
"Here me out until the end. What does my mother keep pestering me to do?" Ravi'en asked.

"Socialize more and improve your reputation so your uncle can't easily steal your position," Gilbert answered playing along.

"And what does the family council want?"

"You to find a wife and make an heir… please tell me that isn't where you're going with this."

"I don't have to do that, but just courting someone or rather pretending to would get them off my back for a while, and it could improve my reputation because she could socialize on my behalf…"

"How would dating a duke be a punishment?" his friend asked clearly unimpressed with his plan.

"She mentioned she hates etiquette, and that she considers it torture, which I can relate" Gerald shrugged and nodded conceding his point. Did anyone actually like etiquette? "Part of her punishment could be going to social events and actively trying to improve my image."

"Sure- if you think, 'deranged duke proposes a crazy lady becomes next duchess' would help your social standing. If she's awful at etiquette and socializing on top of her poor decision-making skills she could just as easily make things worse."

"I guess we'll just have to observe her for now and look into her reputation and social standing. While we do, maybe you can come up with a better solution," he said.

"Hey, 'no idea' is better than a bad idea." his friend defended.

"Hum, I'm going to need another uniform… could you make a trip to the city gates barracks for me and requisition some uniforms, we didn't exactly pack for a stay."

"Are you serious? You plan on staying here, at this frivolous event you said you'd rather die than attend?" Gilbert asked in disbelief.

"We could sleep here in the woods if you like but they will have already had a guest sweet ready for me that's not being used. Your call."

"Fine, who knew all your mother had to do to get you to socialize was to set a crazy blushing maiden in front of you." Gerald joked. "And what are you going to be doing while I'm off running errands?" he asked.

"She and several others have already tried that and it didn't work remember? Besides she can outshoot you so I'm not sure 'maiden' is an accurate term for her. Regardless, I'll go double-check the game is going where it's supposed to then find a doctor to look at the lady's arm in secret and return my plate," he said waving the now empty plate.

"Fine, but you better not get killed while I'm gone or I'll never get a job anywhere else," he warned.

"I shall do my best." With that, they parted ways.

Ravi'en simply followed the cart with the bear and other game to the orphanage, it was tucked away in the back poor part of the city. It was an older building, small and simple and in need of some maintenance but not completely run down. When the cart arrived he made his presence known thanking the servant driving the cart and tipping him with a coin after requesting that he fetch the local butcher and tanner. 

Not sure what was going on the orphanage director came out to meet him sending all the kids inside with a swift word. They listened well and all the children who'd been outside playing or gardening quickly stopped what they were doing and rushed inside. His presence and the cart of dead animals had probably seemed unsettling, it was likely wise of her to respond the way she had.

"Can I help you?" the older woman asked. She was likely in her late 50's with gray streaked hair and bags under her eyes. She was also quite thin and wore practical but well-worn clothing. 

"Yes, I'm here to ensure the delivery of this food donation." a butcher and tanner should arrive shortly to assist you. I'd like to make sure you have the means to prepare and preserve all this" he said gesturing to the cart of dead animals. A few others had also donated some of their kills after his imposter had so the mound was quite impressive. 

"I thank you very much for your generosity, but there is no way we can eat all that before it spoils," she said her hands twisting with worry as she glanced at the cart, she was afraid to offend him but was still being truthful. 

"I feared as much. how many mouths do you have to feed and how many capable hands?" he asked. 

"64 children most under 10, once they reach 10 they are old enough to find work... if its available..." 

"More than I expected for a building that size. send a few of your kids to find the older kids looking for work, they can help and be rewarded with a large meal and some leftovers. They can help build fire pits, for smoking the meats, some of the more trusted ones can be given some coin" he said handing her his money pouch, "to get clay jars, salt, and lard, then you can have some meat sealed in fat, salted or smoked to preserver for later."

"I'd suggest preserving all that won't be eaten today and using the bones and scraps for sew and soup stock the next few nights, there should be enough coin to buy fresh vegetables for a while to go with it. in a few weeks, the tanner should be done with the hides and you can use them as you see fit, for rugs, blankets, or clothing for the kids." 

"Thank you!" she said her eyes growing watery making him uncomfortable, all he did was give her his pocket change and explain how best she could utilize her resources... He wrapped things up with her as quickly as possible and bee-lined it over to the butcher and tanner when they arrived with the cart driver. 

"I need you two to process this meat and fur tonight. When you are done with the butchering and all the skins are tanning you can go to the Calumes residence to receive payment for your services."

"How do we know we'll be paid?" the tanner asked suspiciously. "you're not even wearing the uniform of the Calumes guard," he observed.

"No, this is the uniform of Duke Ravi'en's men. He will be the one making sure you get paid. you will get half the day you go to collect, and the other half after the orphanage director notifies the Duke by letter that you have finished processing all the skin." then he went to the cart counted the animals, and informed the orphanage director of this new requirement before he left them to their work, kids now ran about more energetically as they helped where they could and the laughter made it all worth it making him feel lighter as he rode back.


Ravi'en led his horse to the mansion's stables. Even with the simple guard uniform and no one knowing who he was his presence startled the stable workers and they continued to cast uneasy glances at him until he left after ordering them to take good care of his horse. 

He snuck the plate back to the kitchens and went in search of the Calume's in-home doctor. 

He knocked on the doctor's door and was ushered inside by an apprentice.

"Can I help you?"

"I'd like to talk to the house doctor."

"He's busy at the moment." the assistant said without looking at him.

"When will he be done?"

"I can't be sure, but he only sees the Barien's household and their guests. Apprentices like myself take care of everyone else."

"I'm here on behalf of a guest."

"I apologize, I will go fetch my master."

"No need, just tell him to meet me here in an hour, and to pack for sealing deep cuts and treatment for infection."

"Yes, sir, I will."

He eyed the apprentice wondering what had changed his demeanor from snooty to subservient, but since he called him sir, instead of duke or my lord he figured he hadn't guessed, though maybe he thought the patient was the duke? The apprentice visibly squirmed under his stare so he shook it off and left to find his room. After more than a couple of days on the road and the events of the hunt, he was in desperate need of a bath.

Once there he tossed his saddle bags on a chair and went to the washroom to clean up, it was highly unlikely he'd avoided getting his uniform covered in dirt and blood. He spot-cleaned everything as much as he could then got started on sharpening his sword, it was going to take a while to get out that nick. When the sun began to set he redressed and returned his sword to his sheath. An unfamiliar feeling of excitement mixed with his usual nerves at the thought of meeting Kassidy again.