Fall from Grace

In the washroom, Emily sought solace in the gentle cascade of water splashing onto her face, a futile attempt to wash away the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in her mind. Leaning against the sink, she met her own gaze in the mirror, the remnants of her conversation with Michael lingering like wisps of smoke in her consciousness. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise at Michael's underlying intention—to see her and Alex remain together. After all, as one of Alex's closest friends, shouldn't Michael be championing Alex's past with Olivia?

Shaking off the questions plaguing her mind, Emily gently wiped her face and made her way back to the dinner room. However, her return was met with an unexpected exchange unfolding in the hallway. A familiar voice pierced the air, drawing Emily's attention. 

Olivia stood at the center, flanked by her friends, including Clare, who had been previously dismissed by Alex. Emily listened in as Olivia's voice carried with a soft resignation.

"Don't blame yourself, Clare. You were only speaking the truth," Olivia reassured her friend, her tone heavy with melancholy. "It's just Alex... He doesn't seem to care about me as much anymore."

Clare's expression darkened, a venomous gleam flashing in her eyes. "It's all because of that Emily Johnson. But don't worry, Olivia. I'll make sure she pays for this."

Olivia's response was unexpectedly calm. "No, it's fine," she replied, reaching out to grasp Clare's hand. "I don't want to drag you into this."

"You're my best friend, Oli," Clare insisted, her loyalty unwavering. "It's what friends are for."

Caught off guard by the venomous undertones of Clare's response, Emily couldn't help but smirk at the melodrama unfolding before her. Before she could slip away unnoticed, Clare's accusatory gaze fell upon her, igniting a fiery confrontation.

"Hear-dropping? I came to the washroom, and you were practically shouting in the hallway. Anyone could hear you halfway across the hall," Emily retorted, her voice laced with disdain.

As Clare advanced menacingly, Emily instinctively stepped back to avoid her. But Clare's aggression knew no bounds as she lunged forward, aiming for Emily's hair. Emily deflected Clare's attack, seizing her arm in a firm grip. With a swift stomp on Clare's foot, Emily exerted pressure, twisting Clare's arm with a determined resolve.

Olivia hesitated, her initial impulse to intervene giving way to a sudden realization. Thoughts of Emily's pregnancy flashed through her mind, casting a shadow of doubt over her next move. With a conflicted expression, Olivia feigned shock, her hesitation palpable as she remained frozen in place, a silent observer to the escalating confrontation unfolding before her.

Clare's cries of pain filled the air, drowned out only by the sound of their struggle. Emily held fast, her movements calculated and precise, while Clare writhed in discomfort, her attempts to break free thwarted by Emily's unwavering strength. 

"You think I'll lose to you?" Emily seethed, her voice dripping with defiance as she twisted Clare's arm with unyielding strength.

The commotion drew the attention of bystanders, prompting their intervention to separate the feuding women. With the chaos escalating, the dining room door swung open, casting a spotlight on the unfolding drama, its repercussions echoing through the halls.

Amidst the chaos of the scuffle, Olivia reached out to restrain Emily, but Emily shrugged off all attempts to intervene, her determination unwavering. Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the tense atmosphere, drawing Emily's attention to Olivia, who had stumbled and fallen on the staircase in her heels.

The sight of Olivia's fall sent shockwaves through the onlookers, Olivia's descent down the staircase seemingly unstoppable despite her desperate attempts to cling to something for support. As she tumbled to the bottom, her hands instinctively shielded her face, only to be met with the chilling sensation of blood trickling through her fingers.

"Oli!" Clare's frantic call echoed through the hallway as she rushed to Olivia's side, joined by a few guests from the dining room.

Emily stood frozen, her eyes narrowed in bewilderment. She hadn't pushed Olivia—how had she fallen that far? 

The air grew tense as Alex and Julian arrived.

"What's going on here?" Alex's voice cut through the commotion, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the scene. Upon noticing Emily's disheveled appearance, he immediately stepped forward, a protective instinct kicking in.

"What did they do to you?" Alex's grip tightened on Emily's arm as he turned her towards him, his gaze filled with concern. 

In that moment, Emily's heart plummeted, disbelief coursing through her as she met Alex's gaze. He had come to her first, a stark contrast to her expectations of Olivia always being the center of his attention.

