Chapter 41 - Another Panda

The woman from the Bureau of Investigation's expression didn't change at all. She approached Leyvi even closer and extended her hand which was in a glove. In the middle of her palm, there was something that looked like a token.

"Mr. Leyvi, I was tasked to deliver this token to you," The woman said stoically.

"May I know this lady's name? And who gave me this token?" Leyvi politely asked. Leyvi felt the whole situation was weird. He didn't particularly know anyone in Bara City except for Layla and he just met Layla. There's no reason she would do something like this. Who could it be?

"My name is Camy and I was under the order of the envoy to deliver this token to you," Camy was still without any expression.

Leyvi sighed. Does everyone from the Bureau of Investigation have to be expressionless like this? He couldn't imagine himself being like this. Leyvi focused back on the topic of conversation. The envoy? Did she mean the envoy that had just given the entire city an announcement just now?

Leyvi felt that the situation was more confusing now. He didn't know who the envoy was at all!

Leyvi frowned and stared at Camy and the token in her palm, "Lady Camy, I would like you to explain what this is all about and why I am given this token." He needed answers before he accepted the token.

"To be honest, I didn't know why Mr. Leyvi was given this token. As for this token, this is a house key and proof of residentship in Bara City. Mr. Leyvi can take this token and leave a spiritual imprint inside it. You will have 100% ownership of the house," Camy explained. She was also confused regarding this situation. Does this Leyvi have any secret contribution to the former city lord's case? Why else would he be rewarded by the envoy?

Leyvi was dumbfounded. A house? A residentship? What is going on? They didn't even plan to stay here for a long time but he suddenly got a permanent house. He didn't even have a house under his name in the Mountain Dew Sect and was only allowed to live there as a disciple.

Leyvi glanced at Anda seeking confirmation. With her ability, she could detect whether Camy was telling the truth or not.

Anda nodded. Camy was indeed telling them the truth. Anda was also shocked by this development. She faintly guessed that this had something to do with their involvement with the former city lord incident based on the timing, but she couldn't figure out if they deserved a permanent resident for this.

"If that's the case, I will be honored to accept this token. Thank you for your service Lady Camy," Leyvi put on a gentlemanly smile again and picked the token from her palm without wasting any more time. Anda's confirmation was all he needed.

 As soon as Leyvi picked the token from her palm, she immediately saluted Leyvi and left. Many bystanders saw the token in Leyvi's hand and showed an envious face. What did this guy do to get a free house like this? They worked for so many years but they can only rent a house until now. Although they were envious, nobody dared to even think about snatching it. That was courting death. 

Leyvi quickly sent his spiritual imprint into the token and he instantly knew the location of the house. Furthermore, this token could act as the parent token and produce 20 more mini-tokens to be given to the household members.

"20 mini tokens?" Leyvi gulped. Just how big was this house? There's no way a small house could fit 20 other people right? Leyvi checked the location again and sure enough, it was the housing area for rich people.

 "Hahahahaha! Anda! From now on, we will live as rich people!" Leyvi suddenly laughed out loud and put his arm around her waist. He then walked with big steps as if showing off.

Anda put up her hand on her forehead hiding her face. She was quite embarrassed that her husband was acting like this in public. Husband? Where did your gentlemanly persona go? Why are you acting like an arrogant rich person?

Damn! This guy is so full of himself! You are just lucky someone gave you the house! Oh god, why did a guy like this get all the good stuff? The bystanders were cursing at Leyvi in their hearts and questioning the unfairness of the world after Leyvi started laughing like a maniac.

Layla who saw this comedic situation from inside the Treasure Pavilion giggled amusingly. She was already quite familiar with Leyvi's personality even though they only met two times.

After walking like a dork for a bit, Leyvi stopped and walked normally again but he was still in a good mood with Anda in his arm.

"Anda, who do you think gave us this house?" Leyvi raised a question while flipping the token around.

"I'm not sure, however, we don't need to worry much since it was the Bureau of Investigation that was tasked to give this token to us in public. Many people saw this. If it was some kind of shady deal, they would do it in private. If in the future we find out who gave the house to us, we will personally thank them." Anda explained her perspective.

"Hahaha! Good! Let's return to tell the kids and Lilian the good news! Everyone is going to get their own room today!" Leyvi declared in a good mood.

"Hehe..Let's go!" Anda hugged Leyvi's arm and walked with him back to the hotel room.

Not long later, Leyvi and Anda arrived in front of their room but Leyvi went next door first to check on the kids. He knocked on the door and very quickly Tal opened the door.

"Master! You are back!" Tal was happy to see his master. He was a bit worried since he and Tasya thought that there was a volcanic eruption last night. They could see a huge pillar of fire from the room.

"Haha, I'm back earlier than expected. How's your cultivation?" Leyvi entered the room and saw that Tasya was smiling inside.

"Master, the new cultivation manual is faster and easier to cultivate but the martial skill, I can only learn the theory for now, we don't have the place to practice it." 

Leyvi smiled, "You don't have to worry about this. Because your master is very charismatic and gentlemanly, someone gave me a big house to live in for free! Soon you will have a place to train your martial skills! Hahaha!" Leyvi started to brag to the kids.

"Really?" Tal and Tasya looked at each other suspiciously. Who's the generous person who gives away a house for free?

"Heh, why would I lie to you kids? You can ask Anda." Leyvi retorted.

While Leyvi was talking to the kids, Anda suddenly showed up with another person in tow. It was Lilian. She looked like a mess with dark circles under her eyes.

"Anda, why is there another panda here?" Leyvi spontaneously said as soon as he saw the dark circles.

"Pfft!" Anda was caught off guard and almost spat. She held back her laugh as much as possible because she wanted to maintain her image in front of the kids.

Leyvi turned to the kids and saw they were holding back their laughs too for some reason and asked, "How long since you last saw Sister Lilian?"

Tasya quickly composed herself and answered, "Brother Leyvi, it has been a week. We came to check every other day, but Sister Lilian stopped coming out of the room a week ago." She didn't hide anything.

"Lilian?" Leyvi turned back and stared at Lilian. He knew this would happen eventually. She would follow the arrangement at first but as time went on, her introverted personality would reign over again and forget everything around her.

Lilian didn't say anything. She looked down and seemed ashamed of her negligence. She was supposed to look after the kids but she was lost in her own world again and forgot her responsibilities.

Leyvi sighed. In the end, he couldn't be mad at her. Maybe he was too softhearted. 

"Anda, put her to sleep first. Let her rest. Only one panda is allowed." Leyvi instructed and joked a bit.

Anda giggled and brought Lilian back to the room. She and Lilian sat on the bed. 

"Sister Lilian, you are lucky Leyvi is nice. If it was another person, he would punish you already or divorce you!" Anda tried to scare Lilian.

"Sister Anda, I'm sorry I caused trouble. I didn't mean to forget." Lilian was ashamed. She was having so much fun planting different plants and watching them grow so fast in the Goddess of Fertility Garden that she gradually about the time in the real world.

"Don't worry, next time he will try a different kind of arrangement including your tendency to forget time in future plans. Rest first." Anda comforted Lilian.

Anda released a sleeping scent and put Lilian to sleep.