Chapter 31:The Change in Little Obion's Wife

Regardless of the maid's truthfulness or whether Little Obion's wife had sought help from the Obion family, Allen needed to be prepared.

It was highly likely that the woman had already informed the Obion family.

"In that case, I need to prepare. First, deal with the visitors from the Obion family, then properly handle that woman!" Allen sneered, his smile carrying an indescribable undertone.

It was worth noting that Little Obion's wife was also an illegitimate daughter of a noble family.

Such politically motivated marriages between illegitimate children were not uncommon in Redwood.

However, Allen knew little about the family behind Little Obion's wife.

Even Little Obion had scant information.

He only knew that the woman was chosen by his father and was supposedly an illegitimate daughter of an earl's heir from Maclan Island.

Despite her background, she was still an overlooked illegitimate daughter, an ordinary person. As a transcendent being, dealing with an ordinary woman was a trivial task for Allen.

Riding his antlered deer, Allen decided not to stay in the potion room today.

The rainforest was full of strange plants and dangerous creatures.

Allen needed to understand these thoroughly, so he led the ranger team into the forest under the guise of patrolling and collecting herbs.

Over the past few days, Allen had completely taken control of the ranger team. Those who had betrayed him and sided with the crippled leader were fed to the crocodiles by the ruthless Allen.

Officially, these individuals were reported as having accidents during patrols.

Additionally, Allen used his authority to integrate Bernice and her group into the ranger team.

Little Obion had long delegated the entire estuary rainforest's jurisdiction to Allen, spending his days in the potion room and training ground, constantly taking potions and exercising.

He had no interest in managing the forest, which might have triggered his wife's sense of crisis seeing the unfavorable changes.

"By my calculations, shouldn't the other four ranger teams be returning soon?" Allen asked.

Bernice, now a member of the ranger team, rode a female antlered deer beside Allen. "They should be back soon. The central region's ranger team will arrive first, and the other three teams should return by tonight."

As expected, shortly after, Little Stinker came running with a message.

"Boss Allen, bad news! One of the ranger teams has returned! They... they went to see the forest district chief's wife..."

Bernice clenched her small hands, instinctively looking at Allen. "Boss, what should we do? Should we..."

Allen raised his hand to stop her. "Don't worry about it. Continue patrolling and send a few more people to build the base. I'll handle this."

Pulling the reins and turning the deer's head, he spurred it forward.

"Good, this gives me a reason to deal with you!" Allen sneered. A few ranger teams couldn't cause much trouble.

Returning to the forest district chief's mansion, Allen was surprised to find he had underestimated the woman.

Not only had the central region's ranger team returned, but the eastern, northern, and southern teams had also quickly come back.

As Allen stepped into the mansion, the door behind him closed tightly.

Two burly men stood guard at the closed door.

Allen had already noticed the signs but didn't act, wanting to see how far the woman would go.

Watching the young noblewoman gracefully emerge from the main hall, Allen remained expressionless.

To Cecilia, Little Obion's wife, Allen's expression was merely a facade, masking his anger and fear.

"So, Mr. Potion Maker, what do you think of the current situation?" Cecilia's frosty face and elegant words seemed to mock Allen, a commoner daring to aspire for power.

In the courtyard, over a hundred ranger team members, led by four captains, brandished hunting knives and spears.

The sharp cold gleam of their weapons pointed at Allen, as if ready to tear him apart.

Allen responded with a contemptuous sneer, "Is this all you have, my lady?"

As he spoke, Allen's lecherous gaze swept over Cecilia's body, making the term "my lady" sound obscene.

Cecilia felt as if she were naked, his gaze piercing through her clothes.

"Who gave you the audacity to call me 'my lady'? Kill him! A thousand gold coins to whoever kills him!"

The woman was ruthless, immediately ordering Allen's death.

The promise of a reward spurred the ranger team members, who lived by the sword, into a frenzy.

"Kill him!"

"Take down this monster!"

"Kill Allen and become the new captain!"

Despite their lack of coordination, their sheer numbers created a formidable force.

Allen wouldn't sit idly by. With a flick of his wrists, he launched two needles.

The powerful needles pierced the skulls of the two guards at the door.

"He's trying to escape! Get him!" A captain, seeing Allen kill the guards, thought he was trying to flee and led a charge.

But Allen didn't move, nor did he open the door.

"This door isn't meant to keep me in but to trap you..."

No one heard Allen's whisper, their greed blinding them.

Before they could reach Allen, a pale green mist spread silently.

Allen stood still, his hands moving gracefully like an ancient priest performing a ritual.

The green mist, guided by Allen's movements, formed ribbons that enveloped everyone.

"What is this?"

"Don't be afraid, it's just some smoke!"

The ranger team members noticed the green mist but paid it no mind.

They swung their knives at Allen, but their blades stopped inches from his forehead.

The hands holding the knives trembled violently, and everyone except Cecilia was paralyzed, groaning in pain.

In the secret chamber, Little Obion, deep in meditation, received Allen's signal and burst through the locked door.

Charging like a bull, he stormed into the crowd.

"Who dares harm my esteemed potion maker?" Little Obion roared, snapping the eastern ranger team captain's neck.

He then grabbed a hunting knife and began a frenzied slaughter.