Chapter 5: Why Me?

"Andrea, if you think a cheap lie will make me reconsider divorcing you, then you're mistaken. Even if you are pregnant, it won't change my decision," Valentine Anderson stated coldly, his disappointment evident on his face.

He was very angry Andrea was trying to deceive him with a cheap lie.

Andrea grew increasingly anxious and flustered as she explained, "I'm not lying, dear. I am really pregnant. I was taken to the hospital, and the doctor confirmed it. My weight gain is because I'm pregnant."

Valentine's expression darkened further as he listened, his patience wearing thin. Finally, he exploded with rage, his eyes flashing and his jaw clenched. "Enough!"

Andrea shuddered in fear as her body trembled.

Valentine Anderson shot a stern look at Andrea and said, "Andrea, if you continue to resist signing the divorce papers, I will have no choice but to take our case to court. You leave me no option."

Andrea's heart sank. She couldn't believe Valentine was so determined to end their marriage. Tears welled up in her eyes as she reluctantly picked up the pen and signed the papers.

Valentine felt a pang of discomfort as he watched her sign the divorce papers. Once Andrea was done, she stood up, turned away, and made her way toward the exit.

Frowning, Valentine called after her, "Where are you going?"

Andrea Singers halted in her tracks upon hearing Valentine's question, then turned to face him. "I am leaving, Valentine. You will regret divorcing me. There will come a day when you will plead for me to be your wife."

Valentine scoffed at her words, dismissing the idea that such a day would ever come—him begging an ugly meatball like Andrea to be his wife? Not a chance.

Unmoved by Andrea's tears, Valentine made his way to the balcony and silently watched her departure.

Outside the house, Andrea stood before the gate, gazing back at the house that had been her home for so many years—the house where she had envisioned raising her children.

As she dwelled on these thoughts, her tears flowed more freely. Suddenly, thunder rumbled, lightning streaked across the sky, and it began to rain heavily.

Andrea Singers trembled and sank to the ground, shivering and crying under the heavy downpour.

Before she could lose consciousness, a car pulled over, and a man rushed out, hurrying to her side. Mr. Singers lifted her from the ground, while his assistant shielded them with an umbrella.

Ignoring the rain, Mr. Singers carried Andrea to the waiting car, which quickly whisked them away from the gate to a grand mansion in the heart of the city.

The entire household sprang into action as Mr. Singers, still drenched, carried Andrea inside and bellowed, "Summon Doctor Smith. He has three minutes to arrive if he values his life."

The staff had always considered Mr. Singers to be a kind of distant, benevolent figure, uninvolved in worldly matters and seemingly uninterested in romantic entanglements. So, when they saw him bringing in a woman, and a fatty at that, the entire mansion buzzed with gossip.

As Mr. Singers laid Andrea Singers on the bed, his normally composed face was as dark as a gathering storm. When he emerged from the room, he encountered his assistant waiting at the door.

"Mr. Singers, Doctor Smith has arrived; should we have him attend to Mrs. Singers?" Tony, his assistant, inquired softly. He had never seen his boss so agitated and genuinely concerned about someone before.

"Send him in and then join me in the study," Mr. Singers replied tersely before turning and striding away.

Once in the study, he lit a cigarette and began to smoke. A few minutes later, the door creaked open, and Tony, his assistant, entered.

"Will she be angry if I kill him?" Mr. Singers asked, his voice deep and chilling, his aura suffocating with murderous intent.

"Mr. Singers, she still cares for that man; I doubt she'll forgive you if she finds out. Besides, he's the father of her unborn child," Tony replied softly, casting a worried look at his boss as the room fell into an eerie silence.

Mr. Singers chain-smoked, something Tony had never seen him do before, his face etched with concern.

"Announce that I will be introducing my wife tomorrow at the bouquet," Mr. Singers finally instructed his assistant after finishing his fifth cigarette stick.

As his assistant left to carry out the order, Mr. Singers remained in the study, lost in thought. He withdrew a photograph from his breast pocket and stared at it until dawn broke before finally leaving the study room.

Upon awakening in an unfamiliar room, Andrea Singers was seized by panic, her eyes darting fearfully around the space. As the door swung open, she was met by servers accompanied by Mr. Singers himself.

"Please, don't be frightened. You're in my room. You must eat; you haven't had anything since yesterday," Mr. Singers reassured her in his resonant, calming voice, devoid of the turbulent emotions he had displayed the night before.

The mention of food caused Andrea's stomach to growl, and she swallowed hard.

She eagerly devoured the meal that was presented to her.

Finishing every last bite, Andrea glanced down bashfully as Mr. Singers affectionately inquired, "Shall I have them bring more?"

Flushed with embarrassment, Andrea murmured softly, "No," her voice barely audible.

Mr. Singers chuckled and motioned for the kitchen to bring in more food. After Andrea Singers finished her meal, she overheard Mr. Singers make an unexpected proposal. "If you agree to marry me, I'll ensure you have all your favourite things, assist you in seeking revenge on your husband, and transfer ownership of the Singers Group and all my properties to you. You'll also be admired by women worldwide as Mrs. Singers."

As Andrea processed his words, she realized that the meal she had just enjoyed had been tailored to her tastes. She gazed at Mr. Singers, bewildered.

Tony entered the room and announced, "The necessary documents are ready," he handed the files to Mr. Singers.

"Please review them and sign if you're satisfied," Mr. Singers instructed Andrea, passing her the stack of papers.

In a daze, Andrea looked at him and asked, "Why me?"