Change of Heart

Two days later, as Emily joined the elderly Mrs. Stratton for breakfast, she felt a tug on her arm, pulling her close. "Emily, let's go for your full body exam tomorrow," Mrs. Stratton said.

Emily's heart skipped a beat. "Grandma, didn't we say we'd do it next week during your check-up?"

"I heard the doctor I had in mind for you is going on vacation soon. Let's get it done before he leaves."

Emily smiled awkwardly. "Grandma, the machines are the same. Any doctor can do it."

"But I had this planned for you already," Mrs. Stratton insisted, her tone firm.

Emily couldn't reject her grandma's wishes and nodded in agreement.

When Alex returned later that day, Emily approached him in the study cautiously. "It looks like Grandma has been recovering well," she said tentatively.

Alex realized what she was hinting at and frowned, remaining silent.