Truth Reveal

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After eating, I asked the system if there was a way in which I could practice my spells without having to worry about my surroundings.

[Yes, host there is a training room, in which the host can practice and the time flow in there is different no matter how long you stay there it will only look like you were dazed for a few nanoseconds.]

That is good but system why did you not inform me about this before?

[Host, did not ask.]


From the window of my room, I saw that my parents had come back from the auction and they did not look hurt but behind them, I saw Reynold bringing unconscious Arthur in a princess carry position. His body was full of bruises the twin horn as well as Uncle Reynold was also not in great condition.

I looked away and waited for Lily to come to my room in

"3.., 2.., 1."

"Brother!!" Lily did not say anything and just hugged me tightly and cried. I patted her head gently and asked, "What happened? Why is my little fox crying?"

She cleaned her runny nose from her clothes and rubbed her eyes.

Lily told me everything that had transpired at the auction house like the royal guard suddenly attacking Arthur and trying to steal Sylvie. And how Arthur managed to fight head-on against a Royal guard and even managed to defeat him.

I just continued listening silently. Lily was just a little girl I could not even imagine just how much trauma she would have after this. I clenched my fists tightly and made a promise to myself to become so strong that my sister forgot that anything like this happened in the past.

Lily went back to her room after she had finished crying. I started absorbing mana in the air with my newfound motivation.

2 years later.

[Rudolf Helstea Pov]

It has been a few days and today is the day my cute little sister will go to Xyrus Academy to become a Secretary of the Student Council.

Well, these past two years were fruitful for me as I had successfully managed to become a Rank 6 Mage just below an Archmage.

I also learned many useful spells other than the four basic elements spell. Like infinite recovery at the cost of 1HP, and Levitation, Lightning bringer, portal, and physique strengthening. These were all Rank 5 spells except the infinite Recovery spell which was at Rank 6.

I was if not stronger on par with the six lances, I meant if all six attacked me together I could escape easily or defeat them.

Everything is going fine, the father is busy with his usual work and the mother goes shopping with Mrs. Alice.


"Come out Ellie I know you are hiding under the bed." Eleanor was left at home to play with me as her brother and his sister had both gone to the Academy.

"Found you."

"Aah... big brother you found me again."

"Okay now Ellie big brother is tired, mom and Mrs. Alice should be back by now."

"Bye-bye. Brother."

"Phew." It was more tiring to play with kids than getting tired from mana exhaustion.

Ever since her brother had left Ellie had become lonely with no kids or friends around her age to play with. I decided to play with her so she does not get lonely.

A few weeks later.

Father and mother were both preparing to go to Xyrus Academy as it was under attack by the Leywin family. We received the news later as Xyrus Academy was far from this place.

"Rudolf, stay at home, and do not worry we will be back soon with your sister." Said my father.

I decided to stop hiding my power any longer what was the use of all this power if I could not even protect my sister from some terrorists?

"Wait." Said Rudolf.

"We..." Vincent wanted to say something but was shocked to see that his son who was unable to walk was now standing and walking towards him.

"I will explain everything later Father, we do not have time to gather everyone Mother, and the Leywin Family." Rudolf was about to lose control but because he was a Rank 6 mage his mind had also become strengthened.

"What happened Vincent? We do not have time..."

When everyone saw me standing on my feats they were shocked just like my father a while ago.

"Mother and everyone I will explain all this later..." After saying this a portal opened behind me from which they could see the Xyrus Academy and a red barrier surrounding it.

"Everyone follow behind me," I said without even bothering to look back and entered the portal and the next second I was standing in the forest surrounding the Xyrus Academy.

When I turned around I saw everyone coming out of the portal one by one and they could not hide their astonishment as they had never seen a magic that could transport someone from one place to another except the ancient portals said to have been left behind by Deities.

"Son, when did you become a mage? And when did your legs recover? Why did you not tell us?" Asked my mother but this was a question that everyone who knew me had on their minds.

"When I was ten years old my legs recovered right after I awakened. I did not tell You because I did not want to attend the Xyrus Academy."

I answered all the questions with a mixture of lies and truth. Well, it was half true he did not want to attend Xyrus Academy.