the group, regardless of age or personal strength died. 

Everyone was impaled by the spears on the ground as blood trickled down their lifeless, pale bodies, with their out-of-focus eyes losing colour. 

Everyone except the priestess, who had two large and bulky men cover her thin and short frame to protect her. 

And yet the inertia was too strong, allowing the spears to impale past them and pierce her frail body. 

She was pierced in her left calve, abdomen, and right shoulder. 

But thanks to her meat shields, the spears couldn't pierce all the way through. 

Meaning she was still alive, though not for long if nothing happened. 

Her whole body hurt due to the force of the fall and the wounds; even if she was still alive, she felt her body unable to move. 

For someone like her who wasn't used to pain, it felt like hell, and she almost passed out. 

But her will to live was stronger than the pain, so she forced her body to move with gritted teeth. 

Or rather, she tried to, but her body refused to bulge. 

She was stuck. 

A dreadful realisation hit her. 

'I'm going to die here all alone'

Desperate to survive, she did the only thing she could think of and screamed for help. 

"Someone, please help me!!"

She continued screaming for a few minutes, but to no avail. 

Just when she had almost given up, like a ray of shining sunlight, he showed up. 

Bluish black hair with diamond-like dark blue eyes and soft yet chiselled facial features. 

A boy appeared at the entrance of the pitfall. 

He was extremely handsome; no, that wasn't the right word. 

It would be more accurate to call him pretty, like a doll that was too perfect to be true; he was even more pretty than the priestess herself. 

The priestess found herself enthralled for a moment at the beauty of the boy. 

But it only lasted for a moment before she regained her composure. 

Hope that she had almost lost was rekindled inside her heart as she felt the boy was sent by the goddess herself to save her most devoted follower. 

'I'm going to be saved'

With that thought in mind, she asked him to save her. 

"Please save me."

Hearing this, the boy remained silent for a second, as if contemplating, which caused the priestess to worry, but her worries were for naught. 

"Sure." His voice contained kindness and seemed. to lack any sign of malice. 

To the priestess, the boy appeared to be nothing less than an angel. 

Too bad she couldn't hear his internal thoughts, because if she could, she would have preferred to die alone in a ditch today compared to the fate that awaited them.