A New Quest

Isadora's eyes fluttered open, and she was met with the familiar surroundings of her bedroom. Her body was drenched in sweat, and her heart still raced from the terror she had endured. As she sat up in bed, she realized that the haunting cry of "Avenge me!" had been just a dream.

"It was just a dream," she whispered to herself, her voice shaking slightly as she tried to calm her racing thoughts.

As she threw off the covers, Isadora groaned in frustration. "Just what I need - more complexity!" she thought, still trying to shake off the vivid dream that lingered in her mind.

But she pushed it aside, not wanting to dwell on its mysterious meaning. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was already 5:00 a.m. - an early start to a day that was bound to be chaotic. With a heavy sigh, she headed to the bathroom to begin her morning routine.

In his private lounge, Maxwell waited anxiously for Ethan to answer his call. When Ethan finally picked up, Maxwell got straight to the point. "Don't play dumb, Ethan. I know what you've done," he said, his voice firm but controlled.

"What are you talking about, brother?" Ethan replied, feigning innocence.

"Just wait," Maxwell replied, his eyes glinting with a hint of menace. "I'll show you."

He ended the call and quickly switched to a video call. When Ethan's face appeared on screen, Maxwell's expression turned cold. "Take a good look at your precious lawyer," he sneered, panning the camera to reveal a chilling sight: the lawyer, bound and blindfolded, suspended in mid-air.

"How did you find out? Did he tell you?" Ethan asked, shock etched on his face, as he had assumed Maxwell had already signed away his inheritance.

"If he had told me, he wouldn't be in this predicament," Maxwell retorted, his voice firm.

Ethan let out a frustrated groan. "Who foiled my plan?"

"You should be more concerned about your own fate than who ruined your scheme," Maxwell snapped, his anger simmering. "How dare you try to take what I've built over the years? You think you can just steal my hard work, Ethan?"

"You've always been the favored one, dad's golden child," Ethan spat, his resentment boiling over. "He left you almost everything, while the rest of us were left with scraps."

"Don't speak ill of our late parents," Maxwell warned, his anger flaring. "Dad trusted me to build on his legacy, to increase his wealth, not squander it like you did."

"You're only privileged because you're the firstborn," Ethan shot back. "The rest of us had to fight for every scrap."

"You had more than enough to make you wealthy, but you wasted it all and now blame me for your failures," Maxwell argued, his voice rising in indignation.

"I'll never stop; this is just the beginning," Ethan threatened.

"I'd love to see you try," Maxwell replied. "How could I have ever trusted you, thinking you'd changed over the years? What a fool I was."

Maxwell's words enraged Ethan. "You're a fool, and this shows it. I'll never be at peace with you; you're my worst enemy."

"Calling me names won't help you," Maxwell said calmly. "You're just talking to yourself."

Ethan retorted, "If only Liam—"

But Maxwell cut him off, his voice cold and menacing. "Never mention Liam's name again. Do you understand?"

Ethan continued taunting, "If only you had done the right thing, maybe—"

Maxwell's anger flared. "I won't repeat myself. You should be ashamed. I'll deal with you."

Ethan sneered, "I'm not afraid of you. You'll never find me."

"We'll see about that," Maxwell said, his eyes blazing with determination.

Ethan spat out his final words: "We'll see who wins this war in the end. I hate you, and I wish you were the one in Liam's position right now." With that, he ended the call.

Maxwell's anger erupted, and he threw his phone across the room in frustration. His brother had crossed a line, and now he was more determined than ever to put an end to Ethan's schemes.

Maxwell settled back into his chair, his expression twisted in disgust as he gazed at the lawyer, his face a picture of rage. He vowed to make them all suffer the consequences of their actions.

Just then, Marcus entered the room, approaching Maxwell with a bow. "You summoned me, sir?"

Maxwell's voice was laced with venom. "What did Isadora do? Tell me again."

Marcus hesitated before repeating the story. "She refused to listen, sir. She shut the door in my face without letting me speak."

Maxwell's eyes narrowed. "I want her here now," he growled, his patience worn thin.

With a bow, Marcus departed to fetch Isadora, leaving Maxwell seething in his chair.

Isadora was already dressed and ready, sitting on her bed scrolling through her phone as she waited for when she'll be following the girls to school. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke the silence. She wondered who could be visiting at such an early hour. She put down her phone and got up to answer the door, but when she saw Marcus standing there, she tried to shut it again.

Marcus, however, was quick to react, using his foot to hold the door open. "Maxwell wants to see you," he said firmly.

Isadora crossed her arms, refusing to budge. "I'm not going."

Marcus's expression turned serious. "If you don't come, Maxwell won't be pleased. You don't want to disobey him."

