Chapter 8: Deep Feelings

Mr. Singers, observing tears streaming down Andrea's face, approached her and enveloped her in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to be strong. It's okay to cry or scream if you need to. Don't suppress your emotions," he advised gently.

As soon as he finished speaking, Andrea clung to him tightly, releasing her pent-up emotions in sobs. However, Mr. Singers' expression turned stern, his features hardening as he furrowed his brow.

After letting out her feelings, Andrea pulled back from the hug, wiped away her tears hastily, and realized that Mr. Singers was now her husband. She couldn't afford to dwell on her ex-husband's memory in his presence.

"I'm sorry," she murmured apologetically, attempting to dry her tear-streaked face.

"I understand what you're going through," Mr. Singers replied calmly, handing her his handkerchief. "Wipe your tears," he instructed gently.

Andrea lifted her gaze, her expression filled with uncertainty as she regarded him. How could there exist a man like him in this world? A man who didn't react with anger when his wife cried over another man?

"I'm not like that scum you once called a husband," Mr. Singers asserted in a deep, resolute voice as he gently brushed away the tears from Andrea's face with his handkerchief. "A man like that doesn't deserve you," he continued.

Andrea nodded, reflecting on the countless sacrifices she had made, including giving up her job at Wilson's group to support him at Val. Corp.

"Andrea," a voice called out. Both Andrea and Mr. Singers turned to see Mr. Aton approaching them.

Mr. Aton's expression darkened at the sight of Andrea's reddened eyes and flushed cheeks, realizing she had been crying. His gaze turned accusingly towards Mr. Singers. "Mr. Singers, as one of the wealthiest men in the world, why have you chosen her? Do you take pleasure in causing Andrea pain?" Mr. Aton mistakenly believed that Mr. Singers had been the one to upset Andrea.

Before Andrea could speak, Mr. Singers interjected, "I promise, I will never let her cry like this again; I will always keep her happy; I would rather die than see her shed tears." His solemn oath surprised Mr. Aton and Andrea.

Mr. Aton gazed at Mr. Singers intently before remarking, "Mr. Singers, there may not be much I can do to you. Andrea is like my daughter. I trust you to uphold your promise; she has endured too much at her young age."

A chill settled over Mr. Singers' face as he processed Mr. Aton's words. "Excuse me," he replied before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving Mr. Aton and Andrea exchanging puzzled glances.

After leaving Andrea and Mr. Aton, Mr. Singers retreated to his study with Tony. "Have you arranged the visas?" he inquired.

"Yes, Boss, the flight is scheduled for tomorrow evening," Tony confirmed with a nod.

Mr. Singers sat in contemplation, his face devoid of expression as he delved into his thoughts. Tony, who had been at his boss's side for a decade, found it impossible to decipher Mr. Singers' inscrutable thought process.

In a deep voice, Mr. Singers issued his directive to Tony, his trusted associate: "Ensure that Valentine Anderson suffers, but do not end his life. Make him believe that he will never be able to have children."

Tony, perplexed by the unusual order, furrowed his brow in thought. He couldn't understand why his boss, who had been insulted by Valentine and had made his wife upset, chose not to seek a more severe retribution. Had Mr. Singers' temperament changed?

"I will take care of it immediately," Tony replied before swiftly leaving the study.

Valentine Anderson, unaware of the unfolding plot, departed Singer's mansion and proceeded to Rose Ferguson's residence. However, upon arrival, he was barred from entering the premises.

Standing at the gate, he called out desperately, "Rose, I apologize for my inexplicable behaviour. I love you, Rose; please forgive me."

"Sir, please refrain from causing a scene. I cannot allow you entry, and your commotion may necessitate involving the authorities," the frustrated gatekeeper cautioned Valentine Anderson.

The last few minutes had been incredibly trying for the gatekeeper as he found himself caught between Rose Ferguson's directive to keep her lover out and Valentine's unwavering determination to reach her.

"Rose, I know you can hear me! I deeply regret my actions. Please, let me make things right," Valentine continued to shout, heedless of the gatekeeper's warnings.

The gate creaked open, and Rose Ferguson emerged from the mansion in her nightie. As Valentine Anderson's eyes landed on her, a spark of joy ignited within him. He eagerly approached her and said, "Rose, I deeply regret my actions. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me this once?"

Rose furrowed her brow as Valentine moved closer. Anticipating his advance, she extended her arm to halt him and cautioned, "Stay right there."

With a disdainful look, she continued, "Valentine Anderson, I have three questions for you, and I expect honest answers."

Without seeking his approval, Rose pressed on, "Do you truly love me, or is your heart with Andrea Singers?"

Valentine's expression shifted dramatically. After inhaling sharply, he replied, "I love you, Rose Ferguson."

Her arms folded across her chest, Rose posed her next question with narrowed eyes, "Did you divorce Andrea Singers because you found her unattractive and overweight?"

Valentine Anderson's body tensed as he grasped Rose Ferguson's underlying motive behind her probing questions. "Yes," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

A smug smile played on Rose's lips as she delivered her next demand with chilling composure. "Get on your knees and proclaim your love for me, twice," she instructed.

Valentine's eyes widened in disbelief at her audacious request. "Rose," he began tentatively.

"If you can't do as I ask, then we're done," Rose stated coldly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

Summoning his courage, Valentine took a deep breath, knelt and declared twice, "I love you, Rose Ferguson."