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By the time they reached Selve, Oriana had already arrived on the Azures Island. The lord of the territory, Duke Maxil Selve himself, greeted the Crown Prince along with his guards at the city's entrance. A royal palace messenger had been dispatched to Selve over a week ago, which gave the Duke plenty of time to prepare for Arlan's reception at his residence.

Unlike the Wimark family, the Selve family's estate was actually located within the port city. The main building and its annexes were constructed from white marble with gold accents, architecturally reminiscent of the Griven Royal Palace, though on a much smaller and less extravagant scale. This was due to the fact that a former Queen of Griven hailed from the House of Selve and had the manor redesigned after her retirement from politics.

Since it was the middle of the night, the Duke directed the royal party to a beautiful villa on the Selve estate which had been prepared for the Crown Prince.