"This clone has the ability to use internal energy is comparable to a platoon leader in the military! Adding its powerful innate ability lands him in the silver-grade, this clone is perfect as a bodyguard for when you travel across the realms! Buy it now! Simply call the following numb-"
Travis paused the video right before clicking the option.
He ignored the notification screens and focused on the new recruit himself. Standing at a height of 6 foot 2, he was by far the tallest among the three humans that Travis recruited. The only other humanoid recruit that was even close is Vantak. The clone wore a similar garment to Mira and the only weapon that the clone carried with him was an ax.
The clone then gave a bow. "Greetings, Master Travis." The voice coming from the dark-haired clone was clear, he gave off the same general aura that Mira did when Travis first met her. A soldier that was a stickler for rules.
"Hello, Nersook. I'll be calling you Ner from now on. It's only 9pm, the night is still young. We will be testing your abilities against both Ara and Nyx." Travis and the rest of his group headed out onto the backyard.
Due to the location itself being at the edge of the town, combat training wouldn't bother the neighbors. There was more than enough space for a friendly spar, the Ax wielding recruit stood on one end while Ara and Nyx were on the opposite side of their humble battlefield.
"I already know that you're in the silver-grade, I just need to see how strong this innate ability of yours is." He then motioned for Ara to leave the area. "This'll be a little exercise for Nyx too."
"Now, show me what you've got!"
Nyx, the Vetraxan had traits from different kinds of insects. These traits put into a body that's humanoid in size, would make them powerhouses that have no need for internal energy. Nyx was nimble though her overall attack power seems low due to her small size, her attacks were still potent due to her scorpion tails. With a single strike rendering her opponents dead or paralyzed.
Nyx rushed forward right as the fight began. Grazing the soldier by the arm while he tried to dodge to the side. Nyx let out a flurry of attacks right after.
Nersook, the clone was sensible enough to which attacks to parry and which ones to outright dodge. While Nyx was faster than him, he could at least react and tank the blows that weren't as devastating.
An exchange between the two of them would often end with Nersook barely taking any damage while Nyx tried her best to rush him down. Nersook swung his ax a few times but hitting the small and quick opponent was easier said than done.
Normally after about half an hour of fighting like this, with Nyx going all out from the start most would expect her to finally drop out due to running out of stamina. But her physical gifts as a Vetraxan made exhausting her a tall task on its own. Trying to tire her out would only do him harm and this would be the catalyst for Nersook's next few moves.
"Ahh, master I finally found some information on the Nersook clones." Noah pulled out a black tablet.
"Yeah? So what's his innate ability?"
"It's a powerful variant of the Beast Mimicry ability, A full on transformation into a hybrid!" Right as Noah finished this sentence they watched as Nersook grabbed onto Nyx's leg tossing her to the other side of the field.
"Then he was keeping up with her speed without fully transforming?" Travis was impressed, he then snapped his fingers. "Ara, you can help her now!"
Beast Mimicry is an innate ability that lets a person mimic the abilities of an animal. Giving them heightened senses and empowered physical stats. A more powerful variant of it lets a person partially transform or fully transform into the specific animal variant of their ability. The clone was now on the backfoot.
With the giant snake-abomination now targeting him, he is forced to reveal his animal variant.
He stopped Ara's tail swipe, a strike that could crush cars.
Nersook's whole body has now transformed, with brown and black feathers and the head of a bird of prey. Nersook turned into a Human-hawk hybrid.
Travis began to clap, extremely excited about the fight at hand. But he knew that ending it there would be necessary, because of how pumped the easily excitable Nyx was. Born just a few days ago, the temperament of the hatchling was hard to manage.
"All right! We'll end it there for now! Noah you can finish all of his papers and registration by tomorrow?"
"If we go early, We can finish it before noon sir. He'll be off on doing missions for you within the day!"
"That's what I like to hear, everyone else can finish dinner and head to bed right after. I'll be sending a few messages to the others before doing the same." Travis ended the day there. There was no need for anything else to be said.
His mercenaries were now well acquainted with each other and their tasks were set up in a manner where minimal questions would be present. Their goal at the moment is to collect more soldiers with Mercenary Recruitment while also keeping a low profile, gathering credits for their master was also prioritized. They needed the money for a better base and to also upgrade most of their gear. An extra helper was a great asset in this goal, especially since he was individually more powerful than any of the other mercenaries present in the Terran realm.
"A new recruit at silver, next week golds should be available again. I just hope that those officers aren't keeping track of us. Gaining two new members within a week seems suspicious..." Travis shook his head. "I still have the last scroll in case anything bad happens. I'll just escape back to the old realm..."