"I want a divorce"

After Alex set her down in the bathroom and walked away, Emily kept her head lowered until she was sure he had left. Only then did she allow the tears to flow freely down her face. With trembling hands, she reached into her pocket and retrieved the ultrasound report from the medical center. The ink on the paper had blurred from the rain.

She had intended to share the news with Alex as a surprise, but now it seemed unnecessary. Two years into her marriage to Alexander Stratton, she knew him well enough to recognize that he never left his phone unattended, especially not to send messages summoning her without explanation. The abruptness of his request now seemed suspicious, like a cruel joke orchestrated by someone with access to his phone.

As she pondered over the possible scenarios, a sinking feeling settled in Emily's chest. Perhaps, while she had waited downstairs, they had all been laughing at her through the tinted windows upstairs.

In a moment of despair, she tore the ultrasound report to pieces.

Half an hour later, Emily emerged from the bathroom calmly. Her hair was still damp, clinging to her shoulders in dark, wet tendrils. Her face looked fragile, the pallor of her cheeks accentuated by the earlier chill of the rain. The warm steam from the bath had done little to restore the colour to her complexion, leaving her looking delicate and almost ethereal. She wrapped a towel tightly around herself, as if seeking solace in its warmth.

Alex sat on the couch, engrossed in his laptop, the glow of the screen illuminating his features.

"Go drink some tea," he instructed, gesturing towards the cup on the coffee table.

"Okay," Emily responded obediently, lifting the cup to her face. But instead of drinking, she hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts.

After a pause, she called out to him, "Alex."

His response was curt, his tone as cold as ever as he kept his focus on the screen. Emily found herself mesmerized by his sophisticated jawline and dreamy blue eyes, struggling to form the words she wanted to say.

Growing impatient, Alex finally looked up, meeting her gaze. Despite having a warm bath, Emily still appeared fragile, her uncertainty palpable.

Moved by a sudden desire, Alex reached out, lifting her chin and pressing a warm kiss on her lips. The intensity of his breath felt like fire, suffocating her with flames. As she attempted to push him away, his phone rang, breaking the moment.

Stepping back, Alex returned to his usual cold self. "Drink that tea and go to bed early," he commanded before retreating to the balcony with his phone.

Emily approached the balcony door, finding it slightly ajar, allowing a cold breeze to seep in along with snippets of conversation.

"Yes, not leaving," Alex's voice murmured.

"What are you thinking? Just go to bed," His tone even softer this time.

Reflecting on their exchange, Emily couldn't help but noticed how Alex could display warmth and tenderness to others, just never to her.

Retreating to the bedroom, Emily perched herself on the edge of the bed, her mind swirling with thoughts. Their marriage felt like nothing more than a transaction, a deal struck in the aftermath of her family's financial ruin.

Two years ago, the Johnson family had fallen from grace, becoming the subject of gossip overnight. Mocked for their enormous debts, Emily found herself at the center of a cruel joke, with creditors offering to clear their debts in exchange for her hand in marriage.

Alex Stratton had emerged in the chaos. He swept in, driving away the opportunistic suitors and settling the debts that had plagued her family.

"Let's get engaged," he had proposed, his tone casual yet decisive as he pinched her cheek, almost playfully. "Shocked? Scared of me? Don't worry," he reassured her. "I came back because my grandma is sick, and she really likes you. If we get engaged, it would make her happy, and I can help your family get back on their feet."

It was a chance to alleviate her family's burden while appeasing his grandmother's wishes. Despite knowing that the engagement was not genuine, Emily had agreed to the arrangement, the weight of her family's welfare outweighing any reservations she may have had.

Emily couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that lingered after the engagement. Despite her efforts to remind herself that Alex didn't love her, she found herself inexplicably drawn to him. It was a paradox she struggled to reconcile—the knowledge that their relationship was born out of necessity rather than genuine affection, yet unable to resist the pull of his presence.

Their history only added to the complexity of their situation. Growing up in the same town, attending the same private school, they had been acquaintances, if not exactly close friends. The sudden shift from familiarity to engagement left Emily feeling disoriented, as if she were navigating uncharted territory.

Meanwhile, Alex seemed unfazed by the arrangement, effortlessly blending their newfound status into their social circles.

As the months passed, Alex's grandmother's health all of a sudden deteriorated rapidly. She expressed her wish to see them married while in hospital, a request which they fulfilled shortly. With the exchange of vows, Emily officially became Mrs. Stratton, the culmination of a union that was perceived as a fairy tale romance by outsiders.

But as Emily reflected on their journey, she couldn't help but laugh bitterly at the irony of it all. Theirs was not a love story written in the stars, but rather a transactional arrangement masquerading as destiny.

Withdrawn from her memories, Emily realized the truth—they were not destined lovers, but participants in a business deal orchestrated by circumstance.

"Still awake?" Alex's voice broke the silence, his presence settling onto the other side of the bed, accompanied by a familiar scent that enveloped Emily.

"I have something to tell you," he began, his tone devoid of warmth. Emily didn't need to turn around to know what was coming next.

"I want a divorce," Alex stated bluntly, his words cutting through the stillness of the night. Though she had anticipated it, Emily's heart skipped a beat at the confirmation.

Struggling to maintain her composure, she responded evenly, "When?" Her voice betrayed no hint of the turmoil brewing within her, as if discussing a mundane detail of their daily routine.

Alex frowned noticing how calm she was. "Soon, after grandma's surgery," he replied, his expression unreadable.

Nodding silently, Emily murmured, "Okay," her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's it?" Alex's incredulous question hung in the air, his surprise evident.

Emily glanced at him from the corner of her eye, half-turning her body. "Sorry, what?" 

A smirk played on Alex's lips as he shook his head. "Never mind, you heartless woman," he muttered under his breath, a mixture of frustration and resignation colouring his words.

For Alex, their marriage had always been a transactional arrangement—a means to an end. He had kept potential suitors at bay, supported her family's business endeavours, all for the sake of his grandmother's happiness. Without the looming presence of his grandmother, he was certain Emily would have left him long ago.

As the silence stretched between them, Emily's voice cut through the tension. "Alex," she called softly, prompting him to turn towards her.

"Yes?" he responded, meeting her gaze with a mixture of curiosity and resignation.

Looking into his eyes, Emily uttered two simple words, laden with gratitude and farewell. "Thank you."

Alex turned away, the light in his eyes dimming as he absorbed her words. In that fleeting moment, Emily realized that once they were divorced, there would be no more opportunities for her to express her gratitude.