Feverish Cold

As the car continued its journey towards Harbourview Medical Center, Emily's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone discovering her pregnancy, especially Alex Stratton. The mere idea of facing judgment or scrutiny over her situation fuelled her anxiety, gnawing at her already fragile self-esteem.

With each passing moment, Emily's resolve wavered. She couldn't shake the feeling of shame that consumed her, stemming from the compromise she had made with Alex Stratton to help her family firm. The once proud and independent woman she used to be now felt like a mere shell of her former self, stripped of her dignity and pride.

Emily's heart raced as Alex abruptly stopped the car on the side of the road. Panic surged through her veins, and she instinctively reached for the door handle, expecting him to order her out of the car. But the doors got locked, trapping her inside with Alex's unreadable gaze piercing through the rearview mirror.

"Why no doctors today?" Alex's voice was firm, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Emily ever since she had returned home soaked in the rain yesterday.

Struggling to maintain her composure, Emily forced herself to respond in a calm voice. "I'll go see the doctor myself if I feel worse," she offered, hoping to appease him and avoid further confrontation.

But Alex's expression remained inscrutable, his silence stretching uncomfortably between them.

Olivia broke the silence, her voice soft yet determined. "Alex, maybe it's because of me. You can drop me off here and take Emily to Harbourview Med."

Emily watched as Olivia reached for the door lock button on the driver's side. But before Olivia could unlock the door, Alex's hand shot out, firmly grasping her wrist to stop her.

"It has nothing to do with you," Alex stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. Olivia's cheeks flushed slightly as she lowered her eyes to Alex's hand on her wrist.

Emily was watching quietly from the backseat until Olivia turned her gaze towards her. "Sorry, Emily. I thought you were fighting with Alex because of me."

Emily's lips formed a small, forced smile. "It's fine," she said, though her inner turmoil told a different story. If Olivia hadn't helped her during grade 9, Emily would have been quick to dismiss her as a two-faced manipulator.

"Are you scared of going to the big medical center?" Olivia asked, her voice gentle as she reached out to offer support.

Emily hesitated, her fears gnawing at her resolve. The thought of revealing her pregnancy at Harbourview Med sent a shiver down her spine. Olivia suggested an alternative—a small private clinic.

"Small clinic? Are you sure their doctors are better than Harbourview Med?" Alex questioned, his skepticism evident in his tone.

Olivia's response was swift, tinged with a hint of awkwardness. "Of course. They have the best doctors. Don't you trust me?"

After a moment's pause, Alex nodded in agreement. "Okay, let's go there instead."

As the car changed course towards the unknown clinic, Emily's worries intensified.

As Olivia continued to offer comfort and reassurance, Emily found herself momentarily speechless. Compared to Olivia's thoughtful supportiveness, Emily couldn't help but feel inadequate. She offered a faint smile of gratitude, silently acknowledging Olivia's kindness.

When they arrived at the clinic, Olivia wasted no time in opening the backseat door and offering her assistance.

"Thank you, Olivia," Emily murmured softly, leaning on her for support as they made their way out of the car. The sweet floral scent of Olivia enveloped her.

If only I could be more like her, Emily thought to herself, a pang of envy mingling with her admiration. Not only was she undeniably attractive and kind, she saved Stratton's life. It was no wonder Alex was drawn to her.

Before Emily could dwell on her thoughts any longer, a doctor appeared in the lobby to greet them. "I'm Dr. Myerson, Nice to meet you." Emily responded politely. "Nice to meet you," as the doctor began to check her temperature.

Olivia took the opportunity to introduce Alex and Dr. Myerson, their past connection evident in her warm tone. "Alex, this is Bryan Myerson. We met in the UK when he was in medical school. Bryan, this is Alex Stratton... my friend," Olivia explained, her pause drawing attention to the subtle nuances of their relationship.

"Friend?" Dr. Myerson raised an eyebrow inquisitively as he extended his hand towards Alex. "Nice to meet you," he said cordially.

"Likewise," Alex replied.

"Oli talked about you a lot when we were in the UK. She thinks really highly of you." Olivia blushed as Dr. Myerson mentioned her admiration for Alex.

"Bryan, stop it," Olivia interjected.

Alex glanced at Emily, who sat quietly in the chair, her head and eyes lowered. Despite the conversation unfolding around her, she seemed to withdraw into herself, hiding her feelings from the world.

Seeing Emily's detachment, Alex Stratton felt a wave of frustration and anger rising within him.

As Dr. Myerson read Emily's temperature and suggested starting with a quick IV to lower her fever. Emily rejected the idea immediately. "No IV," she stated firmly.

Dr. Myerson, noticing her reluctance, offered an alternative. "Are you afraid of needles? Then you can take the pills," he suggested.

Emily shook her head adamantly. "No needles, no pills," she insisted.

Recognizing Emily's resistance, Dr. Myerson decided to opt for a less invasive approach. "Then let's start with some cooling pads," he proposed before leaving the room to fetch a cooling blanket, with Olivia accompanying him.

Left alone in the room, the silence between Emily and Alex was palpable. It was Alex who eventually broke the tension. "Whining and stubborn," he muttered under his breath.

Whining and Stubborn

Emily's heart sank at Alex's words, the sting of his accusation cutting deep. "Of course, you cannot compare me to your thoughtful Olivia," she shot back, her voice tinged with a mix of bitterness and hurt. In the heat of the moment, Emily hadn't intended to vocalize her inner thoughts, but the words had spilled out before she could stop them.

Alex's stunned silence mirrored Emily's own surprise at her unfiltered response. She watched as he reached out to lift her chin, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Are you jealous?" he questioned, his eyes narrowed as he searched her face for a response.

Emily's pulse quickened at the implication of Alex's question, her breath catching in her throat. With a feeble attempt to maintain her composure, she tried to push his hand away. "Nonsense," she protested weakly, her hand trembling in his grasp.

But Alex's grip on her wrist remained firm, his touch sending a jolt of awareness through her. "You are so weak," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and concern.

Emily's attempts to free herself only seemed to exacerbate her vulnerability, and before she knew it, she lost her balance and stumbled backwards, landing heavily in the chair.

Alex stood before her, his gaze filled with a complex array of emotions. "Wait here," he instructed quietly, before turning and leaving the room.

As Alex returned with a wet, cold towel, Emily instinctively tried to avoid his touch, her body tensing at his proximity. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

"Don't move, to cool your head down," Alex instructed, his grip firm yet gentle as he held her by the shoulder.

Emily hesitated, a protest forming on her lips, but the sensation of the cold towel against her feverish skin proved too tempting to resist.

As Alex moved the towel to wipe her face and neck, he couldn't resist teasing her. "How does it feel, your highness?" he quipped, a smirk dancing on his lips.

Confusion flickered across Emily's features at his words. "What?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as she met his gaze.

Alex's smirk widened slightly as he continued his ministrations, his touch sending a shiver down Emily's spine. "I'm wiping your body with a wet towel to cool you down like a maid, and you don't think you are a princess?" he teased.

Emily's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but before she could respond, Alex began unbuttoning her shirt, his movements deliberate and purposeful. Panic surged through Emily as she realized his intentions, and she quickly grabbed his hand, halting his progress.

"What are you doing?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with alarm.

"Cooling you down," Alex replied coldly, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes.

Emily's grip tightened on her collars as she hastily protested, "It's okay. I can do that myself."

Alex frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What are you mad at me about?" he asked, his tone tinged with frustration.

Before Emily could respond, a loud banging sound echoed through the room, causing them both to turn towards the door. Emily rushed to pick up the equipment she had dropped, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she sought to escape the awkwardness of the moment. Alex watched her with a puzzled expression, his thoughts swirling with confusion.

"Sorry about the interruption. It slipped through my hand," Olivia apologized as she placed the cooling blanket on the table. "Let me help you with it." She extended her hand to take over the wet towel from Alex. "Dr. Myerson will be here soon, and we can take care of Emily."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Alex left the room, leaving Olivia and Emily alone.

"Emily, Dr. Myerson and I will put this cooling blanket on you and help you cool down," Olivia said soothingly.

"Thank you, Olivia. Maybe ask a nurse to do it instead? I don't want to bother you too much." 

"No worries at all," Olivia reassured her, gently laying the blanket over Emily's body. "I should thank you for being here the past two years."

Emily widened her eyes, meeting Olivia's gaze with curiosity. "Thank me?" she asked, puzzled by Olivia's words.

"Yes, although it appears that you married Alex Stratton to save your father's firm from bankruptcy, I know that by you being by his side, he avoided all the unnecessary girl troubles," Olivia explained. "It would be an issue for me to deal with when I come back. With you here, he avoided all of those."

Emily's heart sank as she realized the true message from Olivia. Her words served as a stark reminder that their relationship was merely a business transaction and Alex's only true love was her, Olivia Winters. It had always been just her.

Unable to find the right words to respond, Emily remained silent as Olivia excused herself to get water. When she returned, Emily took a sip and said "There's nothing for you to worry about. Alex only loves you. Not to mention that you saved his life."