Unexpected Complication

Mrs. Adriana's voice crackled like a whip, "Why do you linger, girl? Were you born without ears? Kneel, raise your hand, and shut those rebellious eyes!" Her words dripped with venom as she rose from her throne-like chair.

Isadora's head shook, her eyes wide with terror, "N-no, ma'am..."

But Mrs. Adriana's patience had worn thin. With a swift strike, she slapped Isadora, leaving a stinging imprint on her cheek. The girl's hands flew to her face, shock and pain etched on her features.

Then, with a defeated slump, Isadora sank to her knees, her hand trembled upwards, and her eyelids fluttered shut, surrendering to the cruel demand.

"Remember your place in this household. My husband is off-limits, understand?" Mrs. Adriana warned, her voice firm as she settled back into her seat.

"I-I don't have any involvement with him, ma'am," Isadora stuttered.

"Who dared you to speak out of turn? You claim to have no dealings with him, yet you were all alone with him in the office. What were you thinking?" Mrs. Adriana's voice rose, her words dripping with accusation and disdain.

"It's all just a misunderstanding," Isadora explained.

"I will teach you a lesson you will never forget in a lifetime," Mrs. Adriana sneered.

Isadora's heart sank, her mind racing with dread as she wondered what cruel fate Mrs. Adriana had in store for her. She breathed a silent prayer, her soul imploring rescue from the impending punishment.

Isadora remained frozen in place for over half an hour, her body drenched in sweat, her hands trembling uncontrollably. She was paralyzed with fear, her eyes squeezed shut as if blinded by terror, too afraid to open them and face the wrath of Mrs. Adriana.

Isadora's ears picked up the muffled sound of Mrs. Adriana's voice, engaged in a hushed conversation with an unknown person. Though she couldn't quite make out the words, she surmised that it was likely one of the household staff, their murmurs a faint hum in the background.

Mrs. Adriana's sudden command pierced the air, "Open your eyes, Isadora!"

As she reluctantly obeyed, her gaze met a terrifying sight: Mrs. Adriana loomed before her, a whip grasped in her hand, flanked by two imposing bodyguards.

Isadora's mind reeled in disbelief, her face a picture of horror, as she thought, "This can't be happening, she wouldn't dare..."

"Stand up!" Mrs. Adriana exclaimed, her expression showing anger.

With a quiet groan, Isadora hauled herself up, her legs shaking like leaves. She teetered for a moment, then steadied, her eyes fixed on Mrs. Adriana with a mix of fear and defiance.

"Seize her!" Mrs. Adriana ordered, and the two bodyguards sprang into action, grasping Isadora's wrists with a firm grip. One held her left arm, the other her right, rendering her helpless. Isadora's frailty made her struggles futile, her body too weak to resist the men's iron grasp.

Mrs. Adriana raised the whip to strike Isadora at her back but surprisingly she missed. Just as Mrs. Adriana was about to strike again, a sudden interruption came from the doorway. A figure whispered urgently in her ear, and Mrs. Adriana's expression changed.

"You're spared for now," she hissed, before turning and exiting the library with her bodyguards, leaving Isadora shaken but reprieved.

"What have I gotten myself into," Isadora thought, as tears streamed down her face as she slowly walked out of the library. She dragged herself to her room, her head hung low, as if the weight of her sorrow was too much to bear.

Isadora sat on her bed, lost in thought, plotting a possible escape from the mansion. The thought of Mrs. Adriana's wrath if she discovered her pregnancy made her blood run cold.

"If she'd lash out so brutally over a mere suspicion, what would she do if she knew the truth?" Isadora's face reflected her despair. Maxwell's hold on her was too strong, leaving her feeling trapped and helpless. "My life is a mess!" she exclaimed, her voice bearly audible.

A knock at the door broke the silence, and Isadora called out, "Enter." The door creaked open, and Mrs. Agnes stepped inside, her gentle eyes scanning Isadora's troubled face.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Agnes asked, as she sat beside her.

"I'm fine," Isadora answered, putting on a fake smile.

"Did Madam do anything to you?" She asked taking Isadora by surprise.

"How did you know?" Isadora asked, looking at Mrs. Agnes.

"Vanessa overheard one of the staff mentioning that Mrs. Adriana summoned you, and we all know that's never a good sign," Mrs. Agnes said, her voice laced with concern.

Isadora fabricated a response, "She only inquired about the well-being of her children," concealing the harsh reality. She wasn't prepared to divulge the truth, fearing that Mrs. Agnes might probe further, potentially uncovering the secrets she was desperate to keep hidden.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Agnes asked.

"Yes, that's the reason she called me, nothing more," Isadora answered.

"You look really troubled," Mrs. Agnes said, observing Isadora.

"Nothing like that, I'm completely fine," she answered, putting on a reassuring smile.

"If you say so, it's okay. I know this is not the best time to ask this question, but I can't help it," Mrs. Agnes said, her tone gentle.

"You can ask," Isadora answered, giving her the go ahead.

Mrs. Agnes's eyes locked onto hers, her voice barely above a whisper, "Isadora, are you pregnant?" Isadora's body language betrayed her, her uneasy movements on the bed speaking volumes. Mrs. Agnes's gentle tone encouraged honesty, "You can trust me, dear. No need to hide the truth."

Isadora took a deep breath and revealed, "Yes, I'm pregnant." She added, "I was already pregnant when I arrived at the mansion."

Mrs. Agnes asked, "How far along are you?"

Isadora replied, "About 3 months, I think."

Mrs. Agnes's curiosity led her to ask, "And the father is...?"

Isadora hesitated, then admitted, "My ex-boyfriend."

"Is he aware of the pregnancy?" Mrs. Agnes asked, her tone empathetic.

Isadora nodded, "Yes, but he's not interested in being involved." She fabricated a story, hiding the truth about Maxwell's manipulation.

Mrs. Agnes's expression turned sympathetic, "I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you." Isadora's voice cracked as she answered, "My family rejected me when they found out, leaving me no choice but to seek employment, which led me to this position."

Just as Mrs. Agnes was about to speak, a knock at the door interrupted her. "Enter," Isadora called out, and a staff member hastily entered, delivering a message.

"Master Maxwell requires everyone's presence in the living room immediately!" The worker's words were curt and urgent, and she quickly departed, leaving the two women to wonder what this sudden summons might entail.

As they entered the living room, Isadora and Mrs. Agnes joined the other workers. Maxwell and his chauffeur walked in, followed by someone behind them.

"I don't have time to waste," Maxwell said. "We have a new worker who will join the security guard." He stepped aside, revealing the new worker.

The moment Isadora laid eyes on him, she exclaimed to herself, "Antonio!" Their eyes locked in a instant.