Guests with suspicions

"We recently learned that locals from your reality have the Gift of Gods. I suggest not hiding anything any further, Mister Montes!" The leader paused. "Show us what it is or things will get ugly." 

"Once again, oppressing migrant workers is just your shtick here huh?" Travis had one ace in the hole and he would rather die than reveal it to an officer. 'Piece of shit...this piece of shit. Here I was thinking that it was smooth sailing from here.' 

"You know what, how about this! I'm clearly not willing to share anything about myself aside from what I've already shared and you clearly want to pry that information out of me." Travis then decided to stand up. "How about just letting me and my friends go back to my original reality, it's a win-win. You get rid of me and I get the fuck out of harm's way. You already waved your dick around last time, pushing us out of the way even though two of our members were locals." 

"Do you think we're here to make deals foreigner?" The same officer from earlier asked, he gulped while Travis stared at him. 

"So you're going to throw me in prison, under the guise that I didn't give you enough information about me?" Travis reasoned out, clearly showing signs of frustration now. Only the leader was at Gold-grade, there were two Silver-grades and the remaining 24 were at Bronze. Travis at least knew that fighting all out at the moment was not possible. "Makes sense, I guess..."

"All you need to do is show us the gift, Mr. Montes." 

"And if it's whatever you suspect it is then I'm dead... right... Of course." Travis opened up his status screen. The leader approached him and just as he was about to read the text. 

BZzzzt. Bzzzt.

[Internal Energy: 32,700/39,700]

7,000 internal energy, gone in the blink of an eye. Leaving behind a trail of lightning, Travis used a movement technique to dash towards the guard next to Nersook. 

BZZZZTT. A mix of purple energy and the yellow lightning, covered his blade as Travis slit the throat of the guard.


"Kill them all!" Travis shouted out as lightning covered his body once more. 

Travis was sure that a loss was inevitable. In an all out fight with no Gold-grades on his side, it was a loss every time. Which is why he opted for the best option he had for survival, running the fuck away.

Nersook and Nyx were willing sacrifices and telling them to kill all of his foes was also meant as a threat for the officers. They had to be on guard with two silver-grade threats now running wild. 

Travis ran straight out of the balcony, dashing through with the movement technique from his more advanced book. A few of them tried to chase him but he was far too fast, advanced techniques are quite rare and to match one they needed an equal technique or an innate ability that boosts speed. 

Travis just continued running, never looking back at their rented home. "Chat!"

He opened up his chat option and quickly sent out a message to everyone. "Emergency, the house is no longer safe! I ran to the woods, let's meet up after everyone's safe! Ners and Nyx are both at the house. If you two also get this message then run to the forest! We'll meet up there when we can!" 

Travis was in a desperate situation once more. 

"Wait a minute... their job was related to this thing wasn't it?" A devious smile. 'I only had one of these before... but now? HAHAHA If they want to treat me like shit then likewise... prepare for the same.' 

Travis quickly scratched a portal open. 

As both Nyx and Nersook ran amok in the house, beeping noises came from their wrists bands. 

"A portal alert!"

"It must be that bastard, he ran away! FUCK!" A soldier stomped on the ground. "W-w-Wait no, sir THERE'S MULTIPLE OF THEM! Purples...reds THEY'RE ALL FROM THE AMOS AND ABYSS!" 

"We don't have time for this! RUN!" The leader of the group made the executive decision to run. Five portals leading to either the land of demons or the land of those that are even worse than demons. With the lives of his companions at stake the decision was easy to run with. 

With all of the confusion on their side, the bronze-grades dropped like flies. The vetraxan child and the Hawk-like clone were following the orders to the letter. While they did see the messages that Travis sent, they couldn't open them due to the ongoing fight. The two wild beasts continued their attacks, impeding the officers from leaving the area. 

'If I'm going down, then I'm taking you with me!' Were the last thoughts in Nersook's mind. 


"That should give them room to escape, I'm out of here!" 

When a portal scroll is ripped or scratched it provides a prompt to the user with the prefixes, and after this said prefix is chosen a portal opens according to a location that the portal opener sees fit. For each portal this preset chosen was a simple one, "Densely populated!" 

And so a large influx of demons swarmed out of the portal from the abyss, abominations and powerful evil races from Amos. He opened the floodgates, threats in the high silver and low gold began to appear. 

Travis didn't waste time, he ran for the mountain. "If this is what they want, then they can fucking have it!"

Flares were sent up, Travis couldn't stop the smile that was forming on his lips. 

The timer for temporary portals can run from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of one whole hour. Travis held nothing back and made all 5 of them run for 1 hour. 5 whole swarms of monsters, similar to a new reality opening up to the multiverse thousands of visitors came to the Terran realm. 

"I still have 6 portals, I'll meet up with whoever survives and hide for now. They could have avoided this shit if they just let me go, fucking idiots!" Travis continued to escape deeper into the mountain.