Isadora hesitated, wondering what Maxwell could want at such an early hour. "What does he want?" she asked.

Marcus's response was firm. "He requires your presence."

With some hesitation, Isadora followed Marcus to the private lounge. When she entered, she saw Maxwell sitting in a chair, his face dark with anger. She approached him cautiously, wondering what she had done wrong this time.

"You sent for me," she said, trying to sound calm.

Maxwell looked up at her, his eyes flashing with annoyance.

"Who do you think you are, slamming the door in my personal assistant's face?" Maxwell growled, his anger evident.

Isadora's mind raced as she realized Marcus was more than just the children's driver - he was Maxwell's PA. "I was trying to recover and didn't need the disturbance. The doctor said I needed rest," she replied, maintaining her composure.

Maxwell's expression turned cold. "You have no right to behave that way. And you're the reason that lawyer is in this state." He gestured towards the lawyer, who was suspended in mid-air, hands tied together, and bruises covering his face and body.

Isadora's eyes widened in horror as she took in the sight. She gasped, shocked by the lawyer's brutalized condition.

"How was I the cause?" Isadora asked, her voice laced with concern.

Maxwell's expression was stern. "I wanted you to issue his final punishment, but you didn't allow Marcus to deliver my message. As a result, he had to endure this torment all night."

Though Isadora didn't feel much pity for her father, she still felt a pang of sorrow inside. "I'm sorry for what I did, I should have allowed him speak," she said, her words laced with remorse.

Maxwell turned to her, his eyes narrowing. "You think an apology will suffice? Now, what should I do with him?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Isadora.

Isadora looked at her father for a long time before responding. "Let him go. You've punished him enough," she said finally.

Maxwell's expression showed surprise. "You want me to free him?" he asked, his tone incredulous.

"Yes, I mean you've punished him enough," Isadora replied, her voice firm.

Maxwell gazed at Isadora for a moment before speaking. "Marcus, instruct the men to release him," he commanded, his tone firm but controlled.

Isadora was surprised that Maxwell had acquiesced to her request. Marcus nodded and departed to carry out the instruction.

Maxwell rose from his seat and approached the lawyer, his eyes cold and menacing. "You owe your life to her mercy. I would have ensured your demise, but it seems you've been spared. Consider yourself fortunate," he hissed, his voice low and threatening. "I'll be keeping a close eye on you, and if you even think of betraying me again, you'll meet your end."

With that, Maxwell returned to his seat, leaving the lawyer shaken but relieved. Inside, the lawyer's heart swelled with gratitude towards the mysterious person who had saved him. He had thought his fate was sealed, but now he had a chance to reunite with his family.

As his hands were untied and he was dragged away, the lawyer longed to catch a glimpse of his savior, but it was not to be as he was still blindfolded. Still, he was thankful for the unexpected reprieve and vowed to make the most of his second chance.

Isadora watched as the lawyer was led out of the lounge, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Maxwell's question broke the silence: "Why did you spare him?"

"Everyone deserves a second chance," Isadora replied, her voice firm but measured.

Maxwell's expression turned skeptical. "Not everyone gets that luxury." He rose from his seat, his eyes locked on Isadora. "How are you feeling?" he asked, his hand reaching for hers.

Isadora recoiled, her voice sharp. "Don't touch me."

Maxwell's eyes narrowed, his tone laced with irritation. "You're becoming quite defiant. Remember, you're in my territory, and I own you."

Isadora's retort was swift. "I'm not your slave, and I never will be."

Maxwell's face darkened. "Watch your tongue. I won't hesitate to teach you a lesson."

Isadora's words were laced with sarcasm. "Oh, will you hit my head against the table again, or simply end me? This is the Maxwell I know."

Maxwell's anger boiled over. "Get out! You're testing my patience."

Isadora didn't hesitate, swiftly exiting the lounge. As she left, she wondered where she'd found the courage to stand up to Maxwell, but a nagging fear lingered - had she just made a mistake?

Isadora stormed into her room, slamming the door shut behind her. She was still reeling from her encounter with Maxwell, who seemed to think he owned her. In a fit of rage, she kicked her table, releasing a pent-up scream.

The force of the kick sent the table shaking, and the mirror above it came crashing down, shattering into a hundred tiny pieces. Isadora's eyes widened in horror as she gazed at the mess she had made.

"Oh no, what have I done?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with regret.

As she looked up at the spot where the mirror had hung, she noticed a piece of paper stuck to the wall. Curious, she walked over to investigate and gently pulled off the paper.

As she read the first line aloud, her voice trembled. "I know this is my last day in the Sterling's mansion. If anyone finds this, I might already be dead. I hope someone will avenge me somehow, someday."

The words sent a chill down her spine, and she wondered who could have written such a haunting message.