Chapter 91:The Lethality of the Blood Vine Clone

In the birch forest, fallen leaves covered the ground.

The leaves, which hadn't yet decomposed, had accumulated over the years, forming a thick layer.

When Allen's feet stepped on them, it was light and silent.

Ahead of Allen, in a forest clearing covered by underbrush, a small wild boar was rooting in the soil with its snout.

This gluttonous creature, covered in brown fur, had skin that hadn't fully hardened, indicating it was a newly born wild boar.

It was attracted by the mushrooms in the birch forest, risking being hunted by predators to forage here.

Allen observed the wild boar's every move, or rather, he sensed it through his Natural Sense attached to his clone.

With a furrowed brow, Allen commanded the underground blood vine to shoot out two thorn-covered tendrils.

These tendrils had been lying in wait under Allen's control, right beneath the wild boar.