The Breaking Point

Emily felt like a breeze of wind, weightless and powerless, as Alex whisked her away with an intensity she couldn't comprehend. It wasn't until she found herself in the car, the engine roaring and the scenery blurring past, that she realized what was happening. Alex drove furiously, the car hurtling down the road with a reckless speed that left her breathless. When they arrived home, she was still in shock, her mind reeling from the whirlwind of events.

Alex didn't give her a moment to recover. He gripped her hand with an iron hold and led her up the stairs, ignoring the housekeeper and maids who greeted them. His pace was relentless, his focus unbroken as he dragged her into the bedroom. The door slammed behind them, and before she could process what was happening, he threw her onto the bed, pinning her down with a strength that made escape impossible.