William made mentions of a woman named Linda when he talked about his short stint at the Gymnasium.
Travis knew exactly who he was talking about, the intruder who went to his junkyard. The first choice in the new era that he questioned himself about. 'I could always blame my past self but that will not solve anything.'
'I already knew how he reacted to Vantak being the slaughterer of Lindburg, the least I can do is to tell him the fate of his friend. Could I have been smarter? Yes... Yes I could have but I made that decision out of spite. I reasoned it out as inevitable because they could have compromised my safety but I overreacted... I was too paranoid for my own good.'
"If he survives the assault on the city of Lindburg then I'll apologize in person." For now Travis resolved himself into talking to two of his earliest recruits, both being allies that have been with him from the start.
He invited both Mira and Noah into the Strengthening tower. There was food on the table yet the usual guards that Travis had with him were both outside, keeping a more intimate atmosphere in the tower. "I'd like to formally apologize for the actions that led us to the Terran realm and for my ineptness during our short stint there. I should have trusted my gut and ran out of that territory as soon as the egg hatched but the comforts of living in an advanced society took me in. I promise not to fall for such things in the future. As two of my oldest summons, you two along with Vantak and Ara are some of my most precious recruits."
"I want to say that I appreciate the both of you greatly and without your help, this base wouldn't be what it is today. Whether you choose to accept my apology or not is up to you, I don't even need to hear the answer. All I know is that for that particular set of choices... for the situation that I put us through. Those were all mostly my fault. We lost two allies in that reality and the loss of Yeram... my first Gold-grade. Nersook and Nyx would have been great assets to us... I prioritized my own life instead of trying to save them. In my frustration at what was going on, I unleashed portals all over that forest... each leading to dangerous realms." Travis bowed his head. "I didn't even think of what would happen to any of you, I was selfish and I believe that I'm still selfish. I'm selfish in thinking that I'm deserving of being forgiven... even though I know that I'm not."
"The more I think about it the more I realize that, I've been weak this whole time. Nyx hatched just a few days before that incident, Nersook is a clone who hasn't even lived for longer than a month. They deserved the little bits of happiness that life could bring and yet I sacrificed them for my own life. The loss of both of their lives will be on my shoulders, which is why I will give a new promise to the both of you." Travis stood up. "The same goes for those that are staying right outside the tower."
"I promise that for every life lost, we'll convert it to ten more on those that crossed us. The 1,241st Terran Realm has not seen the last of us, The deaths of Nersook and Nyx are the catalyst that lit up the flames. I promise that once we've grown in power influence, they will be our first targets!"
Travis was shaking in anger, not just at the Terran realm that slighted him but also at his past self. He was frustrated with his own weakness, outright tired of his own selfish decision making but yet he could not blame his past self for choosing to preserve his life.
"I'm sorry for giving you this excessive amount of baggage today, you may return to your posts. I recently received a few messages from some top rankers. Whether they want to strike a deal with us or not, we will be busy for the next few days. Send a message to Gitax, his shift with Mr. Singh should be over by now." His apology was sincere but the malice he felt against the 1241 Terran Realm is one that was guttural. Their treatment of him and the fates that his two allies met during his stay there strengthened his viewpoints.
While unsure of what he wanted to be in the future, he felt that it was only right to avenge the fallen. The one-sided conversation that he had with them was an inevitable one that has been waiting for a while now. The constant defense of his territory along with the deals he made with different parties hastened his need to let out the pent up emotions.
With his mind now clear and his worries pushed aside, Travis now sent another message to the world chat. He was now a ranker that was close to reaching the top 100, those who monitored the top 10,000 chat would notice his message and pay attention to it.
Master of Otherworlders (Top 127): I would like to issue a warning for those that have been trying to visit my territory without permission. I have cleaned up your forces before, I know where you are all coming from now. I said that I didn't want any visitors yet you choose to trespass like it's no one's business. If you wanted to give me the merit points to reach the top 100, then you should have just said so.
The time for hiding would soon be over, the footage that Noah showed him of a hidden base up north was all he needed. They would soon meet their match seeing as Gitax the Evolved Flame Demon would be headed straight for them.
Screams would be heard through the communicator, the sound of flames and the ever so present flapping of wings. Gitax exercised his duties and he was far too giddy about it. Like a child that was finally allowed to have candy after being banned from it.