"HIsssssss, That'ssss the bassstard that my brother wasss talking about!" A large snake with a humanoid torso pointed towards the floating Dark elf.
"Bring him to me." The largest among them one that had the head of a cobra. "They will pay for killing my beloved Ssson."
The Ahagin race initially sent in two thousand soldiers. They were meant to lay out the groundwork for the elite troops to quickly take root in the new realm. The Ahagin leaders fully expected to see their sons with a base already finished, the last thing they expected to see was the very same troops now being used against them.
"If that necromancer thinksss that we will falter here! Then he isss sssorely missstaken!"
The Ahagin, much like other sentient races have encountered necromancers before. As such they have strategies to answer this powerful threat.
Holy water? Fine, Vantak that's a resource that could always be avoided. A priest? They would give him trouble but he could always just kill those himself. There were multiple counters that Vantak was prepared for but the ace in the hole that the Ahagins prepared was simply far too much for him.
The Ahagins have hired paladins for the occasion. Specifically ones that follow a god of light, Vantak had no plan Bs for such a force. The paladins despite only being at Elite Bronze were powerful enough to shoo away the most powerful of Vantak's undead forces. Blades covered in holy light, beams of holy energy and the constant supply of holy water. This alone would have been enough but the Ahagins also hired a dozen priests to "purify" the land.
Ahagins, while similar to the common snake-headed demons in appearance are actually closer to humans in relation to species. Demons need the prerequisite of having demonic energy or originating from the blood of a demon, which is why Ahagins actually have local paladins that can worship the gods with high "purity."
For the first time since coming to this realm, Vantak was on the backfoot.
"Master, I suggest retreating. My undead forces can only hold on for so long. The paladins under them are cleansing my waves."
How does a necromancer win against its natural enemy? The simple answer is that it doesn't.
A better answer would be "It depends."
With a laboratory and a surplus of materials, Vantak could have created abominations that somewhat circumvent the weakness. But as of the moment, with only the corpses from the city, he is forced to use most of his mana in simply maintaining his troops.
Noah was sending Vantak relevant information in the constantly changing battlefield, the drones were a great help in keeping an eye on everything. The concrete jungle was already hard to navigate for most, adding the carnage that the new era brought only made it worse.
Vantak covered his troops with a green miasma, while the paladins could easily take down his troops and the regular Ahagin troops used some "Blessed" weapons they still had no powerful spellcasters that could dispel his miasma. Meaning that they would have to force their way through an that had a lack of oxygen.
This was but a small distraction though, due to their snake-like physique they have a higher resistance to poisons and they can hold their breath for long periods of time. Normally the miasma would be a deterrent, capable of holding enemy forces down but the Anger of the Ahagins could not be downplayed.
They wanted revenge for their brothers and sisters, this thirst could only be satiated by the blood of the Dark Elf that they mentioned in their last chat messages.
"Massster, thissss necromancer appearsss to be defending sssomething in the middle of the city. We can focusss on that!" A large ahagin with only one eye stated, clearly happy with his deduction.
"No, if that Necromancer is serving a master then this master should be quite powerful. Let us aim for the necromancer himself for now, the last thing we want to do is to offend a high-grade demon!" The leader of the Ahagins is a well-traveled snake-man. The master of such a powerful necromancer could only be one thing in his eyes, a demon with noble blood.
Demons, no matter the reality are often feared. The Ahagin leader who has already had past encounters with those of a higher bloodline, knew that offending one could risk the death of not just himself but his entire clan as well. Which is why he knew that the only target for their grudge is the Necromancer, he could also reason with this "Noble Demon" and maybe even strike a deal.
"Take the bastard'ssss head!"
"We will not falter!!! Call the paladinsss, LEAD THE CHARGE!"
The Ahagins initially came to this realm to set up a new camp for their race. 'They're just humans, the only problem we were supposed to have would have been the Terran regiments but now there are way more powerful threats. We can get our revenge on the Necromancer and leave. That should satisfy the troops.' The thought that circled around the mind of the Ahagin was reasonable, he knew that his kin would not simply cut their losses.
They wanted to get back what they lost or at least feel like they did. As a race of warriors and fierce combatants they prided themselves in always trading an eye for an eye. Wanting to retreat before taking the head of the necromancer would make him seem like a weak leader, which is why the Ahagin leader felt as if he had no choice but to fight.
But what the Ahagins failed to account for were the other invading forces from different realms. They were not the only warrior race in the city of Lindburg. The Butikan, lizardfolk were also after the necromancer. In most realities these two reptilian humanoid races are rivals and the Butikan troops were now rushing towards the Ahagins from the south.
"OI! SNAKE HEADS, IT SEEMS THAT WE MEET AGAIN!!!" A deep voice shouting with glee.
"HAHAHA BOSS! WE CAN GO WILD RIGHT? I LOVE SNAKE SKIN!" A lizard-headed creature standing at the same height as a tall lamp post.
A dozen Elite Silver-grade Butikans led by two Gold grades.
These Gold grades were at least 5 times the size of their kin. Powerful butikans that have lived for at least a few hundred years.
Sandwiched between the Butikans and the Necromancer the Ahagin forces were no longer the most powerful group in the area.