Two months passed by rather quickly, with his territory that was now far out of reach from even the invaders themselves Travis grew in power at a steady pace. With a few full rotations of his ability, Travis got ahold of 8 new recruits. With two Gold-grades, three silver-grades and three at Elite-bronze.
While the weakest among the bunch, the Bronze-grades were still extremely useful in their own different ways. One of them was the mass-produced clone from the Terran realms, a man named Walter. While decent with the sword, his main use was as a sniper. Using his decently sized pool of mana, his sniper shots pack a punch. His description stated that the clone itself lacks the skills to manipulate mana, but his large reserve of it had lots of uses when paired with the right choice of weaponry. Walter was in charge of surveillance, using the Basic Defense Towers as his home. As a former Terran soldier, he quickly integrated himself as a companion for Noah.
Then came Gen, Genevieve Byrne. She came from an earth realm that fell during the rift openings. She managed to survive for 3 years despite being just a regular civilian, though her realm eventually fell she at least served as one of its last protectors. She wields a spear and has the innate ability of Telekinesis. She joins Mira and Ara on their daily patrols of the island, in her realm she was a local of a place known as Ireland.
Last but certainly not the least was the most recent recruit, Mogbean. A goblin engineer, unlike the green-skinned variants that the others were accustomed to he has red-skin almost like that of a demon. It is in his nature to tinker with gadgets and create contraptions of his own. He currently works under Noah, as part of the maintenance crew that kept the island running.
While they were all at Elite Bronze-grade, the buffs from the finished statues and the Title that Travis held made them almost as effective as any Basic Silver-grade when they were within the territory.
The silver-grades that Travis picked this time around were mostly spellcasters, with the exception of Nerbak. Nerbak is an Ahagin, his lower half is that of a snakes and he has a human-like torso. His head resembles a rattlesnake, he carries two swords and is extremely nimble despite his size. Nerbak and Ara are the strongest among the patrol team. At intermediate silver-grade he is one of the regular sparing partners that Travis pulls into the strengthening tower.
The two silver-grade spellcasters that Travis recruited were Daban and Hamak, Daban was a 200 year old elf that practices the art of the Arcane. Learning all sorts of magic throughout his years. While Hamak is an orc warlock, someone who borrows the power of demons. Daban stays in the island, acting as one of the main defenders of the territory. While Hamak is set up outside of the territory, giving Vantak an extra source of firepower.
With just the addition of the Silver and Bronze grades alone, the territory has grown greatly in terms of both defense and general living conditions. With most of the populace being undead, the crops that were planted would only be food for a handful of people namely the main recruits from his ability.
But once again, the cream of the crop would always be the ones at Gold. The two gold grades forced him to choose Elite Bronze-grades the week after, which is why they were all the more sweeter every time he got them.
The first Gold-grade was an aquatic based creature, seeing as his territory was now fully surrounded by water he felt that it was only right to get a companion that fits the bill. Zeknartum, or simply Zekna is a Sea Serpent. Capable of sending blasts of boiling water from its mouth, manipulating the water around it and consuming any and all creatures that got in its way. Ara was but a cheap copy of the King of the seas. Zekna was the first line of defense for the island, adding a layer of protection that Vantak could only emulate with a few aquatic undead.
The second Gold-grade was a young demon, out of the egg at only 2 years old, the demon resembled a muscular athlete that stood to be as tall as a tree. As a demon king's scion, it had a powerful physique, access to both mana and internal energy as well as the resource that is normally exclusive to demons. Known as demonic mana, The demon king's scion named Deltrax is the strongest guard that Travis has. Boasting an overall combat rating of Elite Gold, he was also the hardest one to control.
Convincing those with a passion for something was doable, all he needed to do was to channel this passion for an activity that could benefit him. Having a lack of motivation all together, was a tall and nearly impossible task to finish. Deltrax might have been the scion of a demon king but he was the son of a demon under the sin of sloth.
Deltrax, while permanently tied to Travis was a lazy bum who would only move when it was for food. This powerful demon's only saving grace was its power. Deltrax spent his time, sleeping or lounging around. Swatting away any and all things that threatened his cozy environment.
"A gold grade is still a Gold-grade. He can do whatever he wants so long as he calls this area his home, he'll defend it when the time comes." Travis valued power just a little more than usefulness this time around. Deltrax might have been a bum, but he was a powerful bum that had no choice but to help him should the base be under attack.
Gaining more active mercenaries would be prioritized in the future, but at the moment Deltrax was serviceable.
"Sir Travis, I need you here at the main headquarters. It seems that we have a few visitors." At this message, Travis quickly ran for the control room. "Boats, around 50 of them. Each with soldiers armed with swords and a few guns. They seem to be dressed like pirates my lord."