Chapter 10

"Lunch time." one of the agents shouts from where they were watchimg us.

We head to the cafeteria , when we get there we find there are other humans besides our kind , and when i say 'our kind', I mean they are not dressed like us , junior agents neither are they dressed like our seniors or Majors at that.

Infront of me in the soda line is Arzula." You have any idea of who those freaks are?" I whisper to her , knowing very well that she won't answer me but still ,I wana know.

She turns to face me and gives me a blank stare and faces forwad again.Well thanks for the info ,I say softly to myself . I finally get my soda and scan the room for a table with a group of warm and friendly looking people.

And bingo , just in the centre , I spot my designated table. As I'm about to head to them , in my pheriphal vision , I see Arzula sitting alone . Arghh , why did I have to turn out this way , I reposition my feet and turn them torwards her direction and betraying my enyire being , they walk towards her.

I place my tray on the rounded wooden table , right opposite her , she doesn't look up as to myexpectations . I promise myself not to utter a word throughout but no ,but the entirety of my mouth ,agin,decides to betray me . "You know if I hd known Prior that we'd actually be imprisoned in here , I wouldn't have even wasted my time applying here" , I say biting into my very green themed sandwich. And again silence. After a whole decade of silence " You had a choice though , weren't you given options to choose from miss?" still shocked by the fact that she responded , I nod my head and she gives me a dissapointed look , making me feel nothing but EMBARRASMENT.

''Eat up , we have 15 minutes left to get beck to training", I say nothing and do as instructed. Isn't funny how I'm the one who's silent now.