Ruby chuckled. "Exactly. The moment people think something is limited, they crave it more. They won't even question the price. And once the hype spreads, we'll slowly bring out the remaining stock, increasing the demand even more."
Rowan and Elias sat there, stunned.
Finally, Elias let out a low whistle. "Miss Ruby… if you ever become a full-time merchant, the entire industry will suffer under your genius."
Ruby just smirked. "Oh, I don't plan on stopping here."
Because once she successfully sold out her stock at the Diamond Moon Festival—
Her brand would be unstoppable.
4 Days Before the Diamond Moon Festival
"What's the number on the receipt slip?" Ruby asked, glancing around the vast fairgrounds.
The Diamond Moon Festival was being set up at the same location where the land car races took place, on the other side of the old bridge.