Frustrating Her Plans

Mrs. Adriana, still in the garden, pretended to be in high spirits, laughing and chatting with her husband. But beneath her cheerful facade, she was plotting to get him drunk and obtain the document, hoping Isadora would return it unharmed.

"Sweetheart, let's head inside for a drink, since that clumsy girl spilled the first one," Mrs. Adriana said, feigning a cheerful tone. Maxwell agreed, and as they rose to their feet, the detective and Marcus appeared in the garden, approaching them with intention.

"Good day, ma'am, good day, sir," Detective John greeted them.

Mrs. Adriana's smile hid her seething anger, as she feared their interruption would ruin her scheme.

"You've got something for us?" Maxwell asked, curiosity stirred.

"Yes, I need to discuss it with you," the detective replied.

Maxwell turned to his wife, "Honey, this seems urgent, I should get going."