Chapter 14:Magic Brain Mushrooms

As the orphan of the hunting tribe, Bernice had previously visited the most prosperous area, which was the village where Allen resided.

There, she could only trade the animal furs and meat obtained from hunting for some coarse grains and simple woven clothes.

Wearing linen woven clothes was uncomfortable.

As a woman, Bernice had an instinctive fondness for beautiful and comfortable fabrics.

Fortunately, what she wanted to buy wasn't expensive.

After spending a few dozen copper coins to buy three pieces of cotton cloth in different colors, Bernice also picked out some small tools.

She originally wanted to continue shopping, but Allen wouldn't waste time.

After buying a hunting knife and bow for Peter, Allen directly took Bernice back to the inn.

The owner of the Beaver Inn had started his business selling beaver fur.

The unsellable inferior beaver fur was made into leather armor and hung in the inn's hall for sale.

Allen picked out a suitable set of leather armor for each team member as an extra gift for this mission.

He arranged for Bernice to sleep in the room next to Peter's and reminded them both not to let their guard down at night.

Two small sea boats and two wooden rafts were parked in the shed of the Beaver Inn.

Although the inn's reputation was fairly reliable, it was still better to be cautious.

After settling the two, Allen went out alone.

Allen had previously accompanied the former manager of the Estuary Rainforest several times to Bacha.

He was quite familiar with the layout here.

For future development and to quickly step into the realm of mysticism, he planned to go treasure hunting in the night market.

Tonight, the moon and stars were few, dim and faint.

It was the perfect time to act.

Only the torches set up in front of the stalls emitted light, illuminating the various stalls.

Many things that couldn't be seen during the day would be brought out for sale at night.

This time, Allen didn't take a raft but paid two copper coins to take a canoe, which was full with ten people, and had the boatman drop him off at a designated spot.

Stepping from the canoe onto the wet ground, Allen entered the trading area filled with stalls.

Here, stalls and shacks were mixed, and there were many of them.

This area was close to the timber trading zone, but not as valuable as the timber area.

However, it was indeed the most chaotic place, with almost everything for sale.

Some even openly sold mystical potions.

Of course, these stalls were obviously fake.

Whether it was Beast Warriors, Beast Tamers, or Mages, none would be so ostentatious.

Mysticism was always like a deep-sea volcano, profound and unfathomable, yet containing world-destroying power.

Allen passed by a stall selling dragon horns, cloaked in a black robe and mask, and picked up a 'dragon horn' without showing any emotion.

"Ah, my friend, you have a good eye! What you're holding is a dragon horn from a Flower Serpent Dragon! You won't find it anywhere else in all of Bacha!" 

A middle-aged man, exuding the aura of a merchant, spoke. Unlike the fat owner, he wore a mask.

Allen thought that this man might be afraid of being found out after deceiving someone.

"But I've heard that Serpent Dragons don't grow horns? And this dragon horn is too small!" 

The man, hearing this, wasn't bothered and continued to promote with a thick skin.

After all, mysticism, magical treasures, guardian beasts, and various dragon legends were quite common in the savage world.

In the indistinguishable rumors, there were always some genuine items.

For example, relatively common low-level guardian beasts—winged Serpent Dragons.

It was almost universally acknowledged that most winged Serpent Dragons didn't grow horns, and Flower Serpent Dragons were hornless dragons.

The owner continued tirelessly promoting to Allen: "My friend, even if this isn't a dragon horn, it's the horn of some rare beast. Buying it would be a great deal!"

Allen, suppressing his impatience, rummaged through the stall. After all, the first element of treasure hunting was a keen eye, and the second was patience!

However, how could such a stall hide magical treasures?

Just as Allen freed himself from the owner's entanglement and was about to move on, a voice came from a dark corner, sounding like a terminally ill tuberculosis patient, hoarse and weak.

Allen could almost picture the pale face of the voice's owner!

"My friend, cough cough...! Are you looking for something related to dragons?"

"Hey! It's you again, cripple. I don't believe anyone would buy your stuff!" The owner, hearing the voice from the corner, snorted.

Allen, however, became interested. Listening to this person's words, he had been here for a while.

In the black market, things that hadn't been sold for a long time and were still here either belonged to a fool or had some issues!

Allen became intrigued!

Slowly approaching, he finally saw the owner of the voice in a cramped corner outside a wooden house.

It was a crouching man, with a withered figure, exuding a sense of desolation.

But judging from his build, he was quite tall. Under the firelight, his tattered robe faintly revealed a skinny body.

"Boss, do you have something related to dragons?"

Allen bent down and saw that the man's stall only had some old daggers and arrowheads.

But then the man's low, hoarse voice came again.

"I do!"

Allen's eyebrows twitched, and his interest was piqued. "What is it?"

He thought the man would be evasive, but unexpectedly, he directly answered, "Dragon scales and magical treasures!"

Allen frowned, labeling the man as either a liar or careless.

"Hey, you have? You have nothing! Just those little dragon scales, as small as fish scales. And that bag of stinky mushrooms, daring to pose as treasures!" The previous owner mocked from his stall.

Clearly, this owner was extremely dissatisfied with the man who borrowed his torchlight to illuminate his stall.

From the conversation, Allen deduced that the man had tried selling many times but hadn't sold his items.

"Can you show me?"

The man nodded, trembling as he took out a small package from his bosom.

As if holding his few remaining days, the man carefully opened the palm-sized package.

Inside were a bunch of four-centimeter white-stemmed brown-capped mushrooms, with three green-gray scales lying quietly on top.

Upon seeing these items, Allen was shocked!

Not because of the three so-called dragon scales; Allen had never seen Serpent Dragons and didn't know what dragon scales looked like.

What shocked Allen was the mushrooms.

Their appearance was identical to the Magic Brain Mushrooms mentioned in the parchment scroll "Dark Ritual"!