A Heartbreaking Truth

He tried to backtrack, saying, "What I mean is that you don't act like my daughter." But the damage was done.

Isadora shot back, "Whatever you meant by that, I don't care," and walked out, leaving her father's attempts at clarification behind. Ava followed her, feeling concerned for her.

As they drove away from the tense encounter, Ava asked, "What did he have to say?"

Isadora sighed, "I knew he was going to say the same thing he told me last time, to consider marrying your brother. He just wanted to waste my time. I regret visiting him."

Ava apologized, "I'm sorry I pushed you to go."

"It's okay, can you take me somewhere tomorrow?" Isadora asked.

Ava agreed, "Where do you want to go?"

Isadora replied, "My parents' house. I need to uncover something."

Ava raised an eyebrow, "Okay, but be careful. What's going on?"

Isadora hesitated, "Don't worry about it. We'll go in the afternoon."

Ava wondered, "Why then?"