Bounty Placed on Florida Man for Murder, Yet Convict Walks Free with Royal Pardon

Chapter 102 - Bounty Placed on Florida Man for Murder, Yet Convict Walks Free with Royal Pardon

In the end, Martin drafted a magic contract that significantly favored Felix, with the following terms:

- Freedom to Serve: Felix retained the right to continue working for Valley Lundop without interference.

- Guaranteed Admission: Felix would participate in the upcoming examinations without using firearms, but he was guaranteed admission to the Royal Magi Academy, regardless of his performance.

- Legal Compliance: Felix agreed to abide by the laws of the Dragoon Empire. Should he violate any laws, he would face punishment according to the Empire's standards.

- Limited Authority: Until Felix turned 18, he was under no obligation to comply with any authority's orders, including mandates from the Emperor, as long as he remained within the law.