Chapter 84:Discussing Major Plans

Allen immediately expressed his intention to return to the Bakken region to obtain the Magic Brain Mushroom.

Audrey said seriously, "The letter mentioned that Viscount Black Mountain (Bergrey Jr. Obion's father) has already sent his son into the rainforest to search. You can't manage everything alone; I'll go with you."

In her words, she had already considered Allen's forces as her own team.

Allen naturally wouldn't refuse and agreed immediately. With Audrey's help, things would be much easier.

However, one thing made Allen a bit uneasy—Cecilia...

Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. After all, Audrey already knew.

Since she hadn't mentioned anything, it probably wouldn't cause any trouble.

After discussing their plans, Audrey went to the training ground. She planned to bring along two novice knights.

These young men had been training daily, and two of them were already good enough to control the bull in combat.