Over the course of the first three months of the world's introduction to the new realities, multiple groups tried their best to reach the top and take hold of the fallen regions that this particular earth realm had. As such war between the strongest was a common thing, especially now that the world could have visitors that were in the Gold-grade or higher.
It has been a week since the assault on Travis and his island, any foolish ranker or unwarned group that entered the area ended up as food for the sea serpent. Slowly but surely, Travis absorbed the 60 internal energy pills. Taking his sweet time with each one, causing the growth rate to become 1,300 per pill. 78,000 points of Internal Energy, It was enough to push him to the top of Silver-grade. He was now just a few pills short of Gold-grade.
Title: Master of Otherworlders, Top Ranker (Local rank: 321)
Combat Rating: [Elite Silver-Grade]
Name: Travis Montes
Mana: 300/300
Internal Energy: 117,700/117,700
Innate Ability: Claws
God's gift: Mercenary Recruitment
The ally that he got just a few days ago was another Gold-grade. Luckily it was someone that actually listens to his commands, another demon. An ambitious one named Gitaxion, At basic gold-grade at the age of 500 he was the exact opposite of the demon king's scion. Gitax, as Travis liked to call him was an imp that worked his way up. He was now a High-tier fire demon, someone that took his time into growing as a warrior.
Gitax treats Travis like a king, wishing to do his master's bidding in his pursuit for further growth. The young man saved him from an eternity of nothingness, Gitax was a rare Gold-grade. Someone that followed his every whim, just like Zekna the Sea Serpent.
"My liege, our airspace is littered with flying invaders. Their leader wishes to speak to you." Noah reported to Travis, the device used was a communicator that connected to his ears.
"Give me numbers and are there any locals with them?" Travis, pulled both Gitax and Deltrax his two Gold-grade demons with him. Gitax was more than willing to follow while Deltrax lazily moved behind them.
Travis was in the strengthening tower again, training his control over Internal Energy. He usually prioritized his training over random invaders, due to Zekna's presence. But a report from Noah indicates that something more dangerous was involved, the notification he received was also pressing.
[The General of the Western Coast wishes to chat with you, would you like to accept their request?]
"Noah, report!" Travis didn't look like he was in the mood.
"Dozens of Aviantross, Flying warriors... though those staves indicate their magical origin. Daban confirmed that nearly all of them are spellcasters." Noah began, his calm demeanor was helpful but it was obvious that this wasn't a clear cut win for them. "They appear to be led by this woman, the one riding on top of the flying Manta Ray."
"Patch me into the drone, I'll give them the warning myself." Travis wasn't an idiot. This person was either the General of the Western Coast herself or a lackey of the person that was trying to message him.
"Be warned, you are currently reaching the borders of my territory. All I asked was to be left alone, I'm sure that I was clear of this message." Travis stared at the screen, engraving the woman's face in his mind. He then motioned for Noah to cut his mic. "Mobilize all troops, I want Mira giving a play by play. Call Vantak and Hamak back from their missions...This person's a high-ranker. I'm sure that they have Gold-grades with them."
Her eye twitched. 'He's not even facing me himself...Sending a drone my way? Is this guy fucking serious?'
"My name is Samantha Grey, I'm sure you've seen my message request. I'm the General of the Western Coast. I am here not just as myself, I'm here to represent the Western Alliance!" Announcing herself and who she's allied with made it clear that she was only there to talk.
"What does the Alliance want with me? I'm sure that I've made my position very clear. I have my region, you have your own. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone." Travis was getting antsy. He felt similar to how he did during the raid on his apartment back in the Terran realm. Like an opposing individual was forcing his hand.
"All we need is a bit of your time! The Strong-armed magician himself sent me here. As a show of good fate, I'm willing to enter your territory with just a handful of my soldiers!" She was feeling the tense air. She felt like she was talking to a brick wall. 'But could I blame him? He's been fighting alone without any other locals... not a single other ranker in the top 10k that we've conversed with has engaged with him. Only the Pirate Captain and a little deal over some blueprints with the Gacha player...'
Travis didn't see the harm in letting them in. With the mic turned off Travis barked some orders. "Mira, please lead the guards. I want everyone in their towers. Gitax, take Zekna with you. Welcome them to our borders, the moment you sense any killing intent or hostility I want you to clean them up for me."
"Noah, keep your eyes peeled. Tell Walter never to keep her out of his range. Deltrax, I know you want to laze around but now is not the time. We have a very important guest... I don't know if I'll need you to fight. But you will be staying closely behind me..." Travis placed his head on his palms as a few veins began to pop.
"Lead them to the Strengthening tower." Travis had a far more intense aura than usual, one that nearly all of his recruits noticed. "We don't want to make an enemy out of her group. But if we have to then so be it."