Disciplining The Wrongdoer

Isadora and Mrs. Adriana spun around in unison, their eyes drawn to the speaker, Maxwell, who stood tall and commanding in the doorway.

Mrs. Adriana's expression transformed into a warm smile, but it was short-lived. "Darling, I hadn't realized you were back," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness.

Maxwell's response was curt, his gaze fixed on the envelope. "Hmm," he murmured, dismissing his wife's greeting.

With a deliberate stride, Maxwell approached the envelope, his eyes never leaving it. He picked it up, his movements precise, and handed it back to his wife. His words were laced with authority. "She won't be needing this."

Mrs. Adriana's face darkened, her anger obvious, as she snatched the envelope from Maxwell's hand. With a swift turn, she exited the room, her departure marked by a slammed door that echoed through the hallway.

Maxwell's expression transformed as he turned to Isadora, his features softening with concern. "Isadora, how are you faring?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Her reply was brief, her tone detached. "I'm okay."

Maxwell's eyes filled with empathy. "I'm aware of the ordeal my wife put you through. Hillard briefed me as soon as I arrived, and I was taken aback to find my wife here."

Isadora's response was matter-of-fact, her face a mask of neutrality. "I'm lucky to be alive."

Maxwell's voice was filled with regret. "I apologize for what transpired. I promise to uncover the truth behind everything."

Isadora's gaze was direct, her words straightforward. "I appreciate your concern, but I've just returned from the hospital. May I rest now?"

Maxwell nodded, his expression understanding. "Very well, if that's what you wish." As he departed, Isadora secured the door behind him, her mind reeling with surprise at Maxwell's unexpected compassion.

She settled onto her bed, her gaze drifting into the distance, her heart yearning for the elusive dream of peace – a luxury she knew she couldn't afford while trapped within the mansion's walls.

As Maxwell strode down the hallway, Piper intercepted him, her face lighting up with excitement. "Daddy's back!" she exclaimed, her voice full of joy.

Maxwell chuckled, sweeping her up in a warm embrace. "Just arrived, sweetie," he replied, his eyes twinkling with affection.

Piper's curiosity got the better of her. "What did you bring me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Maxwell smiled. "Lots of goodies, but Marcus has them. You'll see soon enough."

Piper's expression turned serious, her voice filled with intent. "Daddy, I need to tell you something."

Maxwell's interest was aroused. "Go ahead, kiddo. What's on your mind?"

Piper took a deep breath before launching into a detailed account of Sophia's false accusations against Isadora. Maxwell's expression transformed from interest to shock, his eyes widening with disbelief.

When Piper finished, Maxwell's face set in determination. "Thanks for telling me, Piper. I'll take care of it."

With a gentle pat on her back, Maxwell encouraged Piper to go play, his mind already racing with plans. "Okay, kiddo, off you go. Daddy has some important things to attend to." Piper skipped away, fully aware of what she has just done.

Piper burst into Sophia's room, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Just wanted to let you know, I spilled the beans to Dad," she said, sauntering over to the bed where Sophia sat, her phone slipping from her hand in shock.

Sophia's face contorted in disbelief. "Piper, how could you? I thought we had a deal!"

Piper's grin grew wider. "Looks like you trusted the wrong person, you expected me to keep such a thing to my self."

With a playful skip, Piper exited the room, leaving Sophia seething. "You little scamp! I'll get you for this, just you wait!" Sophia fumed, snatching up her phone and cursing the day she had trusted a child like Piper.

Maxwell entered his room, his wife's anger visible as she rose from the bed. "How could you humiliate me in front of that insignificant nanny?" Mrs. Adriana spat, her voice venomous.

Maxwell's ire was equally evident. "And how could you be so ruthless, imprisoning Isadora in the cold room without a second thought?" he retorted, his words laced with disgust.

Mrs. Adriana's defense was swift. "Did you bother to uncover the truth behind her actions?" she asked, her eyes flashing.

Maxwell's response was scathing. "The fabricated tale of Isadora attacking Sophia, complete with fabricated bruises and marks? Please, I'm not buying it. You know Isadora would never resort to such violence."

Mrs. Adriana's voice rose in indignation. "Are you defending her?"

Maxwell's tone was measured. "I'm not taking sides, but you failed to investigate properly. If you had, you'd have discovered Sophia's lies."

Mrs. Adriana's expression turned from anger to confusion. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"You see what I'm talking about, it's clear you're not the sharpest tool in the shed," Maxwell said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "The whole scar debacle was a ruse, a clever makeup job."

Mrs. Adriana's response was disbelief. "Tell me you're joking!"

Maxwell's retort was calm and collected. "Don't take my word for it. Go ask your precious daughter yourself, and you'll uncover the truth."

Without another word, Mrs. Adriana stormed out of the room, her heels clicking as she hastened to Sophia's quarters.

Maxwell merely chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief as he began to loosen his tie, still trying to process the chaos that had erupted before he'd even had a chance to settle in.

Mrs. Adriana exploded into Sophia's room, her anger evident. Sophia, fully dressed and poised for escape, was caught off guard. "Is it true? Did you concoct those lies against Isadora?" Mrs. Adriana thundered, her voice echoing off the walls.

Sophia's guilt was written all over her face. "Mum, I'm so sorry," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.

Mrs. Adriana's expression turned from anger to disgust. "You deceived me, Sophia! You made a fool of me!" she exclaimed, her words dripping with venom.

