Chapter Eleven: Where Do We Go From Here?

Eight years of high school were finally over, now eighteen and finally stepping out into the real world which was scary, not going to lie. Having carers on my back and up my arse twenty-four Seven also didn't help at all. Everywhere I went, they would have to follow me. Until I eventually decided to put my foot down and speak up for myself then came the rule where I was allowed out but had to ring every two hours and if I didn't call every two hours to tell them where I am, what I am doing and how I am they would put out a missing person's report in. Another stupid rule I had to abide by was if I didn't have no sleep the night before, I was not allowed out the following day. This resulted in me becoming a rebel and escaping out my window, keep in mind that while all these ridiculous rules in place, I was Eighteen during it all. Could not have friends or family over for dinner and if anyone else set foot on the premises the police would be called. Eventually they made some leeway and made my girlfriend at the time and I sign an agreement and allowed her in the house although we weren't allowed to kiss or hug and would have to leave my bedroom door open. This rule didn't last long before the company decided to then flip the rule board around saying that she was not allowed on the premises which is fucked. I even spent my eighteenth at the Wooden Playground in Port Noarlunga, I even rocked up in a limousine because I never got to ride in a limousine for my year Twelve formal, I rode in the back of my carers Ford Falcon. I then spent the rest of my eighteenth at my mother's mother's place... So my mum met me at my grandma's place. It was nice the food and all but I left early so then I called it early and got my carer to come pick me up. Luckily my next door neighbours knew how to cheer me up by surprising me with silly string and a very special necklace with my name and phone number engraved in it. That literally warmed my heart and made me feel better.