Before Emily could respond, a voice called out to Alex, breaking the tense silence. "Alex, Olivia's been hurt. She's bleeding," the voice announced, drawing Alex's attention away from Emily. As their eyes met, Emily detected the conflict and hesitation in Alex's gaze, her own heart sinking with disappointment.

Pressing her lips together tightly, Emily remained silent, her disappointment palpable. She felt Alex's grip on her arm loosen, a subtle indication of his shifting priorities. "She's hurt. I'll go check on her," Alex declared, his voice strained with concern.

Emily smirked at the predictable turn of events, earning a frown from Alex in response. "Wait here," he instructed firmly before hastening downstairs to attend to Olivia.

As Alex's hand withdrew from her shoulder, Emily felt a fleeting sense of vulnerability wash over her, her body tensing involuntarily. Just as she teetered on the edge of uncertainty, a reassuring hand gently encircled her waist from behind, causing her to startle slightly. Turning around, Emily met Julian's steady gaze.

A cry pierced the air, drawing Emily's attention to Olivia, who was covering her forehead as blood streamed through her fingers. "Emily pushed Olivia!" someone's accusatory shout rang out, instantly capturing the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned towards Emily, the weight of their collective scrutiny bearing down on her.

Clare, her gaze venomous as she locked eyes with Emily, added fuel to the fire. "Yes, it's her," she asserted with a pointed stare. "Olivia reached out to her, but she shrugged off her hand and pushed Olivia down."

As the accusations swirled around her, Emily stood impassively, her expression devoid of emotion. She watched in silence as Alex, his arms around Olivia's trembling form, declared his intention to take her to the hospital.

With a deadly glare at Emily, Clare departed with Alex in tow, leaving behind a palpable unease among the remaining onlookers. The atmosphere shifted, the initial excitement of Julian Everhart's return overshadowed by the unsettling turn of events.

Sensing the tension, Julian intervened, urging the crowd to disperse and promising a future gathering. As the guests began to depart, Emily moved to follow, but Julian caught her by the elbow, offering to drive her home.

Pushing his hands away, Emily declined politely "No, it's okay. Thanks," before striding towards the exit.

The biting chill of the early fall night breeze stung Emily's cheeks as she stepped outside, seeking solace in the solitude of the darkened streets. In her headphones, Carla's voice rang out, filled with disbelief and condemnation. "I cannot believe it. She has gone to extreme lengths, risking her own face just to set you up and fake a fall," Carla asserted with unwavering certainty.

Emily hesitated, unwilling to accept Carla's damning conclusion. Despite the accusations hurled her way, Olivia had once been a friend, even offering her support in times of need. "Maybe I should go to the hospital to check on her," Emily suggested tentatively, her reluctance evident.

"No, there's no need," Carla countered adamantly. "Her intentions are crystal clear, to tear you and Alex apart. If you go see her at the hospital, she'll put on a whole act by pretending to defend you to Alex, but her real goal is to shift the blame onto you. It's a trap." 

"Have you thought about why would she grab you by the arm when everyone was gathering around?" Carla's probing question lingered in Emily's mind, leaving her lost in a sea of thoughts. She remained silent, mulling over the implications of Olivia's actions. 

After a prolonged pause, Carla released a heavy sigh. "I know she helped you before, but that doesn't mean she won't harm you now that she's back," Carla cautioned, her concern palpable.

"I know," Emily replied softly.

Sensing Emily's distress, Carla offered a comforting suggestion. "Do you want to come to my place tonight? We can talk all night. I'll even take tomorrow off," she proposed, extending a gesture of support.

"No, it's okay," Emily declined gently. "Grandma is still at home. I can't let her worry about me not going home for the night."

"Alright, then go home soon. I can hear the wind through the phone," Carla urged, her concern evident in her tone.

"Okay," Emily agreed quietly. 

"Don't forget to let me know when you get home safely," Carla reminded her before bidding farewell and hanging up.

Instead of rushing home, Emily found herself drawn to a nearby bench, where she closed her eyes and allowed the cool night breeze to wash over her, seeking solace in the peaceful stillness of the moment. 

However, her solitude was interrupted when a warm coat enveloped her, carrying with it a faint scent of cigarettes, prompting her to open her eyes.