Wrong Timing

"I'm sorry...it was not my intention," she uttered, tears threatening to drop from her eyes.

"This is just a warning, next time it won't be this good," he replied curtly, as he took his seat. "Now seat!"

Isadora managed to lift herself from the ground, she sat her head bowed, her gaze fixed on the floor.

She couldn't dare look at him, after the embarrassing situation she called upon herself.

"Who's he," Maxwell blurted out, throwing a picture towards her.

She picked up the picture, and her expression was that of surprise mixed with confusion. How did he know about Dante? How did he know she knows him? Were the questions that ran through her brain in a split of second. She knew better than to lie to him, but there was no way she was going to reveal who he is to him.

"He's someone I know," she answered, still staring at Dante's picture.

"I know you know him, that's not my question. Who is he to you!" He exclaimed, in a threatening tone.

"He's my friend's brother," she lied, not willing to give up the information yet.

"If I find out you're lying to me, my wrath will fall upon you," he answered, giving her an intense gaze.

"It's the truth sir, I only know him because he's my friend's brother," she responded, in an emotional voice, hoping that would convince him.

"Is there anything you know about him that I should be aware of?" He asked, doubting her response.

"I know nothing about him, we've only spoken on few occasion," she replied, praying silently for the questioning to end.

"Then why were afraid when you saw him at the mall?" He asked, taking Isadora by surprise. "Surprised?"

"No, I....was not afraid....I mean I was just shocked to see him there after a long time," she replied, unsure of her words.

"You were shocked or afraid?" He asked, leaning in.

"I was just surprised, I mean he's my friend's brother," she answered, hoping the questions would end soon because she was running out of lies.

"Then why did you hide?" He asked further, putting her in a tight spot.

"I didn't want him to see me because he might ask me questions that I can't answer. I just had to avoid putting myself in that kind of situation," she explained, a half truth in her response.

"Why did you arrive late?" He asked, changing the discussion which Isadora found unusual but she decided to go along with it.

"I stepped on a nail and had to go to the hospital for proper treatment," she replied, sincerity in her voice.

"Where did you keep your eye?" He asked, not even a hint of pity in his voice.

"It happened when..."

"Just save your explanation, I don't want to hear it," Maxwell sharply cut her off.

Just then, Marcus walked up to them and whispered something into Maxwell's ears and he stood up immediately. Maxwell gestured for her to follow them as they walked out of the restaurant. On getting outside, they got into Maxwell's car which drove off immediately.

Inside the car, Isadora put a reasonable distance between her and Maxwell. The atmosphere in the car was tense, as silence engulf them. Isadora kept on thinking about what Marcus must have whispered to Maxwell that is very urgent.

Soon the car came to a halt in front of a large building, it was Maxwell's office. They all got down from the car and walked into the building, Isadora kept her head down as she walked behind them, this was her first time in Maxwell's office.

As he entered the building, his commanding presence sent a chill down the spines of his employees, who trembled with fear. They all bowed in unison, their eyes fixed intensely on Isadora, as if she was the focal point of their apprehension or the source of their dread.

They got into an elevator which took them straight to Maxwell's office. As they stepped into his office, they were welcomed by a stunning interior.

Maxwell's office exuded luxury and refinement, with a warm, inviting atmosphere. Dark wood and gleaming marble surfaces complemented the abundance of natural light, creating a sense of elegance.

A large mahogany desk and plush leather chairs added to the room's sophistication. The walls were adorned with vibrant artwork and gleaming awards, reflecting Maxwell's success and refined taste.

"Wait for me in there," he instructed, gesturing to a door. Isadora approached it hesitantly and stepped inside. The room was a cozy retreat, furnished with plush armchairs, a elegant coffee table, and a television. She settled into the sofa, taking in her surroundings with a blend of fascination and unease.

"As I said earlier, looks like we're not the only one after Douglas Den. His house was broke into yesterday, and serious injury were inflicted on him and his wife. They're both currently in the hospital, their survival rate is unsure for now as they are both in coma," he explained, as he sat across Maxwell.

"Any traces of who might have done this and why?" He asked, desperate for information.

"There's no traces, whosoever did this didn't leave even a single trace," Marcus replied.

"What information have you gotten concerning why I was drugged?" He asked, desperate for answers.

"Well it turns out Douglas sent one of his men to do the job, he wasn't planning on tanishing your image but abducting you. Unfortunately, the drug did not have much influence on you as they thought it would. They didn't know when you left due to the attention that was drawn to the lady who danced," He explained, confident in his words.

"Douglas Den you have just started a war you won't be able to survive, anyways I'm happy I'm not the only one after you. But when you surely come out of that coma, I'll make sure to end you forever," he said through grinted teeth, his hand formed into a fist.

"So it turns out the lady had nothing to do with it, it was just coincidental, turns out she's your saving grace," Marcus concluded, shifting his gaze from Maxwell.

"Hmm, any information about her?" He asked.

"Not yet, she left no trace," he answered, turning his attention back to Maxwell.

"Well then, continue to dig deep, you might come up with something. Wait for Isadora at the car, you'll take her home. Grayson is coming back today, so he'll be the one driving me home," Maxwell said and Marcus stood up, bowed down and left the office.

Grayson has been absent for a while, and Maxwell was the one who dispatched him on a mission.

Maxwell stood up from the chair, and went into the room. As he entered, he spotted Isadora lounging on the couch, her eyes glued to the TV screen. The moment she noticed him, she sprang to her feet.

Maxwell approached Isadora, standing in front of her, his finger gently tilting her chin to meet his gaze. She was transfixed, unable to move, as if rooted in place. As he leaned in closer, their faces almost touching, the door burst open, and they both jerked their heads towards the sudden intrusion.

"What's going on?" Came the voice of Mrs. Adriana, Maxwell's wife.