Sophia cringed, anticipating the worst. "Mum, please..." she begged, but it was too late. Mrs. Adriana's hand connected with Sophia's cheek in a stinging slap, twice, the sound echoing through the room. 

"You may have escaped my wrath this time, but mark my words, you won't be so fortunate next time," Mrs. Adriana spat, her eyes blazing with anger.

Sophia, still reeling from the slaps, looked up through tear-stained eyes. "But I thought you disliked Isadora, Mum?" she stammered.

Mrs. Adriana's expression turned icy. "I do, but I didn't need your pathetic attempts at sabotage. I detest being made a fool, Sophia." With that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

No sooner had the door closed than Piper slipped in, a triumphant glint in her eye. "You're pleased with yourself, aren't you?" Sophia accused, her voice trembling.

Piper's smile was saccharine. "More than pleased," she purred, her gaze lingering on Sophia's tear-stained face before she too exited the room, her parting shot a long, mocking hiss that left Sophia shattered and sobbing.

Maxwell relaxed in his private lounge, savoring a glass of wine, when Sophia appeared, her eyes red and puffy, accompanied by Marcus, who had clearly been instructed to bring her there.

With a dismissive wave, Maxwell sent Marcus away, his attention focusing on Sophia, whose tears seemed to betray her guilt.

"Dad, please forgive me," Sophia begged, her voice trembling, aware that her father's wrath was far more intimidating than her mother's.

Maxwell's expression turned stern, his voice firm but controlled. "Sophia, how could you concoct such a deceitful plan? I'm disappointed, but I'll teach you a lesson to ensure you become a better person."

Sophia's sobs intensified, her pleas for mercy growing more desperate. "Dad, please, I'm so sorry. Forgive me, I promise I won't do it again."

Maxwell's eyes narrowed, his tone unwavering. "We'll see about that, Sophia. Your actions demand consequences."

Sophia's tears mingled with defiance as she retorted, "I'm just a product of your upbringing, a reflection of your own heartlessness and cruelty!"

Maxwell's eyes widened, his voice low and menacing. "What did you just say?"

Sophia's words poured out, a mix of anguish and accusation. "I said I'm just like you and Mother - cold, calculating, and devoid of empathy. You've taught me well, and now you're reaping what you've sown!"

Maxwell's face darkened, his voice thundering through the room. "How dare you speak to me like that! You ungrateful child, I'll show you the consequences of crossing me!"

Sophia's words had unleashed a torrent of anger, and she realized too late that she had made a grave mistake. Her father's wrath was now more intense than ever, and she trembled at the thought of facing his retribution.

"Extend your hands, palms up," Maxwell ordered, his voice firm and unyielding. Sophia complied, her heart racing with trepidation, knowing what was to come.

Maxwell strode to a nearby corner, his eyes blazing with anger, and retrieved a slender cane. "Since you've chosen to act like a wild animal, I'll treat you as such," he declared, his words dripping with venom.

With a swift, merciless motion, he struck Sophia's outstretched hands, the cane slicing through the air with a cruel whoosh. Sophia shrieked in agony as the stinging blow left her hands throbbing with pain.

Maxwell's cane struck Sophia's palm with precision, the sharp cracks echoing through the room. Five searing strokes left her hand a deep crimson, and her tears flowed like a river. "Perhaps now you'll learn to conduct yourself with grace and poise," he remarked, his voice devoid of empathy, as Sophia's anguished cries filled the air.

But the punishment didn't end there. "Sit on the air," Maxwell commanded, his eyes glinting with a stern intensity.

Sophia gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Dad, please...I can't," she protested, but Maxwell's expression remained unyielding.

"Defiance will not be tolerated, Sophia. Now, sit on the air!" he thundered, his voice brooking no disobedience.

With a hesitant glance, Sophia slowly lowered herself into a seated position, her body tense and trembling, as if suspended in mid-air.

For what felt like an eternity, Sophia remained in the excruciating position, her body trembling and sweating profusely, like a leaf in an autumn gale. Finally, Maxwell broke the silence, his voice firm but controlled. "Rise and follow me," he commanded, his eyes never leaving Sophia's anguished face.

With a groan, Sophia struggled to her feet, her knees throbbing in agony. She trailed behind Maxwell, her legs wobbly and unsteady, as they made their way to Isadora's room. On knocking, the door creaked open, and Isadora's sleepy gaze widened in shock as she took in Sophia's disheveled appearance.

"Apologize to her," Maxwell demanded, his voice firm but measured.

Sophia's voice barely whispered the words, "Aunty Isadora, I'm deeply sorry for my actions...I promise to never repeat them."

Maxwell's expression remained unsatisfied. "Louder, before I lose my patience," he warned, his hand raised menacingly.

Sophia's voice trembled, but she repeated the apology, her words echoing through the room like a lamentation.

Isadora's expression softened as she gazed at Sophia's tear-stained face. "Sophia, dear, I forgive you. It's okay," she said, her voice gentle and soothing.

But Maxwell's anger still simmered. "Begone! This is only the beginning of your punishment," he barked, his eyes flashing with indignation. Sophia departed, her tears falling like rain, and the door creaked shut behind her.

Maxwell turned to Isadora, expecting her to share his outrage, but instead, she surprised him with a gentle smile. The next moment, she reached out and wrapped her arms around Maxwell, pulling him into a warm embrace. The sudden tenderness caught Maxwell off guard, and his eyes widened in astonishment.