Chapter 37:Cecilia's Proposal

Allen woke up in the middle of the night.

Turning his head, under the dim firelight, he saw Cecilia lying on the messy bed, her face tear-streaked.

"Sigh, I didn't mean to treat you this way, but you chose this yourself..." Allen murmured to himself with a complex expression.

Unexpectedly, Cecilia was already awake. "Are you feeling pleased with yourself?"

Looking at her cold and beautiful face, Allen found it hard to connect it with the passionate frenzy of the previous night.

Perhaps, this is what they call Stockholm Syndrome...

"A commoner boy like you actually slept with a noblewoman. Are you proud of that?" Cecilia understood that once a woman used her most powerful weapon, she often received unimaginable forgiveness from men.

Moreover, Allen had made many unspeakable demands.

Sure enough, Allen, who had been satisfied, was somewhat trustworthy.

Gently stroking Cecilia's smooth neck, Allen said, "It was... quite enjoyable..."

Cecilia blushed, forcefully dressed herself despite Allen's attempts to stop her, and even helped Allen dress like a dutiful wife.

This kind of service was far superior to that of the young maid.

"Don't think I don't know. Little Obion is your puppet. This rainforest district's mansion and the Estuary Rainforest are already in your hands, and..."

Allen's gaze prompted Cecilia to continue.

"And Carl, he's been humiliated and defeated by you. The Obion family will only value Little Obion even more..."

"Bergrui," Allen reminded her.

"In this situation, what can I, a weak woman, do? What can I possibly do?" Cecilia's eyes showed a look of disbelief as she spoke.

"Yes, you probably thought that even if you did find a lover, he would be a tall, handsome knight. Who would have thought that a commoner would taste your tender fruit?"

Allen directly pointed out Cecilia's thoughts.

Indeed, while Allen could barely be considered tall, he was far from handsome.

His entire being exuded a cold, even sinister roughness. With his growing beard, Allen's unreserved display of his aura only made him seem like a cunning villain, not a hero.

Cecilia's face turned pale as Allen exposed her thoughts.

But Allen nonchalantly comforted her, "No need to worry. I believe you'll understand that time reveals a person's true nature..."

However, this woman had survived and successfully left the complex and fiercely competitive world of high nobility as an illegitimate daughter.

Recognizing reality, seizing opportunities, and leveraging her advantages had become second nature to her.

She immediately approached Allen, her delicate body almost merging with his chest. "Have you thought about what I told you last night?"

Her beautiful face was on the verge of tears, her pleading expression could move even the hardest of hearts.

Even Allen, cunning and ruthless as he was, couldn't help but be moved. After all, his nature included a penchant for women.

"Uh... I need more time to consider this..."

Seeing Cecilia's clear eyes about to well up with tears, Allen quickly comforted her, "Although that matter needs more time, I promise you, as long as you don't leave the mansion or send messages, you can move freely!"

Cecilia's face brightened instantly, her large eyes curving into a seductive line, looking like a coquettish little fox.

She kissed Allen, leaving a moist lip print on his face.

If Allen didn't have plans for the day, he would have loved to ravage her again!


After gaining control of Allen's power, Cecilia was no longer confined to the dungeon.

Moreover, it seemed almost natural; without much arrangement from Allen, she naturally positioned herself as the mistress of the mansion.

Of course, nominally, as Bergrui's wife, she was indeed the mistress of the rainforest district's mansion.

After making some arrangements, Allen instructed Bernice and the young maid to stay at the mansion and oversee everything while he was away. He then left with his team.

Allen had thoroughly understood Cecilia, and with someone watching over her, she couldn't stir up much trouble.

On the contrary, the suggestion she made last night—to bear him a child—kept lingering in Allen's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

Cecilia needed a blood-related bond to secure her life and status.

But Allen had another idea. Offspring would greatly help his vision.

However, whom to have children with, or rather with whom, was something Allen needed to consider.

In the noble-dominated world of Gondwana, marriage alliances were an eternally effective method.

"What should I do?..." Riding a large stag through the dense forest, Allen pondered continuously.


Finding women wasn't difficult, but finding those with suitable status and position who could help him was.

As for the issue of bearing children, Allen wasn't worried.

As a plant mage, Allen's control over the human body and pharmacology had reached unimaginable levels.

He could even force a male and female deer to mate and reproduce in any season.

He could also try to concoct some extraordinary potions to promote growth and development. With his abilities, it wouldn't be a problem.

Moreover, the nobles of Gondwana didn't mind the presence of lovers as long as illegitimate children didn't seek inheritance rights.

Therefore, as long as Allen found a suitable official spouse and a group of lovers with good physical and mental qualities, he could greatly expand his production.

In ten years, he would have a capable team of his own!

Furthermore, after delving into mysticism and becoming extraordinary, Allen was already evolving beyond ordinary humanity.

Or rather, any extraordinary being in mysticism was no longer an ordinary human.

Allen thought of the Zerg from his previous life's memories!

Those creatures that reproduced in large numbers, grew rapidly, and formed endless swarms!

Could he consider developing in that direction?

The thought sent a shiver down Allen's spine.

With a bitter smile, he murmured, "So, mysticism truly is about transcending ordinary humanity, becoming a new kind of human? A superhuman race with a new moral code and conventions..."

In that instant, Allen fully understood why the mystic extraordinaries of Gondwana were so lofty, mysterious, and different!

They, including himself, were shedding the constraints of ordinary humanity, gradually evolving into a new species...