Shadows of Uncertainty

Two days later, the doctor called for surgery. Time seemed to fly by, the two days passing as quickly as two hours. 

As the medical team prepared to roll Grandma into the operating room, Emily got uncontrollably nervous. Her heart pounding in her chest fast and heavy, her hands trembled as she gripped the elderly Mrs. Stratton's hand tighter, her knuckles turning white from the pressure.

Grandma, feeling the sudden tightness, turned her head slowly to look at Emily. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of strength and warmth, met Emily's anxious gaze. Emily tried to push down the wave of fear that was threatening to overwhelm her. She forced a smile.

"Grandma, don't worry," she said, her voice quivering slightly. "We'll be right here. It's going to be just like a nap. When you wake up, everything will be better." She attempted to infuse her words with as much reassurance as she could muster.

The elderly Mrs. Stratton's face softened into a gentle smile. She placed her other hand over Emily's, enveloping it in a comforting, reassuring grip. "Don't worry about me," she replied, her voice calm and soothing. "You stay here with Alex and wait for me."

Emily's eyes filled with tears she tried desperately to hold back. She nodded, her throat tight with emotion, but she didn't let go of Grandma's hands. The connection felt like a lifeline, a tether to the woman who had always been her rock.

Alex stepped forward, gently placing his hands on Emily's waist. "It's time for the surgery. Grandma will be fine," he said, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions. Reluctantly, Emily released her grip.

She watched with a heavy heart as the nurses wheeled Grandma away, the doors of the surgery room closing behind them. For a moment, Emily stood frozen, her mind racing with worry. Then, feeling a wave of helplessness, she sank into a chair outside the surgery room. Her fingers immediately found their way to her nails, picking at them anxiously.

Alex sat down beside her, his presence a comforting reassurance. He reached out and took her wrist, the warmth of his hand seeping into her skin and calming her slightly. If it weren't for Alex, Emily knew she would be a complete wreck right now. The silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken fears and hopes.

Suddenly, the vibration of Alex's phone shattered the silence. Emily glanced at Alex, who checked the caller ID. It was Olivia Winters. Emily turned away, biting down her lower lip. However, she felt Alex's grip tighten as he ignored the call and hung up.

"If you don't want me to grab your wrist, hold my hand," Alex said softly.

Emily looked at him, confused. Alex added, "I don't want you to be scared. Grandma will be fine."

"I know," Emily replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Are you cold?" Alex asked, concern etched on his face.

Emily shook her head slightly, but Alex still took off his coat and placed it around her shoulders. The familiar scent and warmth enveloped her, providing a small measure of comfort. 

But I told him no, Emily thought to herself. A moment later, Alex's hand found hers again, his touch a silent promise of support.

Another vibration from Alex's phone came from the coat pocket now resting on Emily. "Your phone is ringing again. Are you sure you don't want to get that?" she asked.

"It's on you," Alex replied.

What does he mean? Emily wondered, realizing he was giving her the choice to answer or ignore Olivia's call. With a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, Emily asked, "If I turn off your phone right now and miss some important calls, would you blame me?"

Alex stared at her and replied. "When did I ever blame you?" 

"You said it. Don't regret it later," Emily said, reaching into the coat pocket to shut down the phone. However, when she took it out, she saw five missed calls from Olivia and a message: "Mr. Stratton, I'm Clare, Oli's friend. I cannot find her anywhere, and she didn't take her phone with her either, so I used her phone to call you. If you see this message, can you please help us find her?"

Olivia is missing. Emily paused, frowning. If she pretended she never saw this message and turned off the phone now, Alex wouldn't know and couldn't blame her later. Not to mention Olivia is a grown woman, not a teenager running away from her family. Emily held the phone, torn between decisions. 

Finally, she turned to Alex and said, "I think you need to check this message." She handed the phone to him.

Deep down inside, Emily couldn't ignore Clare's message and risk Olivia's life. What if something serious had happened to her? After all, Olivia had saved Alex's life. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't be sitting here with Alex right now. With a sigh, Emily murmured, "You should go check on her." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

As Emily was about to take off Alex's coat and give it back to him, she heard Alex say, "I'll be right back," before he left. Even though Emily had already guessed Alex would leave to check on Olivia after reading that message, her heart still ached the moment he walked away. An overwhelming rush of emotions surged through her—fear, anxiety, disappointment, and insecurity—so intense that she felt nauseous. She stood up, still wrapped in Alex's coat, and walked toward the washroom.

The hallway air felt colder, and she tightened the coat around her. As she passed a window, she glanced outside. The scene was bleak and desolate. The sky was overcast, filled with heavy, dark clouds hanging low, threatening to burst at any moment. The bare trees, stripped of their leaves, swayed in the harsh wind, and the ground was a dull, lifeless grey. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought, Maybe it's going to snow soon.

Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the approaching footsteps. The sound grew louder, more insistent, breaking through the constant murmur of hospital activity. At first, she paid no attention; people were always walking up and down the hallways. But these footsteps were different—closer, more urgent. An uneasy feeling began to creep over her.

Just as she was about to turn around and check, a hand suddenly wrapped around her neck from behind, covering her face with a cloth. A sharp, pungent smell filled her nostrils, and panic surged through her. She tried to struggle, but her movements quickly became sluggish. The edges of her vision darkened, and a sense of helplessness engulfed her as she lost consciousness, the world around her fading to black.

Through the window, the bleak landscape outside remained unchanged, the dark clouds casting a shadow over the hospital, as if mirroring the ominous turn of events inside.