Night's Prelude

As the guests stepped into the private dining room, their attention was drawn to the breathtaking view beyond the expansive windows. Perched atop the uppermost floor of a bank tower, the room offered a panoramic spectacle of the city below.

The city skyline stretched out before them, a dazzling tapestry of twinkling lights that illuminated the darkness of the night. From this vantage point, they had a commanding view of the urban landscape, with skyscrapers reaching skyward like sentinels guarding the metropolis.

The lights of the city shimmered and danced. The streets below bustled with activity, the steady flow of traffic weaving through the labyrinth of roads and avenues like veins pulsing with life.

As the dinner party guests conversed amongst themselves, their voices mingling with the soft murmur of anticipation.

"Did you know about Julian coming back to New York? When did he come back?" 

"Not sure. Haven't talked to him in years," came the nonchalant reply, accompanied by a shrug of indifference.

The mention of Alex Stratton and Olivia Winters prompted another round of speculation. "Do you think Alex Stratton will come with Olivia Winters?" someone ventured.

"No, why would he? Didn't he marry Emily Johnson?" another one chimed in, confusion evident in their tone.

"But Alex loved Olivia for a long time, and now that she's back, I heard he might be getting a divorce," another voice added, fuelling the gossip.

"I heard they only got married to help with the Johnson bankruptcy," someone whispered, their words laden with intrigue.

As the guests continued to speculate, the door swung open, drawing their attention to the entrance. In stepped a tall figure clad in a white suit with gold-traced glasses—Julian Everhart. A wave of warmth washed over the room as people greeted him.

Julian returned the greetings with a polite smile, his gaze sweeping across the room in search of a familiar face. But as he scanned the gathered crowd, he couldn't help but notice the absence of one person in particular. His brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of disappointment flashing across his features. 

As Julian's thoughts drifted to Emily, a voice suddenly pierced through the air. "Excuse me..."

Before the speaker could finish, another voice chimed in, calling out with excitement, "Olivia!"

Julian turned towards the entrance, his curiosity piqued as he laid eyes on Olivia standing at the door. She was a vision in a tight black dress, its long slit opening teasingly on the side, revealing a glimpse of her slender leg. Her presence commanded attention.

"Julian!" Olivia's voice rang out with surprise and delight as she caught sight of him. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she stepped forward, closing the distance between them in a few swift strides. "I haven't seen you for so long. I can hardly recognize you. You've changed a lot."

Julian's brow furrowed slightly at her words, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Had he really changed that much? It wasn't something he had ever given much thought to, as he had always prided himself on his steadfastness and resilience. 

Lost in his thoughts, Julian hesitated for a moment before withdrawing his outstretched hand, the gesture more abrupt than intended. "Yes, it's been a long time," his tone guarded.

Olivia's expression faltered at his reaction, a flash of confusion crossing her features, sensing the undercurrent of resentment in his withdrawn hand. 

As Julian settled into his seat at the table, he engaged in small talk with the guests around him, his gaze occasionally drifting to the empty seats beside him. Olivia, seated nearby, found herself unable to tear her eyes away from him, her disbelief evident in the way she stared at him. She couldn't remember Julian ever looking this good—his sense of maturity and the chiseled lines of his masculine jawline, accentuated by his dark brown eyes behind those designer glasses, held her attention completely.

As the evening wore on, Julian grew increasingly impatient, his anticipation mounting with each passing second. 

Amidst the idle chatter, someone eventually broached the topic of Alex's expected arrival. "Is Alex Stratton coming today?" someone asked.

"Of course, they were best friends and went to the same college," 

"But how come he is still not here?" 

Olivia's gaze drifted to her phone unconsciously with that question lingering in her head. The absence of a reply from Alex to her earlier message only added to Olivia's growing unease. 

The guests turned their attention to Olivia, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of unraveling the mysteries of the love triangle.

"Olivia, Why don't you call Alex?" someone suggested, their words met with a chorus of agreement.

Olivia glanced uncertainly at Julian, hoping for some guidance or reassurance, but he seemed oblivious to the conversation, engrossed in his phone. 

With a sigh, she pressed her lips into a thin line, weighing her options. "There's no point in calling him now," she finally declared, her tone firm but tinged with uncertainty. "He must be already on his way."

Despite her protests, the others persisted, their curiosity getting the better of them. "Just call him. Give it a try," they urged, their insistence pushing Olivia further out of her comfort zone.

Feeling the weight of their expectant gazes, Olivia's resolve wavered. She glanced once more at Julian, searching for any sign of support, but found none. 

Just as Olivia wrestled with her uncertainty, the door swung open, drawing everyone's attention. All eyes turned to the entrance, where a figure in an airy black coat stepped into the room. 

It was Alexander Stratton, his presence commanding and unmistakable, followed closely by Emily, her own coat a soft cream colour that complemented his perfectly.

As Alex led the way into the private dining room, all eyes were drawn not just to him, but to the figure at his side. Her brown hair was swept up into a simple bun, a few loose strands framing her face in a soft, natural elegance. She wore minimal makeup, her features radiant in their simplicity, accentuated by a faint blush that highlighted her cheeks. Despite her understated appearance, there was an undeniable beauty to her, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes.

As she moved gracefully across the room, Emily's eyes met Julian's briefly before she turned her attention to the others gathered at the table. There was a sense of calm about her, a quiet strength that seemed to radiate from within. 

Olivia's heart skipped a beat at the sight of them together.

Julian's expression remained impassive as he watched them enter, his gaze lingering on Emily for a moment longer than necessary. 

As Alex and Emily made their way to the table, the atmosphere shifted, the energy in the room crackling with newfound intensity.