Chapter 3: You Are Pregnant

The scorching summer sun beat down relentlessly, and when the security doorman refused to let Andrea Singers into the building, she settled down by the door to wait. As time passed, her movements became sluggish, and exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, lulling her into a deep, drowsy state.

Benita grew increasingly incensed as Andrea continued to doze by the entrance to the store.

She thought Andrea was intentionally causing a disturbance.

"Benny, even if you don't consider her your sister-in-law, she's still your brother's wife; you can't let her sleep outside like that. People will start gossiping about it," one of Benita's friends cautioned.

Benita's expression darkened.

She was about to offer a sharp reply when her phone suddenly began to ring. Her heart sank as she glanced at the caller ID, causing her to hesitate before answering the call.

The angry voice of Valentine came from the phone's speaker, "Benny, have you lost your mind? How could you allow my wife to sleep outside your store? If anything happens to Andrea, I'll never forgive you. I'll cut off all my financial support and disown you as my sister."

The call abruptly ended after Valentine had finished venting his fury. Benita sat in disbelief, shocked by her brother's actions. She never expected him to defend a wife he wanted to divorce, let alone threaten her.

"Benny, you should..."

Benita shot her friend a sharp look before exploding in anger, "Both of you get out!"

Her friends were taken aback by her outburst, staring at her in disbelief.

Benita was even more irritated by their facial expressions. Through gritted teeth, she repeated, "I said get out! Both of you, are you two deaf?!"

Despite sending her two girlfriends away, Benita still felt furious and sought to vent her anger. She instructed the manager to bring in Andrea Singers.

When Andrea was brought in, she wore a fawning smile, showing no offence at being previously barred from entry. She even took the initiative to greet Benita, "Benny, you are looking pretty, and your shop has grown over the years. I am proud of you."

Benita's arrogance only grew as she looked down at Andrea, dismissing her greeting. After instructing her to sit down, she asked coldly, "Andrea, why are you here?"

Andrea fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. She pleaded pathetically, "Benny, we've been friends since we were kids, and you know how much I love your brother. Can you talk to him? I don't want to divorce him."

Benita's disdain for Andrea was already palpable, the words that escaped her lips only deepened her revulsion.

She couldn't help but snort with contempt after a fleeting moment of laughter. "Andrea, have you even glanced in the mirror lately? If you had, you wouldn't be so insistent on continuing your marriage with my brother."

Benita wasn't done mocking Andrea, she continued "Andrea, there ought to be a limit to your greed. You're simply not suitable or deserving of my brother. It's time for you to make a bit of sacrifice and let go of your marriage to him."

Perhaps due to mounting frustration or the impact of Benita's words, Andrea's laughter took on a manic edge, causing Benita to feel a twinge of unease. With a scoff, Andrea exclaimed, "Sacrifice?"

Her tears now flowing freely, seemed to form a torrent. "I provided the capital Valentine used to start Val. Corp. I even resigned from my position as secretary general of Wilson Group to personally assist him in building up the company. And your brother repaid me with a divorce. What more sacrifice could you possibly expect from me, apart from my very life?" Her voice thundered as she spoke these words.

Benita calmly sipped her tea, seemingly unaffected by Andrea's emotional outburst. Setting her cup down, she inquired, "So, what now, Andrea?"

With a disdainful sneer, she continued, "Do you honestly think my brother would have chosen to marry you if you held no value? Do you still hold any worth? What gives you the right to continue being my brother's wife? Rose Ferguson is prepared to grant the Eastern Waterfall Project to my brother and invest five hundred million dollars into his company. Can you offer my brother anything comparable?"

As Andrea listened to Benita, her hope and resolve waned. She rose unsteadily, not waiting to be dismissed, and staggered toward the exit, feeling like a balloon slowly deflating.

Even after she left the store and into the streets, Andrea remained dazed and unable to collect her thoughts, her legs moving without conscious direction.

She never thought a day like this would come, a day she would be told to her face that Valentine was divorcing her because of money.

Andrea Singers was jolted awake by the sound of screeching tyres and a shout, causing her to faint. When she regained consciousness, she found herself in a hospital bed, surrounded by faint voices that gradually became clearer as she became more alert. "Sir, you need to take better care of your wife," she heard someone say. "If not, she could lose the baby. She's been under a lot of stress, and it's not good for the unborn child."

Andrea sat up abruptly, locking eyes with the doctor in the lab coat, her expression filled with shock. "What did you just say?" she demanded.

The doctor furrowed his brow but maintained his professional demeanour. "Madam, you need to prioritize your health," he advised. "You're already a mother, and it wouldn't be good to lose your first child."

Andrea Singers couldn't believe her ears as the doctor spoke. With a face filled with disbelief, she mumbled, "How is that possible? I've never vomited or felt dizzy, and never suffered any symptoms of pregnancy. It can't be." After muttering, she shook her head in denial.

The doctor smiled and calmly replied, "The symptoms of pregnancy can vary. I believe your increased appetite may be due to your pregnancy, especially considering your weight."

Andrea didn't wait for the doctor to finish. She swiftly got out of the hospital bed, ignoring the hospital gown. Without glancing at the two strangers standing quietly in the ward, she made her way to the exit.

"Madam, where are you going?" the doctor called after her retreating figure, but all he heard in response was the creaking shut of the ward door.