The Night Out

"What are you doing out here," came from the security's mouth, gazing at her. She simply handed him the note, praying he should not push it further. He looked at the note, then back at her, suspicion written all over his gaze. He was about to open his mouth to say something when his phone rang, he answered the call.

When the call ended, he looked at her for the last time before letting her out. "That was fast, who might have called?" she thought wondering who made it so easy.

Walking down to the main road she boarded a taxi, heading towards the address that Piper gave her. The drive took some few minutes, as the car came to an halt, Isadora quickly came down. She looked at the house before her, there was no music or chatter being heard.

She wondered if it was the right address, quickly she turned to the driver who was about to start the car. "Is this No. 10 Georgia street?" She asked, to confirm if she was in the right house. "Yes, madam you're in the right place," he replied, with a gentle smile as he drove off.

She walked slowly, taking a step at a time towards the house as she kept looking around. Getting to the front door, she knocked on the door waiting for a response. The door swiftly open to reveal a group of girls and boys standing together.

"Hi," she muttered in a awkward way, revealing her uneasy feeling.

"What do you want pretty girl," a boy among them voiced out.

"I was told a party was been hosted here," she answered looking beyond them and what she was seeing was no party but an Empty house.

"Oh yeah, it has been moved," another said, looking a little bit drunk.

"Oh to where?" She inquired further.

"That's where we're headed, why don't you tag along with us," a girl answered, with a welcoming gesture.

Isadora didn't see that as a good idea, she can't ride with strangers, it would be a dangerous move to make. "No thank you, I'll rather go there my self," she answered, quickly declining the offer.

"Come on, we're not going to do anything. We're just like you going to the same party to have fun," the drunk one said, trying to persuade her.

"Yh, I mean you could get lost searching for the party, just tag along and we'll make the work easier," the girl that spoke earlier said, more persuading.

After thinking for some time, she dared herself and decided to tag along preparing her mind for whatever may come her way. "Fine, but don't try anything funny," she threatened, hoping that would scare them a little but who was she kidding, they didn't move an arm.

"You worry too much, learn to just live life and have fun," the drunk one answered, pushing her out of the way and finding his way into a car she didn't noticed was parked at the side of the house when she arrived.

One by one, they all got into the car. Isadora was the last to enter, she wanted to sit close to the door to be on a safer side, in case anything comes up she might quickly excape. Although they were 9 in the car, four at the back, three at the middle and two at the front.

The boy at the driver's seat ignited the engine, and drove off. While on the road, Isadora's heart couldn't stop racing due to the speed of the car, at some point she thought they might have an accident. She didn't expect less from teenagers who thought life was all about having fun and forgetting about everything else.

The car finally came to an halt, in front of a large building and Isadora's racing heart suddenly calmed down. She could hear loud music emanating form within the building.

"Here we're," the boy driving announced, as they all screamed like carzy people.

One after the other they got down form the car, a lot of luxury car were parked outside, more were still coming in. Isadora thanked them, before they all walked towards the building.

As Isadora stepped through the door, she was enveloped with a whirlwind of sound and color. The air plused with the thumping beat of the music, and the crowd was a sea of moving bodies, lost in the rhythm.

"How on earth am I going to find Isadora here," she thought, it was like an impossible mission to her. She thought about asking around, but where to start from was the problem.

An idea popped up in her head, as she smiled. She made her way to the backstage where she would have access to the DJ. After a few exchange of words with the security they finally allow her access to the DJ.

She walked unnoticed to where the DJ was and tapped him from behind. He tuned swiftly as he scanned her from head to toe, he wondered how she was allowed there.

"How can I help you young pretty lady?" he asked, wavering the earlier thought off.

"Yh, so can you help me called out someone, it's hard to find her with all these sea of people," she explained, hoping he was going to agree.

"What's the name of the person?" He asked, in an inquiring tone.

"Sophia," she answered, a smile curved up in her lips thinking he has easily agreed.

"Okay, no problem. But you have to impress me," he announced, which made Isadora's face drop.

"What do you mean?" She inquired, not fully understanding what he was trying to say.

"Show me your talent, what you got," he answered, and she sigh knowing she was not ready for any of that.

"Can't there be another way?" She inquired, hoping he would change his mind.

"Impress me," he insisted, standing on his decision.

Isadora sigh as she thought for a moment, she would do anything to get Sophia back home. "I'll dance," she finally announced, with a forced smile.

"Great, I guess you'll need a costume. Just go back stage and change into an outfit that suits you. I'll call you to stage," he stated as she nodded and left.

When some few minutes pass by, the DJ paused the music and all eyes were on him. "This party is getting heated, we have a dancer, let's welcome her as she comes on stage," he announced and there was a loud scream coming from the crowd.

Isadora strode confidently onto the stage, her overall outfit and mask exuding an air of mystery. As the music began, she surrendered to the rhythm, her movements fluid and captivating. The audience was entranced, cheering her on with increasing fervor as the music reached its climax. With a burst of energy, Isadora unleashed her full passion, dancing with unbridled abandon. When the final notes faded, the crowd erupted into applause, showering her with accolades as she took her triumphant bow and exited the stage.

"That's was some hot dance, she has raw talent," the DJ said admist a chuckle showing how impressed he was. "If your name is Sophia, the dancer would like to meet you at the VIP section, thank you'll," he added, as the crowd kept on cheering.

Isadora left the backstage after changing to her normal outfit with her mask still on, she headed towards the VIP section, when someone suddenly covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming. The person dragged her into a room, as she struggled to break herself free from his grip.

"Don't even scream," the person said, she nodded slowly as he let go of her and came in front of her. When she saw his face, her expression was that of shock and fright. "Maxwell," she thought as she stared into his eyes, it was obvious he was drunk the same way he was drunk that night at the hotel.

He moved closer to her, and she could feel his breath on her neck. "This can't happen again," she thought, wondering if she would excape him.