Chapter One: 7AM

Life growing up for me was a complete total fucking bitch. Only remembering the bad things that had happened growing up to only being told bits and pieces of the good times that I don't even remember so how the fuck do I know that those good times actually did happen, truthfully I have no bloody fucking idea.

My mum and dad didn't stay together for long but of course I was too young to even begin to understand what the actual fuck was going on at the time but it didn't really phase me.

By the age of six, my Dad had left Adelaide and had taken me with him back to Taree NSW, there I spent the rest of my childhood growing up that was until the day The Department of Child Protection had appeared at my school because the school has a duty of care to look after their students therefore they had noticed me always late and the excuses for me being late were pathetic especially when the bruises were clear to see so the school grew suspicious and The Department of Child Protection wanted to interview me. They had gotten all the information they needed to take me away from my dad at just eleven/twelve years old. Apparently I used to flash my privates to all the girls at my primary school so I am told.

The Department of Child Protection had set me up in a care home in a small little country town called Taree NSW. Where there were two other clients who were my foster siblings.

We had carers come during the mornings, afternoons and overnights. There was only one male carer who would wait until the afternoon staff had left before taking a shower then coming to my room and undressing me and touching me inappropriately and sexually.

I would be woken up to him touching my private parts, sometimes he would put his mouth on my private parts. He even forced me to suck on his private parts. Eventually I had enough and decided to try and escape but he chased me around the house while we were both in the nude. I ran to the front door and went to open it to try to run away but for one I was nude so I knew that I wouldn't get very far so I stayed, then the very next day I told the boss but she didn't take me seriously enough that she questioned whether or not I was telling the truth instead she said she would speak to him in which she did and later said to me that she had fired him although I find out later on in my life when I was nineteen that that was not the case at all and that the company had chosen to bribe the paedophile a large sum of money to stay the fuck away from the house in which I lived.

Some of the things that he would to touch me would include; playing with my penis, sucking on my penis, making me touch his penis and at one point he had forced me to suck his penis. He would mainly come in the middle of the night after the other carer had clocked off, I would be sound asleep and would be rudely woken to find my clothes had been taken off by this guy who was one of my carers therefore he and the other carers had just one job being foster carers and that was to make sure that we were safe although I was not. There was only one time that he had touched me when another carer was on shift and that was the time that he had forced me to suck his penis. This paedophile still walks the streets of my hometown due to the fact that his company had paid him a large sum of money to stay the fuck away from me and no police report was filed, they kept all that he had done to me all hush, hush. Literally nobody would even speak of what he had done to me? I was also under the Department of Child Protection's watch and not even they did anything, they just went along with the foster home's plan to keep it all hush, hush. I am now twenty-one years of age and I am sick to death of being silenced when I clearly have a voice that has one purpose and that is to speak up and speak my truth. Justice is coming for that fucking paedophile who laid his hands on me and more than likely other children. No one should EVER have to be put through this disgusting and vile behaviour, seriously no fucking child should ever have to go through something like this nor should they ever have to witness something like this.