Chapter 4:fighting

A response to Allen's shout came in the form of a flying rope!

A hemp rope, with sharp-edged stones tied to each end, was hurled from behind the old bark of the tree Allen had aimed at.

The aim was perfect, heading straight for Allen's head!

"Encountered an expert!"

Allen quickly shifted his feet, maintaining his full draw stance, narrowly dodging the flying rope.

At the same time, the shoulder exposed by the throw came into Allen's shooting view.

With a swoosh, the arrow flew out like lightning.

However, the slightly slender arm retracted behind the tree trunk immediately after the throw.

The arrow missed.

Following that, rapid footsteps sounded.

A gray-green figure, like an agile leopard, leaped directly at Allen from behind the tree.

The tree was only about twenty paces from Allen. If it were an ordinary hunter, they would likely be captured instantly.

But Allen's rapid shooting technique played a crucial role at this moment.

The attacker hadn't anticipated that within the blink of an eye, two more arrows would be flying towards them.

Dodging this was nearly impossible!

The figure, however, was extremely decisive, relying on their slightly smaller frame and flexible body.

Their body bent into a bizarre arc, narrowly avoiding the arrows.

Unfortunately, one of the arrows still grazed their shoulder.

By now, the distance between them was less than ten paces.

Allen, ruthless and decisive, wouldn't give his enemy a chance to catch their breath.

There was no time to shoot another arrow. He tossed his bow aside, drew two more arrows in each hand, and threw them like knives at the enemy.

A satisfying sound echoed—the sound of a blade piercing flesh.

"Only one arrow hit!"

Allen frowned, realizing his opponent was experienced.

There was no time to think or listen further; his instincts took over.

Instead of charging forward like a brute, Allen decisively retreated!

Simultaneously, he continued to draw arrows, throwing them at the enemy.

Any seasoned hunter knows not to engage in close combat with their prey. Traps and kiting are always the keys to victory.

The opponent, clearly startled by Allen's series of ruthless moves, realized that this wasn't an easy target.

They raised their hand, launching another flying rope, which collided mid-air with two of Allen's arrows.

With a clang, one arrow was knocked away, and the other was entangled by the rope, falling to the ground.

Allen threw two more arrows, which arrived in an instant.

This time, although the flying rope didn't intercept them, the enemy managed to dodge.

But Allen didn't give up. He seized the opportunity to throw more arrows.

None of them hit!

Allen regretted throwing away all his arrows, realizing he had been somewhat careless.

However, throughout the exchanges, he had maintained control.

He also took the chance to observe his opponent.

Clearly, this wasn't a male hunter.

With a petite figure and agile movements, she resembled a leopard.

Unfortunately, the female hunter's left thigh was injured by an arrow, and the wound was bleeding.

This injury significantly burdened her, leaving her unable to counterattack and only defend passively.

However, both Allen's arrows and the female hunter's flying ropes were simultaneously exhausted.

Now, the two stood about ten paces apart, staring each other down.

Through the camouflaged face paint, Allen could tell that the female hunter not only had a great figure but also a pretty face.

In the tense standoff, both held hunting knives, their eyes locked on each other.

Allen was eager to strike. He had the advantage, and as long as he kept pressuring her, her wound would continue to bleed, ensuring his victory.

The female hunter realized her precarious situation and noticed the man's eyes filled with not just greed but intense desire, as if he wanted to strip her bare.

Realizing she couldn't wait any longer, she swung her hunting knife and spoke in a hoarse voice:

"Bernice, jungle hunter. Today's a misunderstanding. I don't think we need to fight to the death."

"Bernice—the bringer of victory? Nice name." Allen, still as vigilant as a hunting tiger, continued:

"Allen, I'm also a hunter, but I don't think today's incident is a misunderstanding!"

Allen's mocking and greedy eyes were undisguised, a typical attitude of the strong towards the weak.

Bernice understood that this greedy male tiger wouldn't easily give up his advantageous position.

So, she slowly pulled out a small dagger from her lower back.

"A gold-threaded knife with a deer antler handle. I took it from a poacher. If you want it, it's yours."

While staying alert for Bernice's sudden attack, Allen glanced at the short knife.

It was indeed a fine piece, with a beautiful blade and a low-key handle—a rare and exquisite knife.

But deep down, Allen wanted both the knife and the person.

Like a greedy snake, he suppressed his desires, waiting for the final strike.

"Alright, but you have to hand it to me yourself!"

Bernice's face changed, but before she could respond, Allen continued:

"Don't you think it's extremely vile to spy on a hunter and then ambush and rob them? Unless you hand it to me yourself, there's no deal."

Forced into a corner, Bernice had no choice. She approached Allen cautiously, step by step.

Thirteen steps...

Twelve steps...


Ten steps...


Five steps...

Allen could no longer hold back. This distance was enough!

"Ha!" With a loud shout, Allen pounced like a hungry tiger, his eyes filled with greedy desire, like a flood breaking through a dam.

But the next second, Allen realized he was in trouble!

This woman seemed more skilled in close combat than he was.

Previously pretending to be weak, Bernice was like a lurking venomous snake.

In an instant, she exploded with power, her swift movements leaving only a blur.

She kicked Allen's wrist, causing his hunting knife to fly out of his hand.

Then, her strong and sexy leg clamped onto Allen's neck like a vise.

Allen's nose and mouth painfully and blissfully pressed against a soft, salty mound—Bernice's crotch!

But in the face of life and death, there was no room for romance. Allen, almost out of instinct, grabbed Bernice's slender wrists.

In Bernice's surprised gaze, he forcefully squeezed, making her drop both her dagger and hunting knife.

But Bernice's legs, like iron clamps, squeezed Allen's neck with bone-crushing force.

No matter how thick the neck, if the blood flow is cut off, it's over.

Allen's face turned purple.

A deep, terrifying roar came from his mouth, sounding more like it came from his chest than his throat.

Like a tiger's roar in the jungle, Allen, driven by survival instinct, raised his upper body like a bear, slamming Bernice into a tree.

Caught off guard, Bernice's back hit the tree hard, as if a bear had rammed her into a rock.

She spat out a mouthful of blood.

But her tight legs only squeezed harder.

The suffocating sensation made Allen forget everything. His eyes turned red, bloodshot.

Driven by survival instinct, Allen opened his mouth to bite the only soft part he could reach—Bernice's crotch!

Ignoring the pain, Bernice tightened her strong, tanned legs.

Allen bit down hard, his teeth sinking into Bernice's crotch, his tongue pushing in, trying to escape the suffocation.

Bernice, in excruciating pain, refused to let go.

At that moment, a thunderous roar came from the nearby rainforest river!

The roar, majestic and violent, sounded like a tiger's roar among thousands of cattle and horses, silencing the entire rainforest.

Allen and Bernice both showed fear in their eyes, stopping their attacks in shock!

What was that...