Terran - 1,241

"How does it feel to be home?" Travis asked both Noah and Mira. Their home realms are both Terran in nature. 

"Surreal, this Terra is far more peaceful than the one that I'm used to Master Travis." Mira was on top of a tree, taking in a deep breath as the fresh air cooled her down. 

"Ara, observe the immediate surroundings. Noah, I want a scan on where we're at. We'll set up a base if we're not in the immediate vicinity of a city."

"On it, My lord." Noah quickly mobilized six drones, each flying in different directions.

Ara would shoo away the local animals, while Travis set up a grill. 

Travis set up a few slabs of meat on the grill and just as he did so, he heard the sound of gunfire. He soon felt his face hit dirt as his small group was surrounded by soldiers.

"Greetings, Invaders of Terran Realm 1,241! We are from the regiment of this realm, identify yourselves and state your business!" This booming voice resounded from above them. 

Noah was quick to answer. "Noah from the 261st Regiment, Mechanical Engineer, you can check my identification on the bracelet!" 

 "Mira, 15th Regiment. Former soldier." Her hands were behind her back, she was the calmest among the trio.

"Don't touch our savior over there, we used HIS portal to come here! We come in peace!" Noah tried to provide as much information as he could despite being detained.

"Boss, their identification is old. 2 years for the woman, 1 year for the man. Aside from that the portal seems to have originated from that new Earth realm that opened a month ago."

"Then the story does check out, the young man is at Elite Bronze-Grade despite his age. The two of you must have trained him and propped him up with the early rank rewards." The leader of the group then threw a bracelet onto his left wrist.

"We're done here, I apologize for the rough welcome but you have to understand. Random portals could be from invaders, seeing as you're all human and 2 of you are already locals from the regiments I see no reason in detaining you any further." The boss of the squadron then paused for a second. " Can I assume that the abomination that we detained is under your control?"

"Yes, sir. It's part of this young man's Gift." Noah who was no longer being pressed onto the ground answered for them. "That's how he got into the rankings sir."

"Understood, I will not pry any further. Once again I do apologize for the treatment. A permanent channel to your home realm should be available in a few weeks when the regiments have established a base. For now enjoy the wonders of our reality." He then took out his bracelet and placed it next to the boy's own. A few ding sounds could be heard. "That's about 3,000 credits, A small gift for your troubles." 

"There's a town a few kilometers to the east of this location. You ca-" A beeping noise stopped him from continuing. "If you'll excuse us, another portal dropped in. Stay safe out there!"

They left in a hurry, just as fast as they arrived.

While Mira and Noah were fixing themselves, Travis ran towards where he left Ara. Only to find the beast was bound by some chains. "Mira! Noah!" He called onto his two other recruits as he cut through the chains. It would only take them a few minutes before finally freeing the snake-like abomination.

"I must apologize about their treatment of us, my lord. Random portals are often treated as hostile until proven otherwise." Noah used the time to appeal to his master. Noah's fault was in knowing but not warning Travis about the "warm" welcome that they would receive.

Travis understood the procedure that the authorities went with. While he didn't feel nice being on the wrong end of a scuffle with the portal patrol he knew that they were only doing their job. "If anything they were much friendlier than us when we were still at the junkyard." Travis gave a nod to Mira who gave a few grunts of agreement.

"The regiments seem meticulous, living under them doesn't sound too bad considering this kind of reaction to portal management."

His group came out unharmed and the authorities didn't confiscate any of their supplies and equipment. They were reasonable enough and the individual strength of the soldiers sent to welcome them were roughly in the Elite Silver-grade. "Noah, what are the laws regarding setting up our own camp here? And how much would it be?" 

"Humans from any local realm can buy land so long as they are registered with the Regiments, though soldiers and contributors to the cause will have lots of benefits like discounts and certain privileges." Noah spoke with a bit of enthusiasm. "Land costs quite a lot of credit though unclaimed ones like the one we're currently standing on could fetch decently at around a million credits for a few hectares." 

"Far from what we can earn for now, I see. All right then, we can set up a small camp near the town that he was talking about. Noah you can ride on Ara's back while we venture to the new area, Mira and I will be walking. We'll clean up any random monster that might come our way."

Travis would read the messages coming from both Vantak and Yeram as his group headed for a town in Terra. Their journey would be relatively safe due to the intimidation factor that Ara brought to the table. Meaning that while the forest had a dense population of monsters, these monsters were also aware of where they were in the pecking order. 

Upon closing in on the town, Travis would order Mira to watch over Ara. The sight of a powerful monster near such a small town would be difficult to explain, but her background as a soldier and the friendly looking smile could easily convince onlookers of the control she had over the creature.