Chapter 21:Brewing the Plant Mage's Curse

Allen immediately sensed the small lizard's extraordinary nature through its slight movements.

Natural Perception keenly informed Allen that the lizard meant no harm.

Under its fine scales, the lizard emitted faint puffs of green mist.

Allen noticed this detail—it was the same mist from his Plant Mage awakening.

Carefully, Allen extended his finger, allowing the lizard to crawl onto the back of his hand.

The little creature, indeed intelligent, lay down with its cool belly against Allen's hand, gently licking him with its tiny tongue.

Upon contact, a close connection formed in Allen's mind.

"What's happening? This kind of bond is something only beast tamers have!" Allen exclaimed.

The Dark Ritual parchment detailed the characteristics of beast tamers: they form soul-level bonds with animals or extraordinary guardian beasts, making it easy for them to command these creatures.

"Could it be that this little guy absorbed my Plant Mage mist and was thus assimilated, gaining some plant-like traits?" Allen speculated, stroking the lizard's back.

He couldn't think of any other explanation for now.

Regardless, this little creature was beneficial and harmless to him. As for how strong it could become, that depended on future development.

However, Allen was confident that, with his mystic methods and experience, he could make the lizard stronger.

"If you've absorbed my Plant Mage mist, it means we're fated. I look forward to your future." Allen smiled as he stroked the green poison lizard, which had fallen asleep again, and gently placed it in his pocket.

Newborn animals were often very sleepy.

Glancing at the hourglass, Allen jumped down from the tree and headed towards Peter's location.

The surrounding dead animals would be collected by his subordinates once the toxic mist dissipated.

When Allen arrived at Peter's hiding place, Peter was about to come out of his meditation.

In fact, Peter could have moved more than forty minutes earlier.

However, due to the lingering numbness and ethereal state, along with Allen's instructions, Peter had remained seated, waiting.

As the sitting time grew longer, Peter truly felt his body becoming stronger.

He could already smell the dampness outside the tree hollow.

His physical strength had also noticeably increased, making him even more grateful to Allen.

Such a powerful and precious elixir, and Allen had thought of him first. This made Peter more determined to follow Allen loyally.

When Allen opened the entrance to the tree hollow from outside, letting in the faint light, Peter opened his eyes.

"Boss, I really..."

Allen smiled slightly, placing a hand on Peter's shoulder and nodding, "Keep this to yourself and don't tell anyone, understand?"

Feeling the immense strength from Allen's hand, Peter was delighted, "Boss, did you take it too?"

Allen nodded, "This is our future strength. With this power, I can safely leave you in charge of the black market outpost."

Peter's eyes reddened with emotion, "Boss, don't worry, I'll fulfill your orders!"

"Alright, it's getting late. We should head back to the camp."

With that, Allen led the excited Peter through the dense forest towards the treehouse.

The blacksmith and others were sound asleep, unaware of anything.

Only Bernice vaguely heard some noise but didn't get up to check.

She was a smart hunter who knew her limits.

The next day, everyone was amazed to see the usually thin Peter carrying a large banyan tree trunk by himself.

Bernice only gave Allen a deep look without saying anything.

Allen didn't mind the shocked looks from others, but Bernice's gaze held a glimmer of desire.

"If you want something, you must be willing to give. What can you offer?" Allen thought, smiling as certain arousing scenes came to mind.


"The outpost is almost complete. I've taught you how to grill fish and make bows. It's time for the main group to leave. Peter and Fisher, you must guard this outpost well, understand?"

"Boss, don't worry. I'll lead Fisher to fulfill your orders and send someone to report to you weekly."

Allen trusted Peter but still reminded him, "Do what you can within your abilities, don't take unnecessary risks. Remember the things I told you to watch for."

Peter and Fisher patted their chests solemnly, promising to comply.

For the entire day, Allen led Bernice and the others, masked, through the black market, searching for needed items.

They planned to sail downstream at dawn.

But before leaving, Allen had one last potion to brew tonight—the Plant Mage's Curse.

He already had the necessary materials: the secondary Magic Brain Mushroom in his lab, plenty of red fireflies from the Baken Rainforest, and rainforest bullfrog eggs, which were abundant during the breeding season.

After a spending spree at the last metal goods store, buying a heap of small tools, Allen headed to his lab at night.

Brewing potions was much simpler than elixirs.

It didn't require precise ratios or perfect efficacy, just extreme addictiveness and hallucinogenic effects.

"Boil clear water in a copper cauldron..."

"Add charcoal to absorb impurities..."


"Boil again..."


After a series of steps, Allen had a cauldron of black clean water.

Boiling it again, he poured in a cup of rainforest bullfrog eggs.

The fragile eggs burst upon contact with the boiling water, turning into a cauldron of black-red liquid, emitting a strong aquatic stench.

Allen waited for the smell to dissipate before adding a cup of headless and thorax-less red fireflies, leaving only their glowing abdomens, into the boiling liquid.

Soon, the liquid boiled again. Allen divided it into five containers.

One, two, three, four, five.

He placed the respective number of secondary Magic Brain Mushrooms into each container and boiled them.

As the number of mushrooms increased, the boiling liquid emitted a stronger, more pungent odor.

An ordinary person would immediately fall into a hallucination upon smelling it.

But Allen, now a mage, was immune to most toxins due to his Plant Mage profession.

Thus, he easily brewed five bottles of hallucinogenic, addictive liquid.

Five bottles of the Plant Mage's Curse!

Looking at the completed potions, Allen sneered.

"Little Obion, are you ready? This is the 'Elixir of Awakening' I've prepared for you..."