
Even though a multitude of monsters appeared in the city of Lindburg, two main invading forces took hold of the city within the first night. The Lizardmen referred to as Butikan and the Snake-human abominations known as Ahagin. The humans were no match for creatures that were either bulletproof or too fast for them to take on. These creatures had natural advantages that made them difficult for regular humans to take down. 

The first to fall were the populated areas, the evacuation area was also decimated. The only ones with a high chance of survival were those that had powerful abilities, or the lucky ones who managed to hide and escape the large scale battles. Guns were still effective to threats in the iron-grade but their use beyond that was laughable. 

This was the general information that Travis found out when he checked his phone. The broadcast spoke of the main forces that invaded their city and the so called "safe zones" established by the more powerful locals. 

Uptown Lindburg is where the rich and powerful humans used to stay is now home to the Ahagin. They sent far more troops than the Lizardmen and the quality of their soldiers are at Intermediate-Bronze at the minimum. While the southern region of the city is now home to the tribes of the Butikan, the Lizardmen. Lizardmen were far easier foes to face than the Ahagin, but the elites that lead them are reported to be at the Silver-grade. 

These two clashing forces along with the assortment of random other factions made it nearly impossible for humans to take a foothold in their own home soil. After one more supply run on the second day, Travis ordered Mira to just patrol the area and clear the creatures from the dumpsite.

Travis ended his first three days with a spar against Mira, after which he finally found the confidence to test out his skills on some live targets. He aided Mira in clearing the monsters that invaded the dumpsite for the days that followed. Slowly but surely getting battle experience of his own. He was transitioning to the new world at a steady pace. 

A hiding spot can only remain hidden if it remains inconspicuous. An area that seems devoid of monsters was one thing, but no survivors from the scouting troops of the Butikan? That was a different matter all together. One of the leaders of the butikans caught wind of the disappearance of his men, eyeing the area. Which is why exactly one week after the start of the new era, the camp of the 19 year old swordsman was found. 

In the middle of the night as Travis was cleaning up their dinner.

Mira barreled through the door before she shouted in a hurry. "MASTER, MASTER WE NEED TO RUN. NOW!" 

His backpack and the duffel bag were already stocked up with supplies, so he chose to listen to her. He ran for the exit, following closely behind her. His head darted around to check the area only to find a dozen lizardmen running after the two of them. 

"Our location has been compromised, Master Travis!" She explained. 

There was no time for small talk, Travis unsheathed his sword and deflected a thrust coming from his right. The lizardmen were gaining on them.

'There's still an hour left before I can get my second companion, for now we have to just run.' He thought, he looked like someone who just ate a lemon.

Bang. Bang. Whack!! 

Mira wielded a pistol on her left hand while spinning her staff around on her right. She used it to push the lizardmen away from her master. Her shots that were normally extremely accurate were displaced due to a mix of her movement and the low light in the area. Travis on the other hand had his hands full with dodging and deflecting every blow that came his way. 

"Prey." The dark voice of large butikan resounded in the dumpsite. "I see, that suit of yours. The regiments have reached this world already?"

It didn't take a genius to put two and two together. It was referring to Mira. The uniform that Mira wore was that of a soldiers, the fact that she was currently the largest threat to his troops was not lost on the Butikan Commander.

With a mighty leap he crashed onto the ground in front of her, cutting off their path.

'This guy's bad news.' Travis was now back to back with Mira, he was now facing around a dozen lizardmen. 'We can't beat them, if Mira is weaker than that guy then we'll have to stall until the next recruit comes in.' 

Mira holstered her pistol and the blue glow of her internal energy covered the staff that she wielded. Travis chose to focus on his surroundings, he was powerful in his own right though he only had 3 empowered strikes in his arsenal due to how expensive the cost is for his techniques.

Clang. He blocked a slash. Taking this opportunity another lizard-headed asshole kicked him forcing the young man back. Four of them surrounded him while the others stood there, waiting for their turn. 

'You're in my range now dickheads.' 


One slash took down all four of the lizardmen surrounding him, he purposefully blocked the first blow instead of deflecting it. Leading the lizardmen to assume that they had him in the ropes. 

The smile on his face would normally be endearing, but in the eyes of the others that watched their kin perish only fear was present. A powerful opening move, a statement that made most of his foes shiver. The others were now weary of the young man's existence. 

Sensing the mood, Travis decided to gamble. 'They probably think I can do that move a lot. It'd be better if they're the ones running if all I want to do is stall.' 

With the smile still covering his face Travis charged at the smallest lizardman he could find. A brief exchange ensued and soon enough the head of the creature dropped to the ground. Tossing both of his bags to the ground Travis walked slowly towards the others. They soon began to scatter and Travis was more than happy to chase after them.