Whispers of Uncertainty

Emily's eyes widened in shock at the question.

"Kevin told me that I look just like Uncle Alex. His mom said that to his dad. Kevin also said that his parents think Uncle Alex must be my real dad."

Emily opened her mouth to deny it but hesitated, considering whether to tell Andy the truth. As she struggled with her dilemma, Andy continued, "But I told him that our dad was dead before we were born. Just like you told us before."

She remembered when Andy and Emma were not even two years old, they had come home from the park, where they had seen other kids playing with their dads on the swings and slides. They had asked where their dad was, and Emily had simply told them, "Your dad was dead before you were born." The twins had been momentarily shocked, trying to comprehend the concept of death, before nodding silently. They had never asked about their dad again, but now, school gossip had reignited Andy's curiosity.