Chapter 10: Regret And Love Lost

Valentine Anderson gazed incredulously at the gatekeeper, his expression twisted with disbelief. Disregarding the warning, he took a hesitant step forward towards the singers' mansion, his demeanour fraught with anxiety.

"This is private property, sir. You can't enter," the gatekeeper cautioned firmly, adamant about not letting Valentine pass through the gates.

Fueled by emotions and disbelief, Valentine's eyes blazed with intensity as he bellowed, "Move aside!" His mind was clouded with the shocking revelation about Andrea Singers not being in Vegas, causing him to act recklessly.

Ignoring the gatekeeper's protests, Valentine forcefully pushed him aside and bolted towards the mansion.

"Sir!" the gatekeeper called out, struggling to rise to his feet and stop Valentine, who was sprinting towards the mansion entrance.

"Andrea! Where are you? Andrea!" Valentine's voice echoed as he neared the imposing mansion structure. However, his desperate cries were cut short as three imposing bodyguards swiftly emerged from the mansion, blocking his path and preventing him from entering.

Valentine Anderson called out "Andrea!" once more, trying to push past the three imposing bodyguards blocking his way. Despite his efforts, he was overpowered and denied entry.

"Please, let me through. I need to see if Andrea is here," Valentine pleaded urgently with the guards, his voice filled with anxiety. Looking up, he shouted, "Andrea, I'm sorry! Please don't go. If you're inside, please let me know. Don't leave!"

The three sturdy bodyguards exchanged confused glances, unsure of who Andrea was. Realizing their misunderstanding, one of them addressed Valentine, "I'm sorry, sir. Mrs. Andrea Singers has left the city with our Boss."

Valentine froze, his disbelief evident. Despite causing a commotion inside the mansion, Andrea did not appear. The bodyguards who emerged from the house confirmed what the gatekeeper had said.

If Valentine refused to accept the truth, he would only be deceiving himself.

"Valentine Anderson's anguished cry of "Andrea!" echoed through the mansion as he bolted outside. Without hesitation, he dashed across the street and slid into his parked car, tears streaming down his face as he gripped the steering wheel.

The engine roared to life as the car shot forward, Valentine driving with reckless abandon, his mind consumed by thoughts of Andrea. "Andrea, please don't go; I still love you," he whispered in a voice heavy with desperation.

Memories flooded his mind - of their college graduation, Andrea's stellar achievements, her swift career success at Wilson Group, and her unwavering support as he founded Val. Corp. Regret washed over him like a tidal wave as he acknowledged his recent foolish behaviour.

"I've been a fool, Andrea. I'm sorry for everything," Valentine murmured, the weight of his mistakes pressing heavily upon him.

As Valentine turned the steering wheel, guiding his car around the corner, another vehicle suddenly raced towards him from a nearby intersection. The screech of tyres echoed through the air as the two cars collided with a deafening crash.

Several meters away, Tony observed the unfolding chaos from a corner, a phone pressed to his ear. "It's been handled, Boss," he reported before ending the call and quietly slipping away.

Not long after, the wail of sirens announced the arrival of an ambulance at the accident site.

Valentine Anderson, covered in blood and barely conscious, was rescued from his wrecked car. As he started to regain awareness, he weakly mumbled, "Andrea! Please take me to the airport."

He was swiftly placed on a stretcher and transported into an ambulance, where immediate first aid was administered. Upon arrival at the hospital, he was rushed into the emergency ward. After a few hours, he was transferred to a room, his body tightly wrapped in bandages.

Throughout the night, Valentine continued to murmur, "Andrea, don't leave me! Take me to the airport," before slipping into a deep slumber.

The following morning, Rose Ferguson received news of Valentine's accident and hastened to the hospital. Upon seeing him, she noticed some bandages had been removed from his face and body, but his legs remained tightly wrapped.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you, my love?" Rose gasped in shock as she hurried to his bedside. Sitting down beside him, she gazed at him with profound concern.

Valentine's lips trembled as he weakly called out to Rose. A few moments later, the doctor entered the ward and, upon seeing Rose Ferguson, was momentarily taken aback before inquiring, "Hello, Miss, are you a family member?"

Rose nodded firmly and replied, "I am his fiancée. How is he doing?"

With a somber expression, the doctor replied, "His legs will heal in time, but he won't regain his sexual function or be able to father children."

Rose's shock turned into a disbelieving laugh. "You must be joking," she said.

The doctor's expression remained grave. "I wish I were. He will need your unwavering support during his recovery."

Just then, the ward door swung open, and Mrs. Anderson and Benita, Valentine's mother and sister, rushed in, their faces etched with worry.

"Valentine, my child," Mrs. Anderson said, bursting into tears as she laid eyes on her injured child.

"Brother!" Benita cried out, equally distraught, rushing to Valentine's side upon hearing about the accident.

Rose Ferguson's expression darkened as she observed Valentine's condition and his family's distress. She quickly made a decision and headed for the exit. "Where are you going, Rose?" Mrs. Anderson called out, noticing her movement.

Stopping at the ward door, Rose turned to face Mrs. Anderson and Benita. With a cold demeanour, she remarked, "Is your son the one who was in the accident? That doesn't concern me. I cannot be expected to marry a potentially impotent man. I will take my leave now."

Mrs. Anderson's eyes widened in shock as Rose Ferguson swiftly exited the ward after their conversation ended.

"Mom, you should call Andrea," Benita suggested, surprised by Rose Ferguson's abrupt departure just when her brother needed support